Xiao Yichen didn't know what was going on outside the fox demon world.

He didn't like sad dramas very much, so he didn't even watch the rest of Pili.

Tony Stark: [@梦梦·Belia·Debiluke, I would like to exchange with you the research information of the Jili Gulu Planet Transformer. 】

Mengmeng Belia Debiruke: [Okay. 】

Funina: [@ Xiao Yichen, how are you preparing for the new version of the oracle machine? 】

Xiao Yichen: [It has been done a long time ago and is currently running well. 】

Funina: [I want to change. 】

Xiao Yichen:【Information or finished product?】

Funina: [Information. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Okay. 】

Tushan Rongrong: [I feel complicated. 】

Irena: [No, you should be happy. 】

Tushan Rongrong: [Think about it carefully. 】

Irena: [What are you thinking about?]

Horaishan Kaguya: [You are on the second floor, and Miss Tushan is on the third floor, or even the fifth floor. 】

Xiao Lingcai: [Huh? It’s just a simple transaction, is it that complicated? 】

Wuhe Shizhi: [I can probably understand that there is a transaction on one side and a direct payment on the other. This is differential treatment. 】

Tsuchima Mi: [The transaction is a normal exchange, and the direct explanation has a lot to do with it. Of course, there may be evil intentions. 】

Azusa Ezawa: [From Irena-chan’s point of view, it’s a good thing that she’s not being plotted against anyone. This is probably true. 】

Qiao Tiangong: [But if even a philandering person doesn’t care about you, can you really be happy? 】

Xiao Lingcai: [...It seems, is this the truth? 】

Fulilian: [Is it so complicated? 】

Xiao Yichen: [I am the one with complicated emotions. 】

Qiao Tiangong: [If there are flowers, you can break them straight away, but don’t wait until there are no flowers to break branches. It is common sense for a young man to admire his love. 】

Xiao Yichen: [I just don’t refuse. 】

Zhang Chulan: [No rejection, no initiative, no commitment, no responsibility, no retention. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Don’t talk nonsense, I only admit the first point. 】

Depending on the situation, he will take the initiative.

Otherwise, given Liu’s temperament, it’s not known how long it will take to reach this point.

He promises that he won't give it easily, but it doesn't mean he won't give it.

As for being responsible, there is no need to say more.

If he wasn't responsible, there wouldn't be so many people following him.

Nakiri Erina:【Trouble!】

Tsuchima Mi:【What happened?】

Store manager: [I saw Nakiri. 】

Liu Pleiades: [Don’t you see me often? 】

Nakiri Erina: [I saw the Nekoya Western Restaurant on the roadside in the car. I thought it was just the same name, but it turned out

Store Manager: [The whole street suddenly became Yuanyue’s property, which made me feel very emotional. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Since you are not affected, then check your relatives and friends to see if there are any missing people. 】

Nakiri Erina: [Already doing it. 】

Nakiri Erina: [No relatives or friends have been found missing yet, but several shareholders have confirmed that they have changed people. 】

Xiao Yichen: [So, can you go to the other world through the cat house? 】

Store manager: [It’s always possible, but I don’t have any eggs. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Could it be a big sword?]

Xiao Yichen: [The setting of Big Sword makes it very clear that there are two major hostile forces on the continent close to the area where Big Sword is located, a national group that organizes one side and a race of supermen with hard skins like descendants of dragons. The other group of countries fought a very fierce war. 】

Erin Berserion: [Well, you know?]

Misaka Mikoto: [That’s equivalent to the population of an entire world. Just erasing it or something wouldn’t be so hasty, right? 】

Zhang Chulan: [In terms of compatibility, it would probably be DC. 】

In the vast world, planes meet, thousands of races stand in great numbers, and heroes gather together.

Eileen Belserion: [It seems to be called a demon?]

He directly sent Tony a bunch of DC comics and movies.

Tony Stark: [I’m also curious, what kind of world will merge with mine? 】

Xiao Yichen:【Tsk!】

Xiao Yichen: [What you should think about is whether the upper world on your side will allow other worlds to merge 1

Of course, if it is a more powerful world, then it depends on what the other side thinks.

The phenomenon of world integration has already occurred.

Xiao Yichen: [Due to the danger of the awakened body, this experiment is set on the continent where the protagonist is located. 】

Horaishan Kaguya: [It’s nothing more than being sent to a parallel world, or being erased from the world. 】

Xiao Yan: [I remember you said that there is an upper realm in my world, right? If world fusion happens on my side, can I still go to the upper realm? 】

Xiao Yichen: [In order to counter the thick leather armor and combat strength of the superhuman race, this national group established the Great Sword Organization and began experiments with the Great Sword, in an attempt to create controllable awakened bodies and throw them into the war. 】

Xiao Yan: [If you don’t have hope, you won’t be disappointed. With hope, medical hope will be more profound. 】

Zhang Chulan: [Sister, don’t have hope, otherwise you will only be disappointed. 】

Zhang Chulan: [No, how did these two wealthy people get connected?]

Zhang Chulan: [I will send it to you directly, and you can study it yourself slowly. 】

One by one, the supreme beings from the lower planes of heaven are performing desirable legends in this endless world, pursuing the path of domination.

Xiao Yichen: [In that case, if necessary, you can consider sending your relatives and friends to settle there. 】

The connections between the worlds of the group members have already been established, and the problem is only occurring now, which is considered too slow.

Misaka Mikoto: [Aren’t you curious about where those disappeared people went? 】

But with the power of Heavenly Supreme [it is still no problem to deal with the ordinary world.

Erin Berserion: [I also have some trouble here. It seems that someone made some messy things in order to deal with the dragon. 】

Misaka Mikoto: [It seems to mean the same thing, but something feels weird. 】

Although Xiao Yan is still wandering in the lower realm, no one in the world has left his name on the sky list for the time being.

Xiao Yichen: [The world is never gentle. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Fairy Tail is one of them. With the strength of the dragon in the Fairy Tail world, it can be regarded as indirectly raising the combat power level of the great sword. 】.

Tu Shan Rongrong: [Ask what love is in this world, I’ll tell you that it’s hard to cross the magpie bridge to get through the pain of lovesickness, I’ll tell you that it’s hard to find the sweetness of a heart that turns into a butterfly, I’ll tell you to go against the gods and abandon heaven and return home, I’ll tell you to wait for thousands of times, in fact, love It's very simple, if you don't expect it, you won't be hurt. 】

Horaishan Kaguya: [Don’t think too much, it will take care of you. 】

Xiao Yichen: [So in some comic novels, the world with dragons and the world with big swords are mixed into one world view. skillful】

Tony Stark: [Tell me. 】

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