Audiences online and offline were glued to their screens.

After seeing the atrocities committed by Hitler, they were more eager than ever to see Hitler's downfall.

【After Poland, the next battleground in Europe is in Northern Europe】

【On November 30, 1939, the Soviet Union invaded Finland and the Soviet-Finnish War broke out.】

【Why did the Soviet-Finnish War break out?】

【This is related to the history of Finland】

【After World War I, Tsarist Russia collapsed and Finland became independent】

【Although the newly born Soviet Union recognized Finland on the surface, it secretly supported the classless revolution in Finland, hoping to turn Finland into a socialist country and then bring it back into its territory.】

【So, with the support of the Soviet Union, a civil war broke out in Finland in 1918.】

【In order to defeat the Soviet-backed Finnish Red Army, the Finnish White Army accepted German aid and ultimately won.】

【This made Finland turn to Germany and hate the Soviet Union.】

【Although the two sides later signed the Soviet-Finnish Non-Aggression Treaty, the relationship between the two countries has never eased.】

【For Finland, the Soviet Union was too close and too threatening】

【As for the Soviet Union, they were also worried that Finland would turn to Germany, making it easier for Germany to attack them.】

【So, Finland became a bargaining chip】

【In the negotiations between Hitler and the Soviet Union, in exchange for Soviet cooperation, they acquiesced to the Soviet Union's annexation of Finland.】

"Hmm? Why are you writing about the Soviet Union and Finland again?"

When seeing this paragraph, many people were confused.

Some were puzzled.

"Are we not going to mention the German issue?"

"Let it go for now?"

"Murphy......Is the Soviet-Finnish War related to the entry of Britain and France?"

""Please read on patiently."

Although they were puzzled, thanks to the reputation accumulated by the previous content, everyone still read on patiently.

【Hitler thought the Soviet Union could easily defeat Finland】

【The Soviet Union thought so too】

【Because Finland is too weak.】

【Finland's population is only 3.7 million, less than the population of a city in the Soviet Union.】

【But the outcome of the Soviet-Finnish War was beyond everyone's expectations.】

【At the beginning of the war, the Soviet Union deployed 450,000 soldiers, more than 2,000 tanks, and more than 1,000 aircraft.】

【For Finland, which only had 150,000 soldiers, dozens of tanks, and more than 100 aircraft, this was a complete crushing force.】

【However, faced with such difficulties, Finland did not despair, but instead broke out with an amazing will to resist!】

【The whole country was united, and even the Hong Army, which had always been supported by the Soviet Union, stood up to resist the Soviet Union.】

【The Finnish army relied on complex terrain, severe cold climate and tight organization to resist tenaciously.】

【On the other hand, the Soviet army had just experienced a great purge, with poor command and serious lack of preparation, and also suffered from the problems of Emperor Daqing.】

【In the end, the Soviet army paid more than 300,000 casualties, but only gained one-tenth of Finland's territory and 70,000 casualties!

Investing several times more military strength than the enemy.

To deal with a country that is only the size of one of their own cities.

Surprisingly, they paid several times the casualties.

And only took one-tenth of the enemy's territory!

Although Fang Yuan gave a simple explanation of the reason in the content, when seeing this, countless people were still shocked!

——"what's the situation???"

——"Hasn't Britain and France always been wary of the Soviet Union? Is this all their strength is?"

——"Finland only had 150,000 soldiers in total, and their equipment was less than one-tenth of that of the Soviet Union.......Can it be beaten like this?"

——"Ah this?"

——"So, Britain and France have always been wary of the Soviet Union. What are they wary of?"

——""I don't understand, but I'm shocked!" The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned. Everyone couldn't believe that this would happen. Not only the ordinary audience, but also several judges in the studio were greatly surprised when they saw this content.

"The Soviet Union's fighting power is so weak?"

Jiang Wen was a little surprised.

Like the audience. Because Fang Yuan had mentioned the Soviet Union many times when introducing Hitler. And Britain and France were wary of the Soviet Union. In fact, the reason why Britain and France indulged and acquiesced to Hitler's expansion time and time again was to let him develop on the eastern front to check the Soviet Union. But now...


After laying the groundwork for a long time, the Soviet Union, which was feared by Britain and France and portrayed as a big devil, turned out to be so weak?

"What is his purpose in making the Soviet Union so weak?"

After being confused,

Jiang Wen first considered why Fang Yuan designed such a plot.

In fact, this was not Fang Yuan's design, but the original history.

In fact, there are many reasons why the Soviet Union could perform so badly.

First of all, the Soviet Union suffered serious self-damage.

From 1937 to 1938, the Soviet army experienced a major purge.

This purge was fatal.

Only 2 of the 5 marshals remained.

Only 2 of the 15 generals remained.

Only 2 of the 85 army commanders remained.

Of the 195 division commanders, only one is left.

Only one third of the original number of high-level generals remains.

This loss of combat effectiveness for the army is even more terrifying than the loss of Soviet high-level elites in the First World War.

To put it bluntly, the Soviet army has almost lost its entire command system.

Secondly, in the Soviet-Finnish War, the Soviet army suffered a very unfavorable climate.

In the eyes of most people, it seems that the cold climate is the most suitable home environment for the Soviet Union.

But in this Soviet-Finnish War, Finland encountered the coldest winter in history.

Moreover, the Soviet troops participating in the Soviet-Finnish War mainly came from the warm south.

They could not adapt to this unprecedented cold environment, and suffered serious losses in combat effectiveness.

In addition, their equipment is not suitable for this severe cold.

For example, if the tank stalls, the fuel will be frozen.

These have a great impact on combat effectiveness.

Thirdly, that is the willpower and combat effectiveness of the Finnish army.

War is not Paper comparison of military strength, weapons and equipment.

Battles where the few defeated the many are everywhere in history books.

And Finland is good at this.

They are the invaded.

They are the defenders of their country.

In this case, their fighting will is extremely firm.

In addition to maintaining a high fighting will, the quality of their army is not low at all.

Compared with the dull Soviet army, it is simply elite as if possessed by a weapon spirit.

And the last point is foreign aid.

After the Soviet-Finnish War broke out, a large number of Finnish immigrants returned to their country to participate in the war.

In addition to these returning immigrants, Nordic countries such as Sweden, Denmark, and Norway also provided great assistance to Finland.

They gave people money, food, and equipment.

The Soviet Union faced not only Pola, but almost the entire Northern Europe.

Not to mention that there was also the huge troublemaker England behind it.

When Fang Yuan wrote this in the document, and wrote down the reasons why the Soviet-Finnish War could be fought like this, everyone's doubts were slightly resolved.

(To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!


——"No wonder, no wonder it was so difficult to fight"

——"Our strength was severely weakened in the Great Purge, while the other side received continuous assistance. Wouldn't the situation be getting worse and worse?"

——"I said it, the plots written by Yuanshen are all supported by logic. How could he write a plot that looks fake and inexplicable?"

——"In that case, it would be difficult for the Soviet Union to annex Finland."[]

——"It's not just difficult, I don't think they can take Finland at all"

——"That's right, isn't this the same as the current Big Mao and Second Mao? They look like just a small country, but there are N powers behind them. It would be strange if they could conquer it."

——"That's right."

The audience was talking about it.

They were still discussing the plot of the story.

Their eyes were still on the Su-Fen battlefield.

In the judges' seat,

Jiang Wen was thinking about another question.

Jiang Wen was thinking silently.

"At present, the fact that the Soviet Union suffered such a big loss on the Soviet-Finnish battlefield is a small matter;......They revealed their true strength!"

"Such a weak Soviet Union was seen by Hitler......"

"Then what's next!"

With his eyes flickering,

Jiang Wen seemed to have guessed the purpose of Fang Yuan writing this section about the Soviet-Finnish war. He also had a guess about the next plot!

Not only Jiang Wen, but the other judges also saw what was going on.

Miyazaki Hayao analyzed:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I think there is a high probability that Hitler will strike again"

"The Soviet Union was so weak at the moment, how could the ambitious Hitler miss this opportunity?"

"I think he will tear up the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Treaty soon and take action against the Soviet Union."

Miyazaki said this firmly. He is very confident in his guess.

And this is not just his opinion.

"Not bad."

Little Leo nodded.

"And I believe that England and France would be very happy to see this happen."

"After all, their original vision was to untie the shackles of Germany, allow them to develop eastward, and restrict the Soviet Union."

"If the Soviet Union and Germany go to war, it will prove that their previous appeasement policy was successful and it has indeed made the situation develop in the direction they want to see the most."

As he said this,

Little Leo added another sentence.

He smiled and said

"If in the later plot, Fang Yuan wrote that Britain and France provided assistance to Germany, I would not be surprised at all."

"After all, the Soviet Union's territory is too large, and Britain and France would be very happy to see them fall into a protracted war."

Jiang Wen, Miyazaki Hayao, and Leo talked to each other and soon reached a consensus.

When Rowling heard all this, she couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

"Then, if Germany really annexed the Soviet Union......Who else could stop Hitler?"

Looking at the screen, she had a bad feeling in her heart.

At this moment, the four of them had no idea that the next plot and the next development of the war were completely beyond their expectations!

【The Soviet-Finnish War brought shame to the Soviet Union and caused Hitler to seriously underestimate the Soviet Union's strength.】

【Hitler commented on the war: We only need a few hours to deal with Finland, while the Soviet Union has such a hard time dealing with it】

【If we attack the Soviet Union with a well-equipped and well-trained army, what will be left of the Soviet Union? 】

Sure enough, after seeing the true strength of the Soviet Union, Hitler wanted to attack the Soviet Union!

When seeing this paragraph, several judges became more determined in their inner thoughts!

【However, Hitler only saw the poor performance of the Soviet army on the battlefield, but ignored the positive impact of the war on the Soviet Union.】

【It can be said that it was the poor performance in the Soviet-Finnish War that made the Soviet Union realize its own problems.】

【After this war, the Soviet Union fully learned its lesson, reorganized, trained and equipped its army, and finally completed a series of reforms.】

【As Stalin said, our modern army learned to fight in the Finnish battlefields. This was their first baptism.】

【In addition to attracting Hitler's attention, the Soviet-Finnish War also attracted the attention of Britain and France.】

【Because they found that this gave them an opportunity to intervene in the situation in Northern Europe】

【Nordic countries have long believed in the principle of neutrality.】

【Neutrality means not taking sides, helping both sides】

【Among them, Sweden's iron ore supply is particularly critical to Germany.】

【After the Polish War, Britain and France had been trying to cut off this supply line, interrupt Sweden's supply to Germany, and destroy Germany's industrial production.】

【But if they sent troops directly to Sweden, they would undoubtedly be branded as invading other countries.】

【But now that the Soviet Union had invaded Finland, they found an excuse - in the name of supporting Finland, they asked Norway and Sweden to allow their troops to pass through.】

【The presence of British and French troops in Northern Europe alarmed Hitler】

【So he decided to invade Norway and Denmark as well.】

【As long as these two countries are occupied, Sweden will fall under the control of Germany and will no longer be controlled by Britain and France.】

【Seeing that England had laid mines in the Norwegian Sea, Hitler ordered an attack on the grounds that England was violating Norwegian neutrality.】

【The German attack on Denmark went smoothly】

【When the German bombers arrived in Copenhagen, the Danish king immediately surrendered.】

【Denmark set a record of surrendering in just 4 hours】

【The attack on Norway was more difficult than that on Denmark.】

【However, it took the German army only two months to completely conquer Norway.


The German army did not attack the Soviet Union.

Instead, it turned around and attacked Northern Europe?

When seeing this twist and turn of events, everyone was shocked!

What shocked them the most was Hitler's strength.......

It seems to have become stronger!

Although Denmark is a little small.


Conquer a country in four hours!

Even though Norway had more twists and turns, it only took two months!

At this time, the situation is very clear.

The Soviet Union and Germany did not tear each other apart.

They are still allies.

And what about the British and French forces?

Although they have good ideas.

They want to cut off Germany's iron ore supply.

However, after sending troops, not only did they fail to achieve this goal, but they gave Hitler an excuse to invade Northern Europe!

In the end, they invaded two more countries!

As one gains, the other loses.......


Countless people had bad thoughts. Can Britain and France still stop such a Hitler ? This time, they finally guessed it right. In the next plot, Britain and France are about to suffer a huge defeat! And this defeat indirectly brought two other characters onto the stage. Their names are Churchill and Charles de Gaulle!

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