The Great Red was indeed killed instantly by Regalzeva.

But before that, the Great Red relied on its own strength to hold back Regalzeva's evil ghost fleet for a long time.

It can be seen that although Regalzeva's hard power far exceeds that of the Dragon God level, the abilities of the Dragon God level can already take effect on him.

In this case, Xiao Yichen's chance of winning is definitely not zero!

If there is a chance, it means fighting.

Facing such an opponent who is stronger than oneself but basically impossible to kill oneself instantly is the right time to accumulate experience.

There is no way to accumulate great achievements now, but fighting at a higher level is more conducive to realizing a higher realm.

"This is really..."

Traveling to the world of RE.O, you are surrounded by military camps.

Outside the military camp, there is a wilderness.

Or should it be called wasteland?

The scope of the wasteland is huge. In fact, the military camp where they are located is also built on the wasteland.

Reinhardt took him out of the military camp: "Regalzeva would attack in the morning every day and evacuate in the evening. Sometimes the fighting started, and it would last for several days."

Xiao Yichen marveled: "It's a shame that you guys have been able to support me until now!"

Regalzeva is not alone.

There are two dependents of Tianhai, the capital of 26 under his command——

[King of Heaven] Lugardim and [King of Sea] Trumadou are both powerful beings at the dragon god level.

The other subordinates are not weak either.

"Sir Reinhardt, who is this?"

Outside the military camp, Curio Karsten, a beauty in men's clothing with long dark green hair, slender amber eyes, and a majestic posture, is observing the enemy's situation.

The nature of her magic is wind attribute, and she has the ability of "Wind Seeing Blessing" - she can see and interpret the real wind and the wind of human emotions without confusing the two.

Generally speaking, Crusch can read the surface emotions of others without any difficulty, and has few experiences of being deceived.

For other applications, certain remote observation can indeed be achieved.

Reinhardt introduced: "This is Mr. Xiao Yichen, a friend I made in a foreign country. He heard about the situation here, so he came here to help.

Xiao Yichen said bluntly: "Help can only be regarded as a convenience. I have been looking for a powerful opponent recently, and the overbearing evil ghost and god just meet my requirements."

Kurxiu was not surprised.

In fact, many warriors have come to challenge Regalzeva recently.

But most of them were easily killed by Regalzeva, and only a few barely survived.

That's all thanks to Reinhardt.

Otherwise, let alone those challengers who overestimate their capabilities, I am afraid that even the current front line would have been wiped out by the Baxie Ghost Ship Group long ago.

Reinhardt stared into the distance: "It's coming!"

Xiao Yichen can naturally see it: "Then let's say hello first."

The eye of reincarnation quietly emerged, and the invisible gravity came directly to me.

Regalzeva, who came to the front of the formation, suddenly raised his head and saw a shadow suddenly appeared in the sky, and then saw meteorites falling from the sky.


Regalzeva sneered and had no intention of taking action.

Beside him, a robot about five meters high jumped into the sky.


With just a simple move, the meteorite was shattered.

That's Lugardim.

For dragon god level experts, things like meteorites are still too small.

"All things are attracted by heaven!"

Xiao Yichen raised his hand and grabbed it. The second meteorite hidden behind the first meteorite suddenly sped up a lot.

Although Lu Jiadim also defended himself, he was obviously in a bit of a panic.


He roared angrily and dived directly in the direction of the coalition forces.

Xiao Yichen's figure flashed and he came to his side in an instant.

Mo Yujian moved with him and touched Lu Jiati's body lightly.


As a result, Luga Tim fell to the ground in a daze.

Regalzeva's expression, which was originally indifferent, suddenly changed: "How brave! Looking for death!"

His five eyes stared at Xiao Yichen coldly at the same time.

The thick limbs move together.

The wasteland was directly trampled by him, and with the help of the reaction force, he came to Xiao Yichen as if teleporting.

The arm that originally seemed to be waving in vain has now landed on Xiao Yichen's forehead.


As expected, it was naturally impossible to really beat the minister this time.

Xiao Yichen slashed with his sword.

Regalzeva, however, just avoided the joints and relied solely on the material of his body to defend against his attack without any damage.

Xiao Yichen's eyes flashed with rainbow light, and his eyes locked on the dead line. The blocked sword edge turned and slashed towards one of the dead lines.

Regalzeva seemed to sense the danger and took the initiative to avoid it this time.

"I thought you really dared to take it hard."

Xiao Yichen was not disappointed.

Experts, especially those with a lot of nerves, have terrifyingly accurate intuition.

Even if you don't understand the Death Eye, the feeling of being infinitely close to death is enough to make the other party avoid its edge.

Regalzeva rarely showed a fearful look: "Those eyes, that smell of death, it seems that we have a good opponent this time."

Xiao Yichen called out Mao Zhihualie: "Then there is no need to waste words, let's take action!"

His swordsmanship is already extremely strong and his actual combat experience is not bad.

Now I am looking for Mao Zhihualie again, just to find out the deficiencies and fill them up.

"Soul body?"

A trace of doubt flashed vaguely in Regalzeva's eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

One of his right-hand men was killed, and he had no intention of talking much at the moment.

The giant metallic fist struck Xiao Yichen blankly.

Really smashed!

Regalzeva is seven meters tall and has extremely thick limbs.

What's the difference between his fists and a big hammer?

"Don't fight head-on. His body is too strong. Even if I increase my combat power, it will be difficult to destroy it.

Xiao Yichen has already used the five blessings of the Sea Buckthorn Martial Spirit, including the Sea Buckthorn Martial Spirit's martial soul avatar.

But despite this, he was still crushed by Regalzeva.



"Boom! Boom, boom, boom -"

Regalzeva's pair of giant fists kept swinging, and the air and space were shattered by him.

Xiao Yichen relied on his flexible body skills and the absolute lethality of the Death Eye to maintain the balance of power for a while.

Although the Death Eye can kill with one strike, Chenhe Jiaerva did not give Xiao Yichen a chance to attack accurately.

Unable to accurately hit the death line, even if he tried his best, he only left some scratches on Regalzeva's body.

This is not the way to go.

At their level, there is no physical problem under normal circumstances.

But in high-level battles, the consumption of physical strength will eventually exceed the recovery speed.

So over time, it will definitely be detrimental to Xiao Yichen. .

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