Ruo Chan Temple.

Nan Tian Temple.

The people from these two forces also frowned slightly when they saw this, staring at the two people who were fighting. The Buddhist monk of Ruo Chan Temple whispered: "These two are not ordinary people of the ninth realm of the human emperor. They are not easy to mess with. The water in the East Region is much deeper than imagined!"

The strong man of Nan Tian Temple also nodded.

Xiao Rongyu who awakened the Great Phoenix Body.

Jiang Zhenshan who inherited the ancient family.

Neither of them can be treated as ordinary people of the ninth realm of the human emperor. But the old man of the Holy Fire Sect is also in the ninth realm of the human emperor. It is difficult to deal with one of them alone. It is not unfair that he was slapped and humiliated by the joint forces. If they continue to fight, it will be a matter of time before they die.

"This is too much!"

The old man of the Holy Fire Sect burst into flames.


Jiang Chen was entrenched in the void, still as graceful and elegant as ever, with unparalleled temperament. Even the actions of several people in the ninth realm of the human emperor could not suppress his peerless grace. Every move of his had countless followers. Jiang Chen looked sarcastic and laughed, "You used to regard my Eastern Region as ants. Those Eastern Region geniuses who worked hard to cultivate only got a chance to work like cows and horses in your place. Now...what's wrong with bullying you!"

The sharp eyes.

The change of momentum in an instant.

It was not oppression in terms of cultivation.

It was a spiritual awe.

It made the old man of the Holy Fire Sect retreat as if struck by lightning.


"You are from the outside world. You can be domineering and reckless because of your strong cultivation. You ate my Eastern Region's Tianjiao in the Eastern Region Academy. We didn't know about this. Now that you are weak, you want to argue and suppress me with great principles. Now I, Jiang Chen, will also say to you: Bullying you is domineering, so what?"


When the Eastern Region cultivator heard this, he felt a burst of bad air in his chest. His expression showed unprecedented joy and satisfaction. There was a smile on his face. He felt so relieved.

The old man of the Holy Fire Sect had a flash of resentment in his eyes, and he wanted to take the opportunity to attack.

"Get out!"

Xiao Rongyu also dropped the voice with a cold look in his eyes.


It was like a thunder hammer.

It hit the heart fiercely.

It made the latter stagger backwards.

His face was pale and listless.


The Buddhist monk of Ruochan Temple raised his hands to ten, chanted the Buddha's name, and slowly closed his eyes with regret, knowing that the situation was over. It would be self-defeating if he continued, so he should leave.

The strong men of Nantian Temple also had this thought. Before the opening of the East Region Academy, they could still keep a normal mind. Even if the ruins failed, they still had the East Region Academy to gain. Now that they were humiliated so unscrupulously, they naturally had no face to stay here. They stared deeply at the two people of the East Region Academy, pursed their lips silently, and remembered them.

"Jiang Chen!"

"Chu Sheng!"

"I remember it in Nantian Temple!"

He turned away with his sleeves. At this time, there was no need to open the East Region Academy.

The reputation was bad.

No genius would come.

Even if there were two or three.

What's the use?

The investment was so large, what they wanted was the entire East Region, not these two cats and dogs. Thinking of everything they had experienced since entering the East Region, they left with a gloomy face, hoping that these people would never leave the East Region for the rest of their lives.


The Buddhist monks of Ruochan Temple also chanted the Buddha's name. The situation was hopeless. If they continued to stay, they would only bring shame upon themselves. They also said, "If any of you are willing to leave, you can follow me!"

What was surprising was that.

There were indeed some monks in the East Region who followed the monks of Ruochan Temple devoutly. This made many leaders of the forces present frown slightly. They had heard that the Buddhist practice method was very strange and could convert people and become the most devout believers. They did not expect that Ruochan Temple had not been here for a few days and there were many believers before the practice method was widely spread. What would happen if it was widely spread?

"We cannot let Buddhism enter the East Region!"

The leaders of these forces said silently in their hearts.

"The East Region Academy is over..." Nangong said silently. From the moment the Donglin Sect arrived, he knew that it would be difficult for the East Region Academy to survive this disaster, but the final result was still unexpected. The three major forces from the outside world chose to fail and abandon the academy and the newly built city.

He couldn't help but look deeply at the young supreme sitting in the void, knowing that if it weren't for him today, it would be impossible to go so smoothly.

In the city of Dongyu.

Genius of the secular dynasty.

Monks in the corner area.

There are countless people who rushed over, all watching this scene as if in a dream. The grand momentum created before the opening of the Dongyu Academy was known as the first force in the Dongyu, but after today, there will be no Dongyu Academy in the Dongyu, and the forces from the outside will also leave in embarrassment, like a dog that has lost its home.

Xuanwang Palace.

Fuyue Sect.

Wanjian Sect.

Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

Nangong Family.

The helmsmen of these top forces in the Dongyu silently watched the departure of the outside forces, and with the beginning of the Nangong Family, they also bowed their noble heads to the Donglin Sect.

Nangong looked at the red-robed woman in front of him with a complicated expression. As two surnames of the Eastern Region, they naturally have the background and intelligence that ordinary people do not have. They have already known what happened in the Eastern Region. The saints of the Eastern Region’s holy lands have all died, and the outside world has an order from the Desolate Heaven Palace that no saints from the outside world are allowed to set foot in the Eastern Region.

So far.

There is only one saint in the Eastern Region.

Chu Sheng.

This is also the reason why Nangong is willing to bow his head this time. Looking at the vast Eastern Region, there is no saint except the Donglin Holy Land. In this case, how can they keep their heads up proudly? They bowed their heads silently and said with a folded hand: "From today on, Nangong is willing to follow the lead of the Donglin Sect!"

Xuanwang Palace.

Fuyue Sect.

Wanjian Sect.

Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

These forces were originally affiliated with the Donglin Sect, and they were even more excited when they saw this scene. Knowing that this bet was right, even the Nangong clan lowered their noble heads and said excitedly: "We are also willing to become Donglin sects." Zongma’s vanguard!”

I don’t know how many people in the Eastern Region City looked at the scene in front of them in shock. You must know that the opening of the Eastern Region Academy attracted the attention of the entire Eastern Region. All the forces and powerful people also gathered. Now they see this scene that will be recorded in the history books. , was also excited and excited, and murmured softly: After today, Donglin Sect will be crowned king!

Sutra Pavilion.

Everything that happened in Dongyu City was naturally sensed, and there was no surprise at the end of this event. The outcome was destined from the moment the saint from the outside forces fell.

Gently flipping through the books, a trace of his mind always fell on the ruins. There, his clone was still breaking through the formation and was not far away.


"Two days at most!"

Chu Xun murmured softly, and was a little curious about what was behind the formation, so that outside forces came in so aggressively, even carrying treasures, without fear of losing them here.


In the depths of the ruins, a figure in black robes condensed and looked at the old man in green robes who was breaking the formation. He looked excited and happy, and murmured: "After waiting for so many years, there are finally monks in the Eastern Region. Came here...!"

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