

Chu Xun's mind fell into a dark world.

There was a brief silence.

Three words came to mind.

Jie Xin Ling.

He slowly opened his closed eyes and muttered: "The purpose of this token seems to be to convey messages. No matter how far apart we are, we can contact each other!"

The old man in black robe and long eyebrows grinned. He didn't know much. He vaguely heard Yang Qingjun explain something, and said with a smile: "There are nine world heart tokens in total, scattered all over the world, and some have fallen silent like this one in your hand. There has never been a host for them, and some have been mastered.”

"And those who can refine the world's heart order are all geniuses with natural talents. If you are in the same group, you can contact each other and help each other in everything. The effect is far beyond that of a sect ruin!"

Chu Xun nodded lightly. The further he goes in practice, the more he values ​​resources, connections, etc. For example, if you need to refine some treasure, and you don’t have something that is needed, others have it. At this time, it depends on the strength of your connections, or if you have someone else in your hands. Scarce things can be traded directly, which not only saves time, but can also be exchanged for personal favors.

In addition, those who can obtain the World Heart Order are all peerless geniuses. They can also become solid allies when they grow up in the future, which is definitely a good thing.

"I'll feel the feelings again!"

Chu Xun said softly.

The mind is also immersed in it.

at the same time.

Outside the barren state.

Somewhere in a place where the rules of heaven and earth are extremely dense, a young man who was practicing slowly opened his eyes, realizing that the mysterious place was within reach around him, and he could even see the passage of rules with his naked eyes. He shook his head slightly and said: "This place The area doesn’t help me much, it’s time to get out!”


Stepping out to the outside world, the carved railings and painted buildings, the palace and the sky tower were as brilliant as a fairyland, and figures were also shuttled inside. But when they saw the young man walking out, they expressed surprise and said: "The third prince has come out of seclusion! "

The supreme dynasty.

The Feather Dynasty.

The third prince.


In an instant, many young figures walked across the sky, with flattering smiles on their faces. Even if some were older than this young man, they were still flattering, because the third prince's talent was so terrifying that he came to the big city at such a young age. The peak of the Holy Ninth Realm is only one step away from condensing the Great Sage's Dao Fruit. Such a genius is destined to take over the Supreme Dynasty, so it is natural for them to please.

"Brother Three Emperors!"

"Junior Brother Gu!"

"Third brother!"

The third prince, who looked slightly cold, was about to respond, but suddenly he frowned, and his figure disappeared out of thin air, appearing in a quiet secret room. He took out a dark token from the void ring, his pupils glowing with strange colors, Said: "The last token is revealed, and it happens to be number 9!"

At the same time, many figures with transcendental identities appeared in the secret room out of thin air in the Chinese mainland, staring at the Jiexin Ling, and watching the last token being revealed, they all had strange looks.

The remaining few of them have become quite proficient in communicating with each other within the Jie Xin Order. They vaguely know the identities of several of them, and they are more clear about No. 3. They should be the princes of a certain supreme dynasty, but their specific identities are unclear, and now in the end A number nine was also revealed, and they were quite curious.

3: Number nine?

4: You should be adapting to the inner order of the world.

3: Possible.

Immediately, the Jie Xin Ling fell into immersion, but the other people were very uneasy. They were all the inheritors of the Jie Xin Ling. They knew the importance of this token, and they also knew that anyone who could enter it was extremely talented. , with great luck, he will definitely have a place in Jiuzhou in the future. Such friends naturally need to have a good relationship.


The silent world heart order has stirred up waves again.

3: No. 9 begins to break into the God of War Tower!

4: I would like to know which floor he can reach.

As for the people in the Yuhua Dynasty who eagerly came to flatter them, all of them had stiff expressions on their faces. None of them were unknowns. They had a good status and reputation in the Yuhua Dynasty, but they were so cold-faced. It would have been inevitable for others. He was furious, but now he only showed helplessness and murmured: "This is the temper of the third prince, there is nothing we can do!"

Donghuang Holy Land.

As Chu Xun opened his eyes leisurely, showing a strange look, he looked at the old man in black robe and long eyebrows beside him, and said: "I found something interesting, I want to retreat for a while!"


The old man in black robe and long eyebrows nodded.

in this area.

Still absolutely safe.


With a flash of spiritual consciousness, Chu Xun appeared in front of a huge tower, the God of War Tower, which was specially designed to test people's combat prowess. However, this was not the reason that attracted Chu Xun. The real reason was because he saw a reward, through the God of War. On the fifth floor of the tower, you can obtain a spiritual practice method that strengthens the soul.

This is what makes Chu Xun's heart beat.

The earlier fight with the Buddhist monk of Ruozen Temple is still fresh in my memory. If this was not a clone, the boat might have capsized in the gutter. But once you have mastered a spiritual practice method that strengthens the soul, you will face the bizarre use of the six Buddhist taboos by the Buddhist monk again. He can handle the moves with ease and won't put himself in danger anymore.

This is also the main reason for this heartbeat.

physical body.


Fear nothing.

But this method of strengthening the soul is extremely exciting. He entered the God of War Tower without hesitation. An illusory figure in a blue shirt appeared and said with a smile: "I am the Tower Spirit of the God of War Tower. There are ten floors in the God of War Tower. The fifth floor is There are rewards at the beginning of each level, please use all your means and rush forward as much as possible! ”


After saying this, the illusory figure in green shirt disappeared, and the scene in front of him changed. On the cold snowy mountain, a vast expanse of white, a burly shirtless man walked out. He was as majestic as a wild man, looking down at Chu Xun arrogantly, and laughed: "Who did I think he was? It turned out to be a little old man!"

He was burly and strong. If we simply talk about size, Chu Xun is not as good as him, but the two of them are not competing in physique, but in real strength.


The cold wind blew.

Some snowflakes fell on the cheeks.

It was like a dream.

Everything was too real.


With a roar, the burly man ran wildly forward, the ground shook, the snowy mountains were cracked, forming a mountain jump, and fiercely pressed forward. The momentum he brought out was a little stronger than that of the saint of Zhenwu Sect, belonging to the fourth realm of saints.

Chu Xun shook his head slightly and said, "This is only the first level. Your strength is far behind mine!" He stretched out his palm and pressed it forward. In an instant, a huge millstone pressed down, crushing the burly savage directly. The entire snow mountain world collapsed and disappeared, turning into a shower of light and sinking into Chu Xun's body.


His spiritual power began to surge at this moment!

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