The painting style of Astraea's family is still warm and cozy.

Seeing this real goddess again, her outstanding beauty and temperament are still so heart-wrenching.

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

With an elegant smile, she welcomed everyone to the living room, "Everyone, please take a seat.

Xiao Yichen said: "God Astralia doesn't need to greet us, let's update the commander's abilities first.

Astraea pondered for a moment: "That would be rude."

She came to Orario before to help Lyu update her abilities.

In fact, the Astraea Familia itself has no plans to move to Orario.

It was only when the agreed date was approaching that she returned again.

The battle is just around the corner. Although Lyu's strength is far beyond that of his peers, the more he can improve, the better.

Astraea took Lyu to the inner room to update her abilities.

Misaka Mikoto breathed a sigh of relief: "This is the real goddess!"

Kuroko Shirai also agreed: "So beautiful! So handsome!"

Xiao Yichen rubbed his chin: "Do you want to consider joining the Astralia Familia?"

Neither Misaka Mikoto answered directly.

As ability users, although their path forward is difficult, it is still clear.

Adding an additional favor system may be useful, but it is not necessary.

Moreover, the conflict between superpowers and the magic system also has to be considered.

However, if the favor system and superpowers do not conflict.

The rapid growth of the favor system is definitely an excellent supplement for the two people who are currently stuck.

It is precisely because of this consideration that they hesitate.

Misaka Mikoto sighed: "Forget it, superpower is my foundation. To add a favor system, I have to find ways to overcome the problem of being unable to separate from the Lord God. The gain outweighs the loss."

Xiao Yichen nodded: "That's fine."

The black dragon must be defeated.

But to say that the agreed date was just to deal with the black dragon, Xiao Yi Chenhui definitely didn't believe it.

What the gods really want to fight against has always been the underground city.

In other words, it doesn't seem right to deal with it. The gods don't seem to hate the dungeon.

It's just that the underground city hates the gods unilaterally, and the gods seem to want to appease the underground city.

So no surprise, the real main course on the agreed day should be to solve the harm of the underground city to the ground.

Maybe it’s to remove the dungeon? Or maybe it’s to reconcile with the dungeon?

He couldn't think of it and didn't bother to think about it.

Although the gods love to fool around, they are all very cunning and calculating.

Xiao Yichen didn't think the gods would fail in the situation they jointly set up.

If we extrapolate from this point of view, no matter which method is used to solve the problem of the dungeon, the contract between the gods will probably not be maintained.

Without the shackles of the agreement, will the gods continue to live in the human world, or return to heaven?


Without the invasion of dungeons, is there no need for adventure?

I'm afraid that by then, the favor system will come to an end.

Of course, if Misaka Mikoto and the others are given a favor, they will definitely not lack places to level up.

What Xiao Yichen was thinking about was that if the gods returned to heaven, it would be troublesome for her to update her abilities.

In this state, "Misaka Mikoto's consciousness gradually entered another submerged state——

In the original work, the reason why Misaka Mikoto went berserk was because the virus put into Misaka's network by Gensei Kihara affected her.

According to Shirley Cromwell's statement, we know that some magicians died after developing their abilities.

In this case, we only need to adjust the 'virus' so that it is harmless to Misaka Mikoto.

After all, it is understandable to say that a master is dead.

At the end of the day, when the demon god exits, he also shows his full performance.

Magicians develop abilities like this. If a person with abilities wants to become a magician, the results will naturally be very different. .

In Academy City's quality judgment, those who have the chance to advance to LV.5 definitely do not include Nakai Kuroko.

Although the plan failed, Misaka Mikoto did not really reach LV.6, but it was far beyond the level of LV.5.

She was obviously moved: "Is that okay?"

But no matter how much I complain, it still makes sense.

Shirai Kuroko's face turned bitter: "I also know that it is not easy to become stronger, but the favor system should be biased towards the magic side, right? If the favor conflicts with my ability, what will be a big loss?

Misaka Mikoto smiled: "I don't even know what the real LV.6 is yet, so there is no need to rush this matter.

Misaka Mikoto has also seen the fate of the group, so she naturally knows what Xiao Yichen is talking about.

Only things like the Demon God have subverted everyone's understanding from the very beginning, making it impossible for anyone to think of a way to fight against it.

At the same time, try your best to slow down the speed of sublimation and give Misaka Mikoto time to adapt, so as to ensure her safety.

Misaka Mikoto shrugged: "Probably because he can really destroy the earth."

Although many settings in Magic Forbidden are ridiculous, Kamachi and Ma's physics have been complained about by countless people.

But a group of masters that ordinary people can't compete with have completely wiped out themselves. This is really an insult to people's intelligence.

The realm of God!

The Misaka Internet impacted and affected Misaka Mikoto, causing her body to continuously change and sublimate.

Tsuchimikado Motoharu, who was originally the highest-level Yin-Yang doctor, turned into a loser because of his ability to develop.

Shirai Kuroko couldn't help but complain: "Why can you calmly use the planet as an indicator of strength?"

Through this, he came into contact with the protection of Misaka No. 10032, and injected a special virus into the Misaka network through sister No. 10032.

So instead of favor, he actually recommended: "Then have you considered using that method to enter L.6?"

Xiao Yichen waved his hand: "That kind of thing is not important. Meiqin (Li De's), you have a clear promotion route, so you don't need to consider favors. But on your side, Heizi, I suggest you still consider it."

Xiao Yichen looked at Xiao Yichen in disbelief: "Isn't this impossible?"

The existence is too abnormal, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is balanced.

This is still good.

Xiao Yichen pondered: "It's definitely not as exaggerated as the Demon God, it should be between the Annihilation Star to the Galaxy Level.

Shirai Kuroko was choked.

Xiao Yichen said: "Why not?"

In Super Car T, Kensei Kihara used the "Fantasy Controller" to adjust his brain waves to log in to the external brain, thus gaining Shokuhou Misaki's ability [Mind Mastery].

In other words, she may still improve, but without special opportunities, she can only stay at the LV.4 level.

Then, it is definitely not impossible for her to evolve to LV.6.

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