Group Chat: If You Want To Be Rich, Plant Trees First

Chapter 21 Things Will Fall Into Place

In the stalemate world line, Kuang Guohua was bitten by a general during the Anti-Japanese War and turned into a zombie.

The timeline of Uncle Jiu is not sure, but it must be in the late Qing Dynasty.

Renjia Town is located in a remote area, but basically everyone has cut off their braids.

In 1645, the second year of Shunzhi reign of the Qing Dynasty, Dorgon, the regent, issued an order to shave hair.

Forcing Han people to cut their hair and grow braids on their heads was a policy adopted by the Qing rulers in order to unify hairstyles and culture.

During the period from 1895 to 1905, the call for cutting braids gradually emerged and became popular among the people.

By 1903, "Ta Kung Pao" held an essay contest on cutting braids and changing into clothes, which showed that the social discussion on cutting braids was already quite active at that time.

After the Wuchang Uprising in 1911, the revolutionaries used braid-cutting to stimulate people's anti-Qing sentiments, indicating that the "040" style of braid-cutting did not become popular after the founding of the Republic of China.

From the rise of ideas to complete popularization, in that era of limited information, it was impossible to achieve it overnight.

The Anti-Japanese War started in 1931.

Calculating the time, the time when Kuang Guohua turned into a zombie was not very far away from the time when Uncle Jiu was at.

If both parties are indeed in the same worldview, then it makes sense that they would meet.


The actual situation needs to be carefully investigated to determine.

"In terms of armaments, the gap is too big."

After a day's visit, Lux and Xiao Yichen had a bitter relationship.

It is true that she is peace-loving, but as a politician, she is even prepared for danger in times of peace.

Therefore, in the SEED world, the research and development of armaments has never stopped.

It's just that the time is too short.

How can it be so easy to leapfrog to the level of a new unified government?

Xiao Yichen handed her a cup of coffee: "Do you need my help?"

Lux shook her head: "No for now, the rise and fall of a civilization cannot be tied to one person. Please escort us, this is actually a bit out of line."

Xiao Yichen was willing to help out for her sake.

But this kind of affection becomes thinner after being used once, and it will eventually be used up.

Besides, she can't always sit in the position of speaker.

Next time she is gone and there is no such condition, how will the United Earth Government deal with it?

Xiao Yichen nodded: "I think so too."

Therefore, in the main world, he only protected Zhu Xia, and did not rely on his extraordinary combat power to force Zhu Xia to grow.

No matter how strong a person is, unless he can live forever, he cannot always lead an entire civilization forward.

But if that is the case, can the so-called civilization still be regarded as civilization?

Lux took off her hair accessories, and her long, light and soft pink hair spread out.

She didn't hold back.

Under the skirt that floats like waves, the snow-white and crystal-clear skin looks dazzling.

The blue-purple eyes conceal a deep charm.

A smile that makes everyone who sees it feel happy, beautiful and dreamy: "Let's not talk about these official matters for now. This is a rare opportunity, so here it is.

There is no reason not to eat the delicious food delivered to your door.

Xiao Yichen smiled: "Are you sure?"

Lacus nodded: "It's more leisurely here. I really want to go back, but I don't have time to do this.

Xiao Yichen pulled her to his side: "Is it very hard?"

Lux squinted her eyes, enjoying this moment of relaxation: "It is indeed a bit hard, but I am actually very happy that I can rely on my strength to maintain peace."

Xiao Yichen stroked her long hair sympathetically: "Don't worry, I will always be here. 17

Lux responded softly: "Yeah!"

At this time, silence is better than sound, and everything falls into place.

Lux appeared in front of people again the next day, obviously more mature and charming.

Xiao Yichen: [@梦梦·Belia·Dabiluuke, how is the situation over there? 】

Mengmeng Belia Debiruk: [They didn’t have any ill intentions, but because they didn’t understand the situation, they had conflicts with local civilizations on some planets. 】

Mengmeng Belia Debiruke: [However, their leader seems to have some mental problems and wants to make friends with everyone he meets. 】

Yes, just fat.

The setting is large and expressive, which can only be described in words.

Xiao Yichen: [Actually, Eden Planet is not very interesting. Anyway, I don’t think it’s as good-looking as Fairy Tail. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Drawed by Hiro Mashima. 】

Xiao Yichen:【Photo.JPG】

Xiao Yichen: [Then it’s a matter of personal preference. Anyway, I prefer Fairy Tail 0.5. 】

Xiao Yan: [And the energy of Dou Qi itself is very violent. After practicing every day, you have to spend more time maintaining your body. 】

Xiao Yichen: [It can’t be said to be an overturn, but it seems like he wants to cram a lot of things into it, so the setting feels a bit confusing. 】

Zhang Chulan:【No need to practice anymore?】

Zhang Chulan: [Very good, I'm already interested. 】

I don’t know if the manga is like that, but the animation does give him such a feeling.

Yuuki Asuna: [Ha!]

In terms of plot, the combat power is also very fascinating to watch.

Mi Toma:【Does it look good?】

Women seem to be a little fat?

Xiao Yan: [No matter what form of cultivation, it is all about squeezing your own body. 】

Funina: [...You have begun to speak incoherently. 】

Xiao Yichen: [He also drew Fairy Tail...]

The painting style is the same, but something feels weird.

Rimuru Tempest:【You must be interested in this!】

Xiao Yichen: [I will send you the comics and animations of Eden Xingyuan later. You will know after reading them. 】

Toma Mi: [Mashima Hiro overturned? 】

Irena: [So do you have that kind of figure? It must be an exaggeration! 】

A photo of Irene directly silenced the Irena.

Maybe the legs are too thick?

Misaka Mikoto: [Her shoulders must be very sore, right? After all, carrying such a burden will affect her performance when she takes action. 】

Aojaku: [What’s wrong with Hiro Mashima’s drawing?]

Xiao Yan: [What kind of show do you want, please post more, I don’t care, just pass the time. 】

Xiao Yan: [Occasional excessive training can stimulate potential, but long-term excessive training will only drain one's potential. 】

Xiao Yan: [So a normal monk can basically have a lot of free time every day, except for the necessary training time. 】

Nakiri Erina:【......】

Xiao Yan: [I am an alchemist, and I can also practice elixirs. Other than fighting, the others had nothing to do. 】.

Xiao Yan: [Of course you have to practice, but you can’t practice all the time. 】

Horaishan Kaguya: [Haha!]

It's either plump, or it feels like it's been compressed, and it's a bit ruthless in its horizontal development.

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