Group Chat: If You Want To Be Rich, Plant Trees First

Chapter 71: Unintentional Intervention (All Goes Well)

The Demon-Slaying Order was established by the Navy Headquarters authorized by the World Government to carry out indiscriminate and devastating attacks on the areas where the signal was sent.

Used to completely eliminate things and people in an area that pose a threat to the rule of the world government.

Comes with a gold phone bug and a silver phone bug.

The golden phone bug is controlled by the admiral and marshal of the navy headquarters, and is used to send notification signals when it is decided to launch the demon-slaying order.

The silver phone bug is placed at the Navy Headquarters to receive notification signals from the golden phone bug.

The Demon-Slaying Order is a brutal and inhumane attack that burns everything. It consists of ten battleships and five lieutenants, as well as the navy's elite combat forces.

However, not every demon-slaying order has super elites like Akainu and Aokiji coming to gild it.

The veteran lieutenant general may not be bad, but when it comes to Forster, he is a bit lacking.

In particular, Xiao Yichen also came up with a plan to remove the firepower from the bottom of the cauldron, directly taking over six, three, and seven, which caused their already insufficient strength to drop again.

The result was that before the Demon Slaying Order had time to show its power, it collapsed halfway.

Following Lyu's instructions, Forster did not kill all the navy.

Of course, this is not mercy.

After all, the establishment of Forster was short-lived, so the internal construction is still not in full swing.

Infrastructure drives the economy, and the economy drives people's livelihood.

Relying on some specialties and high-end crops provided by Xiao Yichen.

After a lot of hard work, Lyu and the others managed to revitalize this basic plan.

Although this war was short-lived, it affected the normal operation of Forster after all.

Naturally, we have to find ways to make up for the delayed part.


There is no point in killing the prisoners except to vent their anger.

Taking them back to use the sewing machine can at least provide some residual value, right?

"After resolving a demon-slaying order, the navy was still struggling."


"In short, no one will come to trouble you in the short term."

Although the people who came from the Demon Slaying Order were not many, they were elite.

The world government needs to face more than just Forster.

Opponents that cannot be dealt with even with the Demon Slaying Order can only be dispatched by generals.

But the question is, after being cut by Xiao Yichen, how much strength do the existing generals have left?

Without the Devil Fruit, there is no deterrence of mass destruction.

Will the pirates who were also slashed take advantage of this to cause trouble?

"You are making too much trouble!"

Lyu held a newspaper, which clearly printed the current situation of the pirate world.

In fact, this newspaper has been very slow to arrive.

Without the Devil Fruit, the originally perfect newspaper delivery business has also been greatly affected.

The ability to publish newspapers is thanks to the local newspaper office stationed in Forster.

Xiao Yichen said: "Devil Fruit is one of the unstable factors in this world. It is not a bad thing to eliminate it."

But that's not necessarily a good thing.

It is true that many people rely on the power of Devil Fruit to do evil, but there are also many people who use the power of Devil Fruit to do good to others.

It's not good to kill him with a stick, but there's no need to say that now.

Shokuhou Misaki said enthusiastically: "This is very powerful. Without unexpected factors like Devil Fruit, we have less worries. Maybe we can start to consider expansion power."

Misaka Mikoto's veins popped out: "Then you really go to the front line, you loser!

Shokuhou had to take a breath even with Prairie's physical strength to take two steps.

It's a little better now, after all, Misaka Mikoto has been tormenting her a lot.

How can a person who has difficulty even walking go to the battlefield?

Xiao Yichen said: "I will also depose the King of Heaven later, and you will take care of the rest."

Misaka Mikoto asked: "What about you?"

Xiao Yichen glanced at her: "You will know when you grow up."

Without giving Misaka Mikoto a chance to continue asking, Xiao Yichen's eyes flashed, and the twisted magic eye ignored the space, twisting the entire Holy Land Mariejoia into a mess.

Not to mention the Heavenly King, even the Heavenly Dragons were almost wiped out.

Neither the Five Old Stars nor the mysterious Immu were spared.

Without the suppression of the world government, the pirate world would go berserk.

However, without a unified political power, the pressure on Liu's side will be much less.

Xiao Yichen smiled: "It's okay, I just overused my eyes and may need to rest for a while."

Misaka Mikoto also asked worriedly: "Hey, your eyes are 3.0?"

Even though the situation was more serious this time, he recovered faster.

After doing this, Xiao Yichen touched the chat group with thoughts and planned to go back to the SEED world directly.

It doesn’t even need to be complete, it only needs to be able to complete the stabilization of the great route, and the divine position will definitely be stable.

The sharp golden sword light accurately hit the death line of the endless power.

Realizing that he still could not pass through the passage safely, Xiao Yichen threw the person he was holding in his hands towards the passage without saying a word.


He closed his eyes: "Liu, I have to leave first."

Xiao Yichen replied: "There are people from another world who accidentally fell into this world.".

He had been a blind man for several days last time, so he had some experience.

It has been eight or nine days since I came out, so it doesn't hurt to delay for a while longer.

The Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion then took action.

In fact, his eyes have not completely lost sight.

Xiao Yichen said: "It's not a big problem, it can be restored in half a day at most.

Suddenly there was a silent roar from the sky, and in Xiao Yichen's field of vision, he suddenly saw that the heaven and earth seemed to be pierced by something...

Only then did Xiao Yichen dare to use his heavenly hand power and ducked to the side of the falling figure.

It was just that it was uncomfortable to keep my eyes open, so I chose to close them.

Xiao Yichen only hesitated a little and then let her go.

The terrifying pressure followed, and everything in the pirate world seemed to be wiped out.

The absolute gap in strength left the opponent with no chance to resist.

If only she could straighten things out.

Liu no longer cared about being reserved and just stayed close to him, watching over him carefully.

The overwhelming power of the world appeared again. Blood oozed from Xiao Yichen's eyes, but he still resisted and 'killed' him again.

Xiao Yichen did not dare to neglect, and opened his eyes with all his strength.

Liu helped him sit down: "Then take a good rest and stop running around."


Xiao Yichen dodged again, but had already returned to Forster.

But at this moment——

Shokuhou Misaki asked curiously: "What happened just now?"

Without saying anything, he grabbed the other person without any explanation and rushed toward the passage that was not completely closed.

Liu stood up in panic and came to him: "Are you okay?"

A figure fell from the sky.

Now that his strength has become stronger, the abilities of the two martial arts have become complementary.

"go back!"

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