
[Group member Lux Klein invites new member Yoda to join the group! 】

[Special reward: one million points, administrator status (progress 2/5)]

The Jedi are a noble group of protectors who believe in and revere the Force, and their origins can be traced back to ten more civilized and classical eras in the history of the galaxy.

The Jedi order is very ancient, having lasted for more than a thousand generations.

Over the centuries as the Galactic Republic prospered, the Jedi served the Republic as guardians of peace and justice.

The origins of the Jedi Order have been forever forgotten due to the passage of time, but much of their early history has been recorded by a special information carrier called a Jedi Holocron.

Only people with Force talents can activate these memories.

Only by using their skills can a trained Jedi explore its deepest realms.

Through the few remaining holocrons, some scholars have concluded that the Jedi Order began on the ancient planet of Ossus. 26

Over thousands of years, the Jedi Creed has continued to evolve and improve.

For example, although it was stipulated that a Jedi Master could only have one apprentice at a time, this was never the case in ancient times.

Respected masters, such as Arka Jace of Arkania, had several students, including brothers Ulric and Kai Kel-Droma and the Twi'lek Thoth Donita

It is very likely that certain events will become a factor in changing the existing Jedi Creed.

For example, during the Sith War, many Jedi Padawan were lured to the dark side by the promise of Sith power, betraying their masters and their beliefs.

Yoda: [What a wonderful power. If it can be used to maintain peace, it is undoubtedly a gift from God. 】

Lux Klein: [Master Yoda, we don’t know whether the world will continue to merge, nor do we know the specific time of integration if so. 】

Lux Klein: [However, everything will be successful if it is forewarned, and it will be ruined if it is not forewarned. 】

Lux Klein: [I hope we can discuss a peace plan as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary conflicts and sacrifices. 】

Yoda: [I have exactly what I mean. 】

Master Yoda once served as the supreme master of the Jedi Order and was highly respected.

His Force power is very profound and he has been teaching disciples for more than eight centuries.

Lux invited her to join the group because of her prestige in the Star Wars world.

The integration of the world is inevitable. Between the two worlds that are closely connected, Lux prefers to make contact first and maintain peace together.

Misaka Mikoto: [Speaking of which, why are the two people who went to my place silent? 】

Xiao Yichen: [Compared to chatting and spanking in the group, they now need a quiet environment to think about countermeasures, or maybe they are playing around with the demon gods. 】

In the original work, the demons were sent to a foreign land by Kamisato Shoryu's "Truth Farewell", and there were too many coincidences in it.

That is the ability created by the demon gods themselves. Even if you are a little careful, you can't really fall into the trap.

To put it bluntly, it’s a plot kill.

Kamachi Kazuma made the demon god too strong, and if he didn't do some plot killing, how could he write about it later?

Kamiri Xiangliu could have succeeded originally, but now it may not be possible.

After all, I saw with my own eyes that Xiao Yichen reached extremely high heights through another path.

Although it is still not comparable to the demon gods, Xiao Yichen's power is not restricted by the world.

The gods of electricity are extremely beautiful people, even though the law may not be applicable to them.

But the successful case is right in front of them, and it's hard to guarantee that they won't think of other ways.

At this time, isn't it impossible to say whether they will continue to act as before?

Wakaba Jisei: [When you talk about joking, do you mean being treated as a sandbag by the demons?]

Xiao Yichen:【Oh, ​​are you being beaten?】

Wakaba Jise: [They are all so strong, but I am not a vegetarian either. 】

Xiao Yichen:【So you were beaten?】

Xiao Yichen:【You were beaten by the devil?】

Wakaba Jise: [But it doesn’t matter, I can curse those ugly girls and old women so that as long as they see you, they will fall madly in love with you. 】

Xiao Yichen: [No, I just want to say that across the world, your curse has no effect at all. 】

Zhang Chulan: [Don’t leave after school?]

Xiao Yichen: [Compared to you, I have another advantage——]

Ruoye Jise: [Haha, I am already an evil god, and you still talk to me about morality? 】

Wuhe Shizhi:【Are you elementary school students?】

Xiao Yan: [Actually, it’s nothing special. I don’t have that preference. 】

Sofia Ascarut:【Huh?】

Rimuru Tempest: [Um... Lord God, I wonder if you still need a younger brother? 】

Tujian Mi: [Be careful, white hair and red eyes are special to Zhuxia people!]

Wakaba Jise: [I heard that you also have a magic eye that can kill everything. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Have more confidence in yourself and ignore the instigation of these guys who just watch the excitement and don’t take it too seriously. 】.

Ruoye Jise: [So cursing you directly may not really work. 】

Xiao Yichen:【......】

Wakaba Jise: [You cannot give up on this world until you have a better choice. As long as you dare to come, I am sure that you will be tricked. 】

Xiao Yichen: [...As an evil god, can you have some self-respect? 】

Sofia Askarut: [That...that is not because of the curse...]

Xiao Yichen: [Speaking of which, @Sophia·Yaskarut, do you need me to help you awaken your past life memories? 】

Zhang Chulan: [Girl, stop making trouble, you don’t understand the gold content of white hair at all!]

Wakaba Jise: [When your strength reaches your level, it is really difficult for ordinary curses to take effect. 】

Xiao Yichen: [That’s true, so how do you plan to curse me? 】

Ruoye Jise: [Hehe, come on, let’s hurt each other! 】

Wakaba Jise: [Can you speak properly? 】

Xiao Yichen: [Very good, I will remember you. Remember to open one eye when you sleep in the future. 】

Xiao Yan:【Shivering!】

Tsuchima Mi: [Be good, don't make trouble, you are already a mature middle school student, don't act like a child. 】

Wakaba Jise: [Be careful, I will draw a circle and curse you!]

Xiao Yichen: [I admit, your method is indeed crazy. 】

Xiao Yichen: [But now that you have said it, do you think I will use the same method to deal with you? 】

Xiao Yichen: [I am the administrator [can force entry into your world!]

Wakaba Jise:【I am the evil god!】

Tony Stark: [Where does this torture come from?]

Zhang Chulan: [Damn, he is indeed an evil god, so vicious!]

Takamachi Nanoha: [No elementary school student would do something like that!]

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