Han Li appeared this time and was not in a hurry to hide.

Although he had no plans to travel to other worlds, he negotiated some deals with Xiao Yichen.

Han Li: [Fellow Taoist, please pay more attention to the seeds of these elixirs. 】

Xiao Yichen: [It’s easy to say, I happen to be collecting these right now. 】

Serafall Leviathan:【Do you need special plants?】

Xiao Yichen: [There is nothing to hide. My root is the sea buckthorn tree, so I am collecting the essence of other plants and trees to strengthen my own essence. 】

Qianrenxue: [Can the martial soul be strengthened? 】

Xiao Yichen: [It’s always possible, but you just ignored it. 】

Qian Renxue:【What to do?】

Xiao Yichen: [The most basic method is to increase the soul ring. 】

Qian Renxue: [...Indeed, every time a soul ring is added, the original soul skill will also become "643" stronger. Looking at it this way, it is indeed the essence of the martial spirit that has been improved. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Now that you are also a god, you should understand that the quality of the soul ring can be improved in the future. 】

Qian Renxue: [In other words, as long as the soul ring continues to be improved, the martial soul itself will continue to become stronger? 】

Xiao Yichen: [That’s pretty much what it means. 】

Qian Renxue: [Is there no upper limit? 】

Xiao Yichen: [The upper limit is always there. How strong a soul ring you can carry depends on your own physical fitness. 】

Qian Renxue: [God can take the initiative to improve the quality of soul rings, but physical fitness...]

Xiao Yichen: [You can use genetic potion first, and then consider martial arts, immortality, fighting spirit and other methods. 】

Han Li: [Immortal path involves physical cultivation, but physical cultivation also requires spiritual roots. 】

Xiao Yan: [Fighting energy can strengthen the body, but the process may be a bit painful. 】

Huanwen: [Hengdeng training is not easy, especially for women. 】

In fact, the main reason is that Qian Renxue is now stronger, and ordinary methods cannot help her continue to strengthen her body.

Otherwise, there is no need to be so embarrassed.

Liu·Liang: [Can’t you do favors? 】

Xiao Yichen: [The agreed date has passed. Although the underground city has been preserved, the intensity has been reduced a lot. 】

Xiao Yichen: [And don’t forget, @千亿雪 is also a god now! 】

There is still a strong rejection of God in the dungeon, but it is not as intense as before.

The situation there may not have much impact on the gods of Earth and Earth.

The god Qian Renxue also has divine power, but if he can hold himself to death, he is about the same level as the main god of the D×D world, or even far worse.

When it comes to how Titled Douluo compares to the levels of Beyonder, Dou Zun, and Four Emperors, that's where they are ranked. In fact, the gap between the various systems is huge.

Han Li: [I have a general understanding of the martial arts system, and I feel that there is actually another way. 】

Qian Renxue:【What can be done?】

Han Li: [Train your martial soul into an incarnation outside your body!]

Xiao Yichen:【Good idea!】

Zhang Chulan: [Especially for a martial spirit like @千亿雪, if it can be trained into an external incarnation, wouldn’t it be equivalent to having an extra life? 】

Xiao Yan: [External incarnation itself is equal to an extra life, right? 】

Zhang Chulan: [But if the weapon soul is trained to become an incarnation outside the body, are you sure the life gained in that way is what you want? 】

Xiao Yan: [.........just pretend I didn't say anything. 】

Qian Renxue: [How to practice external incarnation? 】

Han Li: [There are many methods that can be used, and I don’t know which ones are applicable without spiritual roots. 】

Xiao Yichen: [So instead of wasting time to test the spiritual roots, it is better to find some simple spells. If she can learn them, it means there is no problem. 】

Fubuki from Hell: [If we don’t even have spiritual roots, then how can we even consider cultivation? 】

Xiao Yichen: [This is even the case with @hanli's world. We don't even have a basic environment in the world, so it's unlikely that we will have spiritual roots. 】

Horaishan Kaguya: [It’s so rude, love doesn’t last that long!]

Xiao Yichen: [I understand, it means it is stronger than I guessed. 】

Xiao Yichen:【If you can't learn, there is no need to waste time anymore...】

Han Li: [Please give me some advice, fellow Taoist. 】

Xiao Yichen: [There is no need to test. Martial spirits are bound to be awakened, but spiritual roots are not available to everyone. 】

Mi Toma: [Just get used to it, they often say things that no one understands. 】.

Horaisan Kaguya: [Oops, I feel a little shy suddenly. 】

Misaka Mikoto: [After all, according to legend, Kaguya is the god of Takamagahara, so it is understandable that she lives longer. 】

Mi Toma:【Is it so outrageous?】

Xiao Yichen: [Among the gods of Gensokyo, how powerful is it currently?]

Azisha Ezawa: [No, we are very young to begin with, sure!]

Zhang Chulan: In the Yuan Dynasty, there were twelve meetings, one ten fortunes, one fortune for twelve lives, and one birth year. 】

Irena:【Why are you shy?】

Xiao Yichen: [Who said that spiritual roots are necessary for cultivation? 】

Xiao Yichen: [In the final analysis, the function of spiritual roots is to assist in connecting the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. @Qianrenxue is already a god. It is obvious that this kind of thing can be done]

Tushan Rongrong: [Haha!]

Fulilian:【That's right!】

Xiao Yichen: [Probably because she is the only one in the group who has survived the Yiyuanhui 5.8. I am talking about the Yiyuanhui explained later. 】

Xiao Lingcai:【???】

Xiao Lingcai: [I would like to ask, what does Yuanhui mean? 】

Qian Renxue: [How to test spiritual roots?]

Zhang Chulan: [This is so right!]

Zhang Chulan: [Aren’t you always the one doing the debates in the group? 】

Xiao Yichen: [There are two versions of the Yiyuanhui. One is that the Yiyuanhui is 129,680 years old, and the other is that it should be 1.39968 million years. 1

Xiao Yichen: [After all, the biggest feature of the cultivation system, in addition to being powerful enough, is that it is often time-consuming and is beyond the reach of many systems. 】

Irene Berserion: [...Should I lament that I am actually still very young?]

Zhang Chulan: [Those big guys in the prehistoric stream can just retreat for a few Yuanhui. How can ordinary people afford this? 】

Zhang Sanfeng: [Yuanhui is a term used by Shao Yong in the Northern Song Dynasty. He called the cycle from the beginning to the end of the world Yuan, saying, "One Yuan begins again, and everything is renewed." 】

Xiao Yichen: [I have already said that I can only speculate. Of course, I can only confirm the details by asking the person involved. 】

Horaishan Kaguya: [Maybe it’s a little weaker than you think. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Although it may be a bit difficult to practice from scratch. 】

Xiao Yichen: [But just learning some techniques to utilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth should not be a big problem. 】

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