In the previous world.

Ever since Hitler's name became known around the world

"The word"devil" followed him like a shadow.

It became the most fitting footnote to this name.

Hitler was evil.

Hitler was inhumane.

Hitler was a butcher with blood on his hands....

This is the most appropriate description of him in the mainstream, recognized, and correct world.......

However, as the world entered the 21st century, as the nation that was once slaughtered by Hitler gained a foothold in a land that no longer belonged to them, and as their various immoral behaviors, the voice of disgust for Jews once again dominated the world.

As a result, the judgment of Hitler also changed subtly.......

As mentioned above, it is unfair to judge someone or something in the past without considering the historical background.

It is also unfair to judge someone or something in the past with current values based on the current era.

The great immoral behavior of the Jews should be condemned and despised.

But just because they deserve to die, should we approve and even praise Hitler's genocide?......

This is confusing concepts.

It's like the Koreans should die, and the Japanese should die too.

But if the Japanese massacred the Koreans, should we praise the Japanese


Can't we just let them both die together?......

So, the Jews who are not human beings are not good people.

Hitler is certainly not good people.

Napoleon massacred people, Caesar massacred people, and Washington also massacred people.......

Many of the characters we are familiar with have committed war crimes in the process of hegemony.

But Hitler is the only one who is so special.

This is not because he killed many people.

But because he really implemented the policy of extermination from the perspective of race.

The killing of others is just a means, and ruling and conquering are the goals.

But Hitler's ruling and conquering are the means.

Killing is the goal!......

In July 1943, Hitler said to Rommel: If the Prussian nation cannot win this war, then let them rot, because the excellent members must have died.

The implication is that if Germany loses the war, it will prove that the remaining Germans are not the"excellent race" in his standards.

And such inferior bloodlines naturally have no need to exist.

A person who ordered the destruction of Germany before committing suicide. It seems so light to crown him with the word"devil".


In the room,

Fang Yuan realized that the image of Hitler he created at this time seemed to be a little"positive".

This was absolutely unacceptable.

How could he only write about how he led Germany to become strong without writing about the crimes he committed in the process?

So, he wrote......

【In March 1936, Hitler successfully stationed troops in the Rhineland demilitarized zone】

【At this time, 16 years had passed since the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919, and the entry into force of the Treaty of Versailles on January 10, 1920.】

【16 years, a generation, the German withdrawal has made this area"polluted", this is what Hitler thought】

【So after regaining full and unrestricted sovereignty over the region, the first thing Hitler did was to eliminate the pollution.】......

When watching this segment, both the audience and the judges subconsciously thought that

Hitler wanted to understand the influence that France had exerted on this region in the past 16 years.

At the same time, he wanted to strengthen the military and make this place a bridgehead against France.......

——"The Rhineland is very important to France. From here, you can directly reach the industrial center of Germany. For Germany, it is actually the same."

——"Yes, if Hitler wanted to start a war, the first thing they had to consider was how to defeat France, and the Rhineland was a strategic location against France!"

——"If I were Hitler, I would arm and re-arm this place!"

——"That is a must, this is an important channel for attacking France in the future!"......

They were still discussing with great interest how Hitler would strengthen the armaments here.

Little did they know that the pollution Hitler was talking about was actually something else.......

【In Germany under Hitler's rule, the term"Jew" could be seen as a discriminatory term.】

【Now in 1936, there is another discriminatory term in Germany: Rhineland half-breed.】

【Rhineland half-breeds, this name refers specifically to those who live in the Rhineland state of German and black mixed race, it is a name full of contempt and discrimination】......

【During World War I, France had a large number of African colonies, so the French army had a large number of African officers and soldiers in World War I.】

【Similarly, Germany, which was competing with Britain and France for African colonies, also recruited a number of African soldiers. Of course, their number of black soldiers was not as large as that of France.】

【In the Battle of the Marne, the German army encountered a fully-organized French black corps.】

【These black soldiers launched a fearless attack on the German army under the cover of only a few tanks. Although the German army used all its weapons in this battle, its casualties were still far greater than those of these black soldiers.】

【Therefore, under the indoctrination of the German propaganda machine, the Germans at that time generally had a strange prejudice against blacks. They generally believed that blacks were bloodthirsty, murderous, and cannibalistic barbarians.】......

——"No? Isn't this about how Hitler armed the Rhineland? Why is it about the black mixed-race people here? And why is it about black people?"

——"What does it mean?"

——"What about arms? What about armaments?"

——"Is the writing off topic?"

——"Wait! I remember! Hitler was not only a nationalist, but also a......racist!"

——"Hiss! Then what he meant by pollution and pollution removal is not......"


Finally, someone noticed something was wrong!

On the big screen,

Fang Yuan's content was still being output.

Still, most of it was not about armaments, but only about race!

So, a bold idea jumped into their minds!

Could it be that Hitler wanted to...

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