Li Mu looked lonely and dazed. He didn't expect to reach this point. He had this premonition from the first time he met Chu Xun, but relied on his love for Xiao Yaochi to suppress it. But he didn't expect that in the end he would Come this far.

He stood up slowly.

Go down the platform.

Look outside.

Hands arched.

He said loudly: "Please, ancestor!"

The Seven Realms of Saints.

It's not something they can deal with.

at the same time.

Li Yaochi is also destined to stay in the Star Sect and will not be taken away. Even if what happened today will become a haze, they have the means to erase what happened today and will not stay in her heart.


A vast, majestic and boundless aura slowly pressed in from the outside, like the awakening of an ancient god from slumber, or like the awakening of a long-dormant dragon. The pressure for a moment was like the might of heaven, and the saints in the palace could not raise their heads.


A faint sigh.

Seemingly helpless.

And regret.

I didn't expect things to come to this.

"The Eighth Realm of Saints!"

Chu Xun also felt the vast aura. It was very powerful. It was even more terrifying than the gray-robed swordsman on the fifth floor of the God of War Tower. The latter only mastered the pure sword domain and was not scary as long as he found a way to deal with it. The old man's true form has not yet arrived, but the coercion has already swept over him.

Fortunately, he is not a vegetarian. He has achieved a comprehensive increase in his cultivation level after breaking through the seventh realm of the Saint. Moreover, he has also mastered the seventh sword of "Nine Swords of the Heavenly Python". His strength has soared so much that he dare not say that he will face the ninth realm of the Saint. But the Saint They are both said to be invincible in the Eight Realms, but I am also curious. Both of them are said to be invincible in the Eight Realms. Who is stronger?


Over the Star Sect, an ordinary old man walked over. He was wearing a loose robe and had age spots and wrinkles on his face. He was already quite old, but his eyes were extraordinarily bright, without the turbidity of an old man. , only clear wisdom.

He appeared in the sky above Xingchen Sect. Even though he didn't deliberately reveal anything, he still attracted everyone's attention. People couldn't help but look at the old man. He stood in the void, but he seemed to be integrated with the heaven and earth, completely natural and full of energy. The eyes of wisdom seem to be able to see through everything.


"It's the ancestor!"

"Ancestor of the Star Sect!"

Countless disciples and elders of the sect knelt down one after another. Many of them saw the ancestor of the Star Sect for the first time. They wanted to take a second look, but when they looked up again, the old man had disappeared into the sky.

Palace entrance.

An old man in star-studded embroidery stood silently in front of the door, causing all the saints who had their heads lowered to look up, and said respectfully: "Ancestor!"

This person is the ancestor of the Star Sect.

The eight realms of saints exist.

Control the laws of the stars.

"Ancestor of the Xingchen Sect!" Chu Xun was also staring at the other party, and the latter was also looking at him. The moment they looked at each other, the pair of bright star-like eyes of the ancestor of the Xingchen Sect fell on him, and invisible spiritual oppression rushed towards him. The "Yuanshen Star" on Chu Xun's body was also rotating, disintegrating the aura more easily.

"You are very good!" The ancestor of Xingchen Sect spoke softly, walked slowly, and said as calmly as an ordinary old man: "Ordinary eighth-level saints don't dare to raise their fighting spirit when they look at me. You are only a seventh-level saint, but you look at me with high-spirited fighting spirit, which is very rare at this age!"


An old man with a hunchback.


All of these people knew the terror of the ancestor of the Star Sect. They did not expect that the old man from the Eastern Region would actually have a fighting spirit against his ancestor. This made them surprised and deeply afraid. I am afraid that he is far more terrifying than they imagined. Just now Saying that I can wait for someone to hold my hand is probably not a boast, but a real level of performance.

"I don't want to fight!" the ancestor of Xingchen Sect said in a calm tone: "This matter was originally the fault of our Xingchen Sect. You were not at fault, so I don't want to take action against you!"


The chess master looked a little unnatural.

However, the ancestor of the Star Sect did not even look at him, and said sadly: "As my cultivation level continues to improve, I am ranked in the eighth realm of saints, and I can master the laws of stars. Ordinary saints in the ninth realm can compete with each other. As a result, even the disciples of the sect are not good at it." , Saints and saints alike, their vision is constantly rising, and they feel that no one except Huangtian Palace is worthy of their eyes!"

"This kind of arrogance will always pay a price, and your appearance is the best and most appropriate. It is a logical reminder to these fools that there is heaven and there are people outside the world. I don't have much time to live. If I don't change my blind and arrogant temper, If you change it, it will eventually lead to disaster!" The ancestor of Xingchen Sect said in a gentle tone.

The two of them were several feet apart.

Then he stared and said: "I can feel that your life breath is very majestic. You are not as old and twilight as me. You should not be wasted here. I have old friends in Huangtian Palace. If you don't mind, I can write a letter to you." Let you enter the Huangtian Palace, and with your qualifications, you will soon be ranked in the ninth realm of saints, and even achieve great sainthood!"


Even the hunchbacked old man pursed his lips and had a complex expression on his face. They wanted to count on their ancestors to support them, but they thought that their ancestors actually wanted to give the other side a fortune and let him enter the Huangtian Palace.

Li Mu also had a complicated look on his face, but he understood that the ancestor did not want the Xingchen Sect to establish a strong enemy, and wanted to use this opportunity to resolve the grudges between the two parties, and at the same time give a favor that the Xingchen Sect could use in times of difficulty in the future. , compared with it, those little calculations of my own are simply out of the question.

"I want to take her away!"

Chu Xun's tone was calm.

There was no influence from the old man.

The hunchbacked old man had a warm anger on his face. He didn't believe that Chu Xun couldn't hear the ancestor's intention to surrender. He wanted to recommend Chu Xun to the Desolate Heavenly Palace. As long as he agreed, with his talent, he would definitely enter the ninth level of the saint after practicing for more than ten years, and even achieve the great saint fruit. Then he would come to the Xingchen Sect to take Li Yaochi away. Who could stop him?

But even so.

He still didn't agree.

It was really infuriating.

Li Mu's first thought was also confused. He couldn't figure out why Chu Xun chose this, but soon he understood that the ancestor wanted this short buffer period of more than ten years. As long as Li Yaochi's memory of today was erased, after more than ten years of cultivation, he was destined to form a bond with the Xingchen Sect. At that time, Li Yaochi also had a good cultivation and needed a protector. Chu Xun, who entered the Desolate Heavenly Palace and achieved the ninth level of the saint, was the most suitable.

And the reason why Chu Xun refused was probably because he thought of this. He didn't want to become someone else's wedding dress and work in vain in the end.

With the refusal.

The atmosphere in the field was somewhat solidified.

The Star Sect ancestor admitted that he did have a second thought, but this was not harmful to Chu Xun. Supporting such a talented genius and growing up himself was the best of both worlds, wasn't it?

"Do you have to do it?"

His star-like eyes stared deeply.

The pressure on his body.

It also slowly rolled away.


Chu Xun nodded.

He had to take Xiao Yao Chi away. He was already worried about staying in the Star Sect. Even if he left her in the East Region and gave her to Xiao Rongyu to take care of her, it would be better than staying in the Star Sect.


The Star Sect ancestor nodded.

He didn't say anything more.

He understood that once the ideas between saints were decided, it would be difficult to change them. Since he couldn't convince the other party to use strength to subdue her, he would not let Xiao Yao Chi go. This was the foundation of the Star Sect's future.

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