Most of the plot of Fairy Tail unfolds in Ishgar, the eastern continent where Fairy Tail is located.

There are about five hundred magic guilds over there.

The Alvares Empire is located in the western continent of Arakidasia, separated from Ishgar by a sea.

The two sides are basically isolated diplomatically, and news, books and letters cannot circulate. Only occasionally immigrants from the Western Continent come to Ishgar in search of job opportunities.

It is said that it takes ten days to take a boat from Ishgar, and it takes several days to get to the capital after arriving.

The Albarez Empire is a super magical military empire formed by 730 guilds. It has always had a hostile relationship with Ishgar.

It seems that there is also a northern continent, Kirtina.

There is the location of the world's first magician's guild, the "Dragon of the Magic Circle".

Xiao Yichen is not familiar with it.

He was watching anime, and the only one he was familiar with was the Kingdom of Fiore.

The world of Fairy Tail is a real other world, not a similar background related to Earth.

The popularity of magic has given this world a look similar to Orario's but completely different.

Walking on the street, Xiao Yichen and the three of them felt very novel.

Eileen, who followed everyone silently, finally came to her senses after a long while: "What did you just do to me?"

Xiao Yichen looked back at her: "It would be troublesome to explain in too much detail. You just need to know that I helped you solve your physical problems."

Zeref's last words were one thing, but Xiao Yichen also wanted to test something by the way.

For example, use the Death Eye to kill three corpses.

Facts have proved that it can be done, but it is not complete.

The Death Eye can kill three corpses, but only temporarily.

The three corpses are the meaning of the god.

As long as people's will is still there, it cannot be completely eliminated.

If you want to completely kill the three corpses, you can only rely on yourself to realize it.

External forces can play a certain supporting role, but they cannot be completely eradicated.

However, it is very useful to use this cheating method to assist cultivation.

It's a pity that he no longer has any use for it.

Killing three corpses will not solve Irene's problem.

Irene was the queen of the Doragunov Kingdom four hundred years ago. She created additional magic in order to resist the invasion of evil dragons.

And through additional magic, the power of the dragon is added to the human body to form a new magic, namely dragon slayer magic, which is the beginning of the dragon slayer magician.

But dragon-slaying magic has side effects, turning the holder into a dragon.

After Irene turned into a dragon, she hid in the mountains for hundreds of years.

Until I met Zeref [with the help of Zeref, I temporarily gained the appearance of a human being——

In fact, he is still essentially a dragon, but he can transform between dragon and human forms.

However, due to her dragon power, she lost her human sense of taste and became unable to sleep.

It is a bit difficult to solve the problem of dragon transformation.

That was a fundamental change. Killing Longhua was equivalent to killing Irene.

This is obviously not possible.

So Xiao Yichen turned a corner.

First kill Erin's three corpses, and then activate her three corpses again.

Because they had already been beheaded once, the newly inspired three corpses were very weak.

If you are weak, you will have room for maneuver.

The upper corpse likes to be decorated with flowers, the middle corpse likes to taste, and the lower corpse already likes silver.

Let Irene give herself the weak three corpses, and her original problems will naturally disappear.

"However, the method I used is not without its drawbacks."

"The things I asked you to fuse represent three kinds of material desires."

"Originally, I only needed to fuse one of them, but..."

Xiao Yichen shook his head, "I was negligent. The three corpses and nine insects seem to be clearly separated, but they actually originate from one body.

Even his Death Eye saw only one death line for the three corpses.

Xiao Yichen was about to refuse, but when the words came to his lips, he changed his words: "That's fine."

He has raised more than 20,000 Misaka sisters, and he doesn't care about raising one more.

Xiao Yichen said: "Like food is one of the material desires, as for the other two————"

If the three corpses were so easy to kill, gods would be everywhere.

After four hundred years of torture, although she hated her condition, she gradually got used to it.

Since the three corpses are desires, then just eliminate the desires.

Aileen was stunned for a moment, then smiled carelessly: "I always like good-looking clothes, so there's nothing wrong with deepening my preference. As for... Haha!"

After killing three corpses, the person is still the same person, but he will no longer be influenced by desires.

Irene had been a king and had transformed into a dragon. Her strength and abilities were not bad.

Xiao Yichen shook his head: "It is indeed not a big problem now, but as time goes by, these three material desires will become stronger and stronger."

Erin didn't feel too surprised: "Is there a way to control it?"

But if you simply eliminate all desires, what is the difference between humans and machines?

Killing three corpses is not to cut off all emotions, but more to control one's own desires.

Xiao Yichen said: "The best way is to have your own enlightenment. At that time, the three corpses will become rootless duckweeds, and naturally they will not grow. As for before you have the enlightenment, I will help you cut them down regularly.

For seemingly delicious food, she had long lost her expectations four hundred years ago.

Eileen replied subconsciously: "It seems delicious..."

Xiao Yichen nodded: "It's as difficult as climbing to heaven!"

Eileen took the octopus balls and hesitated for a long time before putting it into her mouth: "'s delicious!"

Demeter said at this time: "I tried with my divine power, but I couldn't directly wipe out the three corpses completely... It can't be said that it can't be done, but the situation may not be good after doing it. "

Erin's eyebrows were raised and she asked meaningfully: "It's difficult?"

Erin was not panicked: "In this case, it seems that I can only stay with you until I succeed in doing what you said."

But now there is a different reaction.

He, Huanwen, and now Irene all used otherworldly methods to make appointments temporarily.

Xiao Yichen took an octopus ball from a roadside stall and asked, "How do you feel now?"

Xiao Yichen smiled and said: "Beheading three corpses is a shortcut to becoming stronger, but it is not the only way. As long as Lord Shangshen is Lord Shangshen, there is no need to worry about other things.".

Erin asked: "What are the three material desires?"

So far, no one he knows has really succeeded.

…Please give me flowers…

He thought for a while and summed it up in a more popular way: "Probably you will prefer gorgeous clothes in the future, and...ahem!"

It just so happens that Zi Nu and the others are having a hard time right now, so just think of finding a helper for them.

Xiao Yichen smiled: "Try it?"

The meaning is self-evident.

Because of this, when Irene fused the three corpses, she could only fuse them all.

She froze.

This is something that even many gods cannot do, and the mystery involved is naturally extraordinary.

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