Group Chat: If You Want To Be Rich, Plant Trees First

Chapter 68: Relying On Friends When Going Out

Do your best and obey destiny.

There are villains and ruthless characters in the group, but there is also no shortage of good people.


Exploring other worlds is important, but there are also some warlike people in the group.

Everyone seems to have a tacit understanding of saving the town, which is equivalent to provoking the ancestors of the Dead Apostles.

Four people, Horaishan Kaguya, Aizen Sosuke, Rimuru, and Zeref, stayed behind to help open the cave [Whitebeard and Suzuki Qing stayed with Xiao Yikang in case of emergency.

The three Mengmeng sisters and Kurosaki Mea went to the town to try to stop the ritual.

Liang Li looked curiously at Mengmeng and the others as they walked away: "What's going on over there?"

Xiao Yichen replied: "There are dead disciples who are causing trouble there and seem to be preparing to sacrifice the entire town.

Liang Li held the dagger in his hand: "Does this mean you can kill him?"

Xiao Yichen nodded: "Of course!"

Although Eltruki is the de facto king of the Dead Apostles, the Twenty-Seven Ancestors of the Dead Apostles are not the same as Zero Three-Seven.

The only people under her direct command are the sixth among the twenty-seven Dead Apostles, Rizzovor Stulut, the eighth Fenner Blood Sfielding, and the thirteenth of Wallachia. night.

The sixteenth of the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles, the nominal king of the Dead Apostles, Tevarm Ottenloter, known as Lord White Wing, led another faction to turn against him.

What's more, the ceremony prepared by Roja this time was aimed at Erquette.

After all, Alter and Elquit are biological sisters.

Even if they don't get along, it's not outsiders' turn to plot against them.

The murderous intention of the two rituals was visible to the naked eye, but she did not act rashly: "How long do you want?"

Xiao Yichen felt the progress of the re-engraving: "It's almost there, it should only take one or two hours.

Liang Li tilted his head: "Where's that?"

Xiao Yichen said: "As long as Mengmeng and the others are here, there will be no problem for the time being.

The two rituals did not comment, they just looked at the direction of the town from a distance with their eyes of death.

Dead Apostles possess immortality that is far superior to humans. With the ability to peer into death, the situation in the town can be said to be clear at a glance.

Xiao Yichen: [@梦梦·Belia·Debiluke, please pay attention to safety. The principles of the Dead Apostle Blood Ring are very troublesome, so it is best not to have direct contact with them. 】

Mengmeng Belia Debiruke: [Well, we will be careful. 】

Irena: [I’m here with Estelle, do you want us to go over and help? 】

Xiao Yichen:【Welcome!】

Estelle, the lavender witch, is a witch who is not inferior to Irena. She invented the magic that can rewind time.

Although Irena herself is not good at time and space abilities, she is an all-rounder in magic.

The two of them should be able to help.

Irena: [We are already here, pick us up for discussion. 】

Xiao Yichen:【Okay!】

The expert used the 11th bullet again to pull the person here.

Irena looked around and waved to Whitebeard: "Hello, uncle!"

Whitebeard laughed heartily: "Gu la la la la - hello to you, little girl!"

Estelle is a quiet girl, not as narcissistic as Yi.

She was also observing the surrounding environment, her eyes carefully staying on everyone's face for a while.

Finally, he looked at the goblin in mid-air.

"It's a bit like the power of space and time, but it's a little different."

After observing for a moment, she came to this conclusion.

Irena asked carelessly: "Estelle, is it okay?"

Estelle pondered for a moment: "I can give it a try."

Xiao Yichen nodded towards her: "Please."

Irena suddenly took a step forward and stood in front of Estelle: "Let's talk about it first, help is help, don't think too much about it!"

Xiao Yichen rolled his eyes and was too lazy to respond.

There is an episode in the anime where Irena from multiple worlds comes together.

Except for the protagonist Irena, other Irenas are the products of deliberately improving certain characteristics on the basis of the protagonist Irena.

Just like the intellectual Irena who wears glasses.

The original Irena was also very knowledge-seeking, but the Intellectual Irena appeared after improving the basic Irena's knowledge-seeking attributes, and became a product that is even more knowledge-seeking than the original one.

Within the city walls, faint traces of the battle can be seen.

The original Irena didn't like being called flat-chested, but this Irena improved her foundation and put Irena's emphasis on body shape into a product that was more sex-oriented than the original one and was called flat-chested.


It has gone from liking it to becoming obsessed.

Wall partitions surround the interior and exterior.

If it is limited to a few individuals, it is somewhat credible.

Xiao Yichen smiled slightly: "There is an old saying in Zhu Xia, rely on your parents at home and rely on friends when going out... I often move around outside, so of course I have to make more friends.

Whitebeard raised Cong Yunqie: "I also want to see it!"

The domineering Cong Yunqie suddenly swung his sword, tearing the world apart, and hit the city wall in an instant.

"High-level magic shield! The essence of magic! The most enhanced three-level magic·Critical mine! The three-level magic·High-level magic seal! The most powerful three-level magic upgrade·Magic arrow!"

He rushed directly towards the city wall.

And Irena longs to have a giant X.

"High-level luck! Magic amplification! Dragon power! High-level hardening! Heavenly aura! Absorption! Penetration enhancement!"

Not to mention Mengmeng.

"Brilliant emerald body! Flying! Magic chanter's blessing! Infinite barrier! Magic barrier·holy! Essence of life! High-level all-attribute enhancement!"

Lao Gu was very stupid and first added more than 20 statuses to himself, not counting the various status bonuses that the equipment originally came with.

There was no weak person present. Even if they were some distance away, they could still see that there was already a fight over there.

Friends can't really tell.

There was a sudden loud noise in the direction of the town.

After the charge is completed, the super magic is launched to show respect. .

In fact, not being able to see the battle does not affect the judgment. After all, a wall with a diameter of thirty kilometers was created out of thin air.

That is the ability of Cromkure Petastoracucci, and it is exactly the principle of "the city is the kingdom".

But those are not friends, but family members.

The gem man's eyes passed over Irena and Estelle, and he said meaningfully: "Your Excellency, you really have a lot of friends!"

"Super magic·Falling from the sky!"

Whitebeard was not surprised but delighted, grinning ferociously and activated the power of shaking the fruit.

There is no problem with mutual assistance within limits. If you really expect others to spare no effort, that is simply overthinking.

But this massive attack did not cause much damage to the city wall.

People in the group are very defensive among themselves.

Although Xiao Yichen was not worried about Mengmeng and the others, he still said to Baibeard and Suzukiyu: "I'm sorry to bother you.

"False intelligence‧life! See through! Extraordinary intuition! High-level resistance enhancement! Chaos cloak! Unyielding! Perception increased by 1!"

Suzuki Satoru 0.4 took one step and turned into a ferocious skeleton.

For example, in the case of Zhang Chulan, although both parties also have reservations, Xiao Yichen trusts the other party's character when it comes to business matters.

So the Irena who likes girls appeared after strengthening the original Irena's preference for girls, and became a product that likes girls even more than the original one.

On the other hand, Irena's preferences are also obvious.

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