Group Chat: If You Want To Be Rich, Plant Trees First

Chapter 3 Returning Home (With Abundant Financial Resources)

Before a child is born, he needs all kinds of care.

Now that the baby has been born, many worries are gone.

Xiao Yichen still did not allow Lux to continue busy with government affairs, but took him back to the main world.

Mars is still under construction in full swing, but in ten months, the place has changed drastically.

No ability to cheat is required.

Just adjust the seeds using scientific means, and plant and cultivate them with specific techniques.

This can greatly shorten the original normal growth time.

Some of the trees planted in the early days are already taller than people.

The environment around the base has therefore become more suitable for human survival.

Xiao Yichen briefly observed it, then quietly returned to Earth with Lux and Xiao Qingyun.


The earth has just experienced a war, but both sides are actually very restrained.

Although the losses in military and economic aspects were considerable, the impact on ordinary people was very limited.

"Xiao Chen?"

Xiao's mother wiped her eyes subconsciously, as if she suspected that she had seen it wrong.

Xiao Yichen stepped forward and took the vegetables she had just bought from her hand: "Mom, I have a temporary break and will come back to see you.

Mother Xiao's eyes were sharp, and she immediately saw Lux holding her child: "It's good to come back, it's good to come back! This is it?"

Xiao Yichen smiled: "This is my daughter, I named her Qingyun."

Mother Xiao frowned slightly.

She had met Yan Lingji before, so she was naturally surprised when someone suddenly changed her.

However, this is not Wu.

There are many people getting divorced in modern society. Just changing girlfriends. How normal is that?

So Xiao's mother quickly showed a smile and hurriedly stepped forward to take Xiao Qingyun over: "This child is so good, he doesn't recognize his child at all!"

Xiao Yichen smiled and said: "That's right, you are her grandmother, so she is naturally close to you."

While talking, they were already talking about home.


A cry came.

But it wasn't Xiao Qingyun who was crying.

Xiao's mother awkwardly returned Xiao Qingyun to Lux, then hurriedly went into the bedroom and came out with a child in her arms.

Of course Xiao Yichen knew what was going on.

"You're not at home all the time, isn't it? Your dad has time off from work now, so we asked for another one."

The older generation gets married early, and Xiao's mother was only twenty years old when she got married.

Don't talk about marriage laws. Rural people didn't care about this at first.

It is already very good to be able to make a baby girl grow up to adulthood.

Under the influence of Xiao Yichen, Zhu Xia now has a healthy diet and aerobics that have been popularized nationwide——

In fact, it is a simplified version of basic martial arts developed through the leadership of Zhang Sanfeng.

The battle is not much added, but the improvement in physical fitness is very obvious.

Xiao Yichen is only twenty-four or five years old now, and Xiao's mother is only about forty years old.

A few years ago, this would have been considered an older mother.

But now, it's nothing.

Xiao Yichen said: "It doesn't matter if you have one, I have been doing research now, and I feel more at ease if there is someone at home to accompany you.

Only then did Xiao's mother remember: "Who is this girl?"

Xiao Yichen introduced: "She is my daughter-in-law, her name is Lux Klein, you can just call her Lux.

Xiao's mother was stunned for a moment: "Foreigner?"

Xiao Yichen nodded: "We have been working together. Although it is inconvenient to contact the outside world, we still have a lot of free time. We come together as soon as we go back and forth."

This is not a lie.

They are connected through the chat group, isn't it just "working together"?

It is indeed not convenient to fully disclose the chat group matter.

Xiao Yichen is basically idle all the time. The extent to which he is idle depends entirely on his mood.

If you don't mind the trouble, you can come back every day.

He had thought about it originally.

But now that there is an extra brother in the family, there is no need.

He is on Mars and is good to everyone.

You don’t have to worry about any trouble at home. With the country’s protection, there’s really nothing to worry about.


Xiao's mother tried calling this name. She was not used to it, but it was okay.

After all, it's not really the original name, but the transliteration.

"Hello, Mom!"

"When we met for the first time, I was in a hurry and didn't have time to prepare."

"Please don't dislike this little gift."

Although Lux was a little shy, she still said hello to Xiao's mother calmly and generously.

She placed Xiao Qingyun on the sofa and handed over a small package.

Xiao's mother held the child with one hand, caught the package and put it aside: "We are all one family, don't be so polite in the future."

.........Please give me flowers 0

Lacus said reservedly: "Mom, the nature of our work is quite special, so we may not be able to come back to accompany you often. It's hard to come back once, so it's appropriate to bring some thoughts.

Xiao's mother said: "What are you talking about? How can I bring gifts home?"

But the smile on her face made it clear that she was very satisfied with Lux.

Lux has a very high emotional intelligence, and the two quickly chatted together.

From the experience of raising children to the shortcomings of parents.

Xiao Yichen became a complete outsider and could not speak at all.

He was also happy to see this.

Family and everything will be prosperous.

A good relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is always important.

Xiao Yichen: [@张三峰, 张真人, how is your cooperation with the official side going? 】


Zhang Sanfeng: [I have learned a lot of knowledge, and the veteran is working with some experts to create a martial arts that is suitable for all ordinary people. 】

Calisthenics is the basic version.

However, aerobics is only useful for people with sound limbs and no serious illnesses, and the exercise effect is not much better than traditional health-preserving exercise.

No matter from the perspective of effect or universality, it is not yet satisfactory.

But that was just Zhang Sanfeng's first try.

With sufficient data, combined with his old man's martial arts attainments.

Maybe in the near future, the kind of grand event that originally belonged to martial arts novels will appear in Zhuxia.

Huanwen: [Xiao Lang wants to compile martial arts, why not call someone else? 】

Ying Zheng: [I am also collecting martial arts from all over the world, and inviting everyone to come to Xianyang to compile the martial arts canon. 】

Xiao Yichen: [The development direction of your martial arts will become increasingly different in the future. 】

Xiao Yichen: [My personal suggestion is that you can actually cooperate. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Also @张春兰, you can also join. 】

There may be a difference between Jie and Qi, but there is really not much difference between the internal strength in the martial arts world and the Qi in the alien world.

Zhang Chulan: [Times are changing, and there is really no need to go to the demographic red line. 】

Zhang Chulan: [The details have been discussed above, and the Heavenly Master has also been invited. 】

Zhang Chulan: [As a junior, I don’t know the outcome of the meeting yet, but the universal proposal should have been passed. force】.

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