A lonely man and a widow, making firewood and burning fire.

On the one hand, I have long been awakened, and on the other hand, I will not reject anyone who comes.

What happened next is not enough for outsiders to understand.

Xiao Yichen has only one idea——

Twin ponytails, race high!

In fact, after calming down afterwards, you can understand Serafall's thoughts with a little thought.

Others are unwilling to follow Xiao Yichen, a strange and strong man, and take risks in the cracks of dimensions.

If Serafall couldn't shirk it, how could she be willing?

Originally, she had prepared a lot of filings, but undoubtedly all the filings added up were not as reliable as they are now.

During her time in the group, she had gained a lot of understanding of Xiao Yichen's character and character.

Although he is a little carefree, at least he is responsible.

Once you become his person, you don't have to worry about being abandoned by him, let alone being tricked to death by him.

As for the problem of flirting, Gomel is a devil.

Is Xiao Yichen's problem considered a problem among the demon clan?

Of course she was unhappy, after all, she was a strong woman.

But it is better to get married after all, and it is better to get someone like Xiao Yichen who is relatively strong than to get the other 26 immortals.

Not to mention, she has indeed grown to the level of a transcendent.

Hundreds of years have made her fully understand that everything may be fake, only her own strength will not deceive others.

With this power, many things that I couldn't do before can now be considered.

"What are you thinking about?"

Although the two of them wasted some time, they kept sharpening their swords and chopping firewood.

With the strength of the transcendent level, Han Laer's pressure in the dimensional gap is also smaller.

It was time for Xiao Yichen to take her with him, so he naturally felt a lot more relaxed.

Following the guidance of the Great Red, they have been traveling between dimensions for quite some time.

Of course, there is no concept of time here.

The so-called 'a lot of time' is just a habitual cognition.

Serafall straightened her tangled hair: "Nothing, I was just thinking about what surname I should use if I have a child."

Xiao Yichen said domineeringly: "Do you even need to ask? Of course it's my last name!"

Serafall pinched his waist gently: "Don't go too far, Leviathan's position still needs someone to inherit it."

Xiao Yichen said confidently: "The status of a mere demon king cannot compare to the status of my wife and daughter!"

Serafall was silent.

The status of the Demon King is not low anymore, and he can sit on an equal footing with the gods.

But Xiao Yichen is different.

This kind of strong man who can annihilate stars can't be found in the D×D world.

With such power, no matter where you go, you will be treated as a guest of honor.

Let alone the devil she is.

Thinking about it, even if he is the main god, as long as he likes it, some forces will definitely not mind helping him throw it on his bed.

"Don't act like you're worrying about gains and losses, I'll feel bad."

Xiao Yichen gently tapped the tip of her nose, "You are mine now, so you should understand my position. Even if you are still weak, I will help you become stronger. Besides, have you forgotten Lacus?"

The Demon King level can destroy a country on its own.

Where's Lux?

An ordinary person.

The identity of the adjuster is only a talented player guided by artificial intelligence.

In essence, they are not out of the category of normal humans.

"Big radish!"

Serafall cursed unhappily, but her mood felt much better.

Xiao Yichen was about to say something when he suddenly jumped up and stopped: "Found it!"

Serafall was stunned for a moment, and then she was led by Xiao Yichen and plunged into a new world.

The world of Evis-Etourute is a world where mechanical life forms and elves are in opposition.

The evil god Melvazoa sits in the E×E world and confronts the Elf God;

The world is divided into two parts by the good god Leshan Torash, who is in charge of the elves, and the evil god Melvazoa, who is in charge of the mechanical life forms, and each controls its own domain.

Taking one step forward, he has arrived at the realm of the elves.

The location they entered unfortunately happened to be on the evil god's side.

Xiao Yichen's voice enveloped the area where Leshan Tolash was located.

The movements here must not be hidden from the evil eye, and this is not the place to talk about things. .

These mechanical soldiers are humanoid fusions of organic and inorganic substances.

The evil ghost fleet led by Regalzeva has destroyed countless worlds and destroyed a large number of planets before.

When you enter the world, you can see the two distinct areas.

So this distribution is not surprising.

Protruding, with limbs, all covered with my silver skin.

There was no need for any moves, Xiao Yichen raised his palm to form a knife and struck several times in succession.

Tell the truth.

So not long after he appeared, he was discovered by the patrolling mechanical soldiers.

The next moment, among the majestic divine power, the high-level elves and gods such as the Good God Leshan Tuolashi, the Holy Mother God Qimu Nei Qipaopi appeared together in the sky.

However, this ability is nothing in front of Xiao Yichen's direct death eyes.

Nothing can be seen outside the world.

There is a cyan hard object on the surface similar to an insect exoskeleton.

If the evil god hadn't put most of his energy into conquering other worlds, the Elf God would have been unable to hold on long ago.

Xiao Yichen said: "What I just said is very clear. Miss Serafall Leviathan is the envoy this time. Although I am her 563 husband, I only appear as a bodyguard this time."

They first looked at Xiao Yichen: "Dear strong man, please explain your purpose of coming."

The five cyan eyes can shoot red light that can change freely, bounce off the holy sword, and easily pass through the magic circle that defends against physical attacks and magic attacks.

Serafall accepted Xiao Yichen's setting calmly and stepped forward and said: "The evil god threatens our world. We may not be able to face such an opponent independently, so we hope to reach cooperation with Gu Fang."

The evil ghost god Regalzeva leads the evil ghost god fleet to fight in all directions;

After all, there are three evil gods on the evil god’s side——

Just one Melvazoa can still overwhelm the elves and gods, let alone the three parties joining forces.

This matter is not a secret in the E×E world.

The flying slashes directly followed the death line and dismembered them all.

"Intruder, die!"

A strong person may not necessarily be eloquent, let alone good at diplomacy.

Even if it is torn apart, countless tentacles will appear at the break point for quick recovery.

Demon God Seraselbeth seems to be in the FxF world.

Leshan Tuolashi glanced at Xiao Yichen, then turned sideways and invited: "You two, please come in and talk in detail.

"The envoys of the demon clan in the D×D world are here to envoy the elves. Please come and see the good god Leshan Tuolash."

Leshan Tuolashi leaned forward and asked, "Mrs. Serafall, what do you have to say?"

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