Back and forth, he planted trees, distributed favors, and established strongholds.

The first batch of adventurers finally took root in the fox demon world.

Compared to Mars, which itself is not suitable for human survival, although the world of fox monsters is a bit chaotic now, it is easier to take root and expand the living space.

The Tushan sisters also joined in, but after encountering several masters of World of Warcraft, Tushan Yaya already acquiesced in Tushan Rongrong's approach.

She herself is not afraid, but ordinary fox demons really can't bear it.

In particular, the most disgusting feature of the undead disaster is that the killed lives will become part of the undead disaster.

For Tushan, she can accept the sacrifice of her people.

However, he couldn't accept that his tribe ended in that way.

"I stayed!"

This base requires experts to take charge, and Tushan Yayafu took over the task without hesitation.

Xiao Yichen nodded: "Okay, pay attention to safety."

Tu Shan Rongrong said: "I think we can discuss it with various demon kings and Yiqi Dao Alliance. There should be many people willing to stay.

What she said makes sense.

It’s hard to leave your homeland.

While ensuring the stability of the rear, it is not a difficult choice to contribute to the homeland.

Xiao Yichen opened the passage to the inner world: "Then I'll trouble you to make a trip."

Tushan Rongrong smiled slightly: "This is what I should do. I should be the one thanking you." 177

After that, she entered the inner world.

Tushan Yaya opened her mouth, and finally turned around and said: "Treat her better.

Xiao Yichen didn't reply.

Tushan Yaya didn't intend to hear the answer.

She turned around and left the camp, killing the nearby undead.

About half an hour.

Tushan Rongrong: [@ Xiao Yichen, I have contacted a good person. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Okay. 】

He can completely control the entire inner world.

In just one year, all the people gathered in Tushan Rongrong were sent away.

"You can make your own arrangements here, I'll leave first.

Tushan Rongrong has found masters from the world of fox monsters. As long as the Burning Legion doesn't take action, they can basically handle it.

What's more, Tushan Rongrong is still here.

If something really happened, she would be able to run away with people.

Tushan Rongrong said expectantly: "Why don't you stay a little longer? I haven't had time to entertain you properly yet."

Xiao Yichen smiled slightly: "There will be many opportunities in the future."

He switched to the chat group panel and chose to travel to the world of Xiaxia.

"A flick of the long sleeves beats the snow, the wind is clear and the moon is light, the darkness under Qinggeng Mountain is pure, hard stones are refined, and the sky is filled."

Qinggeng Wonderland.

The hibiscus guest lay lazily among the magnificent flowers, engrossed in reading the book of the gifted scholar and the beautiful lady, smiling so charmingly that he seemed unknown.

Qiao Tiangong stood up and said: "The distinguished guest comes to visit, and the plum blossoms are shining brightly!"

Xiao Yichen glanced at the book that was just in her hand and now placed on the table.

"The Overbearing Prince Falls in Love with Me"!

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly and he quickly looked away.

Qiao Tiangong likes Tiantie, Strange Stone, and Magic Armor. He also likes to watch "The Innocent Swordsman and the Pretty Businessman", "The Innocent Swordsman and the Pretty Businessman: Two Days and One Night in Shura Field", "The Innocent Swordsman and the Passionate Gun", and "The Monster CEO Forced Me to Marry". ”, “Chrysanthemum Collection”, “Embroidered Woman’s Sigh” and other books.

It seems that I will hate "The New Monster President Forced Me to Marry" in the future.

Because it was adapted after her own deeds were spread to the outside world, it was regarded as a shame.

Xiao Yichen swept away the cluttered thoughts and said, "No need to be polite. Do you need me to help you solve the problem of the father of fantasy?"

Qiao Tiangong shook his head: "You have already said the matter. I am not an ignorant person, so I will not disturb other people's arrangements for the time being."

The biggest feature of the Perak world is that many calculations are interlocking.

Of course she can use Xiao Yichen's power to sweep away all the haze, but destiny is on the side. It's nice to change the present, but what will she do in the future?

Xiao Yichen could help her once, twice, or three times, but he couldn't help her forever.

Could it be that she was like Lacus and the others, who owed more and more favors, and in the end had nothing to repay, so they had to break the rules and make promises with their bodies?

She looked at Xiao Yichen.

Not bad, very good teacher!

Seeing the Four Kan Realms with his own eyes, Qiao Tiangong couldn't help but admire it.

Without any hesitation, he crossed directly to Sizheng with his ingenuity.

It doesn't seem impossible... (cgfh) quickly shook his head and got rid of this bold idea.

If you only collect concepts, the harvest will be too small.

There are countless people living in the Four Rules Realm, and of course Xino cannot take them away directly.

The living old tree, the eight flawless life-giving tree, the bodhi tree, the mysterious root of the god of the valley, the laurel tree, the king of flowers, the golden tree tribe, the sword tree in the initiation cave, the tree of life,

The plot of "Pili" lasts too long, and there are countless magical trees that appear.

“How magnificent!”

There are many famous trees in the Perak world, and he plans to collect some.

Qiao Tiangong pondered: "Is it okay?"

Taixi Huanjie, Ancient City Dynasty, Taixuan Huanjie, Split World,

Xiao Yichen nodded, I plan to go outside the territory, do you want to come with me?"

Qiao Tiangong's character is not bad, and he is not alone at this moment.

The Four Realms is an extremely huge cosmic tree with four countries in it. From top to bottom, they are the Upper Heaven Realm, Poetic Celestial City, Immortal Path, Tower of Compassionate Light, Killing Broken Island, and Fire Mansion Buddhist Prison.

The four countries cannot communicate directly with each other.

Qiao Tiangong was eager to give it a try: "Then go and have a look."

Four realms!

First of all, the first stop is, of course, the most unique strange tree in the Perak world.

There is nothing interesting to see in the universe. After the initial novelty, there is only an empty loneliness.

Xiao Yichen smiled slightly, waved his hand, and brought Qiao Tiangong into the universe.

He opened his clairvoyance to the limit and searched all the foreign lands around him.

These extraterrestrial worlds are clearly visible in Xiao Yichen's eyes.

"Explore the universe?"

Although Xiao Yichen values ​​the Four Rules Realm the most, if he can find other good things, he certainly has no reason to let them go.

Qiao Tiangong's eyes lit up, "Then let's do it together."

Although Xiao Yichen is very good, she doesn't want to share the same man with a group of people.

The emptiness of the universe has no effect on her yet.

Although it is good to stay at home, if you stay at home for a long time, you will inevitably become restless and restless.

Because of her father, she has been a stay-at-home girl for a long time.

After some careful exploration, he finally found the location of the Four Kan Realms.

Xiao Yichen said: "It is indeed magnificent! Do you want to go over and have a look?"

"This is your world. Since you already have an idea, I won't overstep it."

Xiao Yichen nodded: "Although it is a bit xenophobic, as long as you don't cause trouble, it won't be a big problem. Even if something does happen, isn't there a chat group that will keep you safe?"

If you can take it away, just 'eat' it. If it's not suitable to take away, just collect concepts.

However, such a big cosmic tree is enough for him to eat until he is full.

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