【On the afternoon of August 31, 1939, Polish Ambassador Lipski was still working for peace.】

【He requested a meeting with Hitler, but was refused】

【An ominous premonition rose in his heart.】

【German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop received him, but when he heard that the ambassador did not have the special powers to negotiate, Ribbentrop immediately terminated the meeting.】

【Lipsky could only go back anxiously.】

【When he arrived at the embassy, he found that the telephone line to Warsaw had been cut, and his premonition was confirmed.】

【Outside his window, everything was normal, but the sky was gradually getting dark.】

【It was also on this dark night, in the early morning of September 1, 1939, that the German army entered Poland and launched an attack!

The German army entered Poland and launched an attack!

When everyone saw these two sentences on the screen, they couldn't believe it.

The war they had always thought would never happen actually happened?


——"Did Hitler really send troops???"

——"Isn't this wrong? According to the previous plot, shouldn't he continue to deceive Britain and France, and then put pressure on Poland, and finally, like the Munich Agreement, several countries sit together and give Poland's Danzig Corridor to Germany?"

——"Could it be that......Did Hitler want to do the same thing as he did in the Rhineland? First send out troops to intimidate other countries, scare them, and then force them to agree to his demands?"

——"seem......It's possible!"

——"Yes! This is definitely intimidating!"

——"It is true that we have marched into Poland, but the next step will definitely be negotiations!"

——"Yes! That must be the case!"

Hitler's sudden dispatch of troops to Poland surprised countless viewers.

But after calming down, they also figured out Hitler's plan.

That is - dispatch troops, pretend to start a war, and then take advantage of the fear of Britain, France and other countries to start a war, and force them to give the Danzig Corridor to themselves!

The audience speculated about Hitler's intentions with reason and evidence.

At this time, the atmosphere in the studio was a little stagnant.

At this time,

Fang Yuan used the twists and turns of the plot to once again slap the judges' predictions of the plot.

Several judges looked at each other.

Obviously, they were shocked by Fang Yuan again.

Just like before, they thought that this time in Poland was just a repetition of the past.

Their predictions were overturned again.

The highlight was a twist and turn, unexpected!

"This shouldn't be the case."

Jiang Wen stroked his chin and analyzed the plot.

"From the above, Fang Yuan has written it very clearly."

"Hitler's acting skills were superb. He made the leaders of various countries believe that he was a man of his word."

"And what about Poland?"

"Poland is located in the east of Germany, far away from Britain and France."

"And it was Europe's first line of defense against the Soviet Union."

"Hitler had already assured that he only wanted freedom in the East. According to common sense, he only needed to work harder and he would have a chance to take another piece of territory without bloodshed, just like before."

"Why would they send out troops so suddenly?"

"Could it be......"Does he really want to start a war?"

Jiang Wen guessed.

Hitler might really want to start a war.


Miyazaki Hayao thought about it and gave a different opinion.

Miyazaki Hayao's opinion was similar to that of the audience.

He analyzed:

"I think sending troops is true, but I want to start a war......It should be false"

"After the previous blackmail, Hitler may have realized that"

"If we want to do it again like the previous times, it will be difficult to just rely on moving between countries and grabbing benefits for Germany without any words."

"So he needs to go a step further and put on an attitude that says"I will really flip the table" to put more pressure on the powers."

"Therefore, sending troops was actually to force Britain and France to compromise!"

"Put pressure on all countries!"

Miyazaki's view is actually very simple.

War is impossible.

Hitler may not be ready at the moment.

The reason for sending troops is actually to increase his bargaining chips.

The final decision is still at the negotiation table of the great powers.

Thanks to the concessions and compromises made by Britain and France before, this speculation is very popular.

Leo and Rowling also agree deeply.

Leo said

"Mr. Miyazaki's analysis makes sense."

"I think so too"

"After all, why go to war when you can get something at the negotiating table?"

"And if it can be obtained through negotiations, it will also give Hitler more time to grow"

"His goal has never been a piece of territory, but to seek hegemony."

"It will take a long time to expand the military.

Rowling said in a muffled voice.

"As an Englishman, I don't want to see my country compromise under Hitler's intimidation again."

"But we have to admit that......Well, I think this is the most likely thing to happen."

"Hitler's dispatch of troops would certainly scare the cabinet officials, as this was what they feared most."

Rowling was a little depressed.

In this story,

Hitler was able to grow up and break free from the shackles on his body.

England can be said to have made an indelible contribution.

And for a country like this that compromised again and again, who would believe that he would rise up this time?

Just as Fang Yuan wrote in Hitler's speech, a government that only knows how to protest is a spineless government.

When you say too many harsh words, but choose to kneel down after saying them, then the next time you say harsh words, others will naturally think that you are kneeling down.

The barrage of comments and chatter in the studio were all condensed into one sentence - the so-called sending troops was just Hitler's intimidation.

No one thought that a war would happen.

But, looking down, their ideas will soon change.

In the room,

Fang Yuan was thinking.

In fact, he could also foresee that when he wrote about Hitler sending troops, many viewers would regard this as a replay of the story.

After all, the same story has happened many times.

Therefore, he needed to spend some time to show the changes in the attitudes of various countries in this incident.

Let them know that this time......

It’s really different!

【What happened on September 1, 1939 was Hitler's first move after he had made all the preparations. It was the first time he showed his devil fangs.】

【In fact, if possible, he also wanted to annex the Danzig Corridor without bloodshed, just like before. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【But this time, it's obviously impossible.】

【Because when he tore up the Munich Agreement, the attitudes of various countries changed significantly.】

【In England, Chamberlain felt that he had become a world-class laughing stock. The scene of him waving the Munich Agreement with Hitler's signature on it became a glaring joke.】

【In order to wash away his shame and to show his toughness, he announced in parliament: If Germany invades Poland, England will fully support Poland!】

【England is finally heading for war.】

【In London, every family has a home defense】

【At the British Museum, 2,500 paintings were moved, leaving only empty frames.】

【In France, the French had already concluded a military alliance with Poland.】[]

【France said: If Germany invades Poland, they will attack from the west of Germany, take over the Ruhr industrial area, and crush Hitler's economic heart!】

【The French threat does not seem to be an exaggeration, because they have the legendary Maginot Line ready to defend them.】

【Facing the threats from Britain and France, Hitler seemed unconcerned】

【He said: I have seen the top figures of Britain and France at the Munich Conference. They are not capable of fighting a world war. Besides, why would Britain and France go to war with us? They will not seek death for a small Poland.】

【Hitler thought he had figured out Britain and France】

【However, on July 28, a piece of intelligence came: the British and French delegations would go to the Soviet Union to discuss the establishment of a joint anti-enemy alliance.】

【Now, Hitler finally took the threats from Britain and France seriously. 】


Hitler finally took the threats from Britain and France seriously!

When the audience saw this, they were also stunned!

——"So, this time it’s for real???"

——"Will Britain and France not compromise this time?"

——"So, sending troops is not a threat, but a real deal?"


The audience was shocked. They couldn't take their eyes off the new content that kept appearing on the screen! Fang Yuan continued to write:

【Hitler was very averse to fighting on both the Eastern and Western fronts】

【He was not afraid of going to war with Britain and France because he felt he was fully prepared】

【However, he did not want to face pressure from Britain and France on the Western Front while he was attacking Poland on the Eastern Front.】

【And more importantly, if after taking Poland, the Soviet Union in the east confronted him, how would he respond?】

【Therefore, he immediately determined the route: he was willing to go to war with Britain and France because of the Polish issue, but before that, he had to stabilize the Soviet Union!】

【Hitler felt that he could accomplish this goal.】

【For a long time, Britain and France's appeasement of Germany had caused Stalin's anxiety.】

【Stalin had expressed goodwill to Britain and France more than once, proposing to form an alliance with Britain and France to jointly fight against the Nazis.】

【However, they were all rejected】

【So Stalin had to come to the conclusion that Britain and France wanted to support Germany and let it confront the Soviet Union, and both sides would suffer losses in the end.】

【Hitler accused Britain and France of instigating an unfounded conflict between the Soviet Union and Germany, and stated that the Soviet Union would never serve as cannon fodder for either side in the struggle between imperialisms!】

【The Soviet Union became the focus of competition among Britain, France, and Germany】

【Germany wants to annex Poland, it must stabilize the Soviet Union】

【If Britain and France want to defend Poland, they must bring in Poland's most important neighbor, the Soviet Union.】

【On August 3, Germany expressed its willingness to comprehensively improve Soviet-German relations】

【On August 11, the British and French delegations arrived in the Soviet Union】

【Stalin sat in the Kremlin, watching all this calmly】

【At present, it seems that he has no problem leaning towards which side. He has only one goal: to seize this historical opportunity and make the decision that is most beneficial to the Soviet Union's own security.】

【So, what is beneficial to the Soviet Union’s own security?】

【On August 20, during consultations with the British and French delegations, the Soviet Union finally put forward its own demands: the Soviet Union can defend Poland, but after the outbreak of war, they will also enter Poland.】

【This demand touches upon the core interests of Britain and France.】

【They did not want Germany to annex Poland, but at the same time, they were just as wary of the Soviet Union as Germany. They could not accept the Soviet Union's westward expansion into Poland.】

【However, Hitler met the Soviet demands】

【On August 23, German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop rushed to the Soviet Union with Hitler's full powers and the power to sign a non-aggression treaty with the Soviet Union.】

【Ribbentrop arrived in the morning and the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact was signed in the evening.】

【When signing the treaty, Ribbentrop wanted to add a paragraph at the beginning of the treaty to express Soviet-German friendship, but Stalin refused.】

【Stalin said coldly: I cannot explain to the Soviet people what friendship there is between us and the Nazis. The Nazis have been smearing shit on the Soviet Union for so many years. Now, let's not talk about friendship.】

【Is there friendship between the Soviet Union and Germany?】

【Stalin didn't care, and neither did Teller.】

【Hitler only knew that his threat in the east had been eliminated, and what was left was only a simple goal - to take over Poland! 】


When Fang Yuan typed the last exclamation mark.

The whole room was shocked!!!


It was actually true!

Hitler was not threatening! He really intended to show his hand!

To completely start the war he had been planning for a long time!

In the studio.

Eyeballs fell to the ground!


Wrong guess again!

No more disguise or intimidation!

Hitler was ready for war!

His sending troops to Poland.

Was not to pull Britain and France back to the negotiation table to increase his bargaining chips.

Instead, it was......Let’s go to war!

"The war is coming!"

"The climax of the story is here!"

Little Leo was shocked at first.

Then, he became very excited!

When no one noticed,

Fang Yuan suddenly started the climax of the story!

Here comes the battle that everyone is looking forward to!

"Although Poland is not strong, once Hitler attacks Poland, he will have to face the large armies of Britain and France!"

"This is a big war!"

Miyazaki Hayao was also shocked!

Britain and France have compromised for so many years.

Are they finally going to face a head-on collision with Hitler?

At this time,

Jiang Wen on the side reminded

"Mr. Hayao Miyazaki, let me remind you that although Poland is small, they are very strong."

"The contestants have already introduced in the previous content that Poland's military strength can be ranked sixth in the world."

Little Leo also remembered

"Yes, although it seems that Britain and France are Hitler’s main opponents, Poland......He will definitely be a strong enemy"

"Hitler wanted to quickly take over Poland and turn around to deal with Britain and France, but it was obviously not that easy." Because of Jiang Wen and Xiao Lizi's reminder, everyone remembered that

Poland was also a military power.

So, everyone was a little worried about Hitler.

There were Britain and France in the west and Poland in the east.......

Wouldn't it be a situation where both the East and the West were fighting fiercely at the same time?

At this time, no one doubted that Poland could cause big trouble for Hitler.

What's more, some people didn't even think that Hitler could take Poland.

So, is this really the case?

On the big screen,

Fang Yuan wrote down new content again.

When they saw this, everyone was stunned again!

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