Godslayers are all born fighting mad.

Even for a type like Lady Aisha who doesn't like and isn't good at fighting, if she really wants to go crazy, it will definitely be more like a natural disaster than a natural disaster.

Innate fighting intuition, a bad personality like a naughty child who doesn't care about the consequences, and exaggerated luck.

They are all destined to be difficult to deal with and elusive.

"You can't fight in the city!"

The kind-hearted Mrs. Elsa appeared out of nowhere and planned to persuade the two of them during the battle.

It’s just that her way of persuading people is very ‘god-killing’: “Daughter of the goddess with beautiful hair, please open the door to Mother Earth’s palace! Frozen blizzard, come to me!”

This is the first power that Lady Elsa calculated from ‘Persephone’, the queen of the underworld in Greek mythology, and can summon eternal spring and infinite winter.

Under positive circumstances, this power can be used to distribute life force to all things in the world, heal the disabled and sick, and when the temperature rises and the warm wind blows.

Even a large group of seriously injured soldiers can be healed in an instant, but the Godslayer himself cannot be healed.

When you need to fight, you can spend a day reversing the power.

After the reversal, the temperature will become lower and become the power of winter. 26 In this state, the sacred north wind can be used to blow the enemy, and then create a huge crack in the ground and drag the target into it.

With a cold that can even freeze bone marrow, it creates a prison of Hades with the earth to imprison the target.

Although this trump card called [Hades Fall] has little effect on disobedient gods who have the divinity of Hades or have legends of 'resurrection from the dead'.

But others often just die.

Then came the problem.

Gemstone Weng was originally a human being, but was sucked in blood during the battle with Zhu Yue and turned into a vampire.

It is said that he accidentally inherited the principle blood ring of the twenty-seventh ancestor, which caused the soul level to be contaminated.

This makes him look old, but in fact he is already 'immortal'.

On the other hand, Xiao Yichen looks much younger on the surface, and has [Life] to increase his lifespan.

But there is really no good way to deal with this kind of regular suppression.

It’s not that I can’t resist it, it’s just very troublesome.

What's even more troublesome is that he also has to bring Liang Ritual and Asakami Fujino with him.

Gemstone Weng couldn't help but complain: "I told you not to fight in the city, but you yourself shouldn't use such tricks in the city!"

Xiao Yichen avoided the core area of ​​​​power: "That's why I said, you should go to her first.

Aisha didn't feel that what she did was outrageous at all, she still looked like she was natural: "It would be better to be more peaceful. If we have something to do, we can just talk. Why do we have to fight and kill each other?"

Xiao Yichen continued to engrave the evil eyes and said: "You came here from other time and space just to say this?"

Aisha's previous ability was activated immediately, and the three of them were obviously sent to different places.

The power of authority comes from the god of disobedience. Even if the gods of the Godslayer world are not particularly powerful, it is still inevitable for veteran strongmen like Gemstone Man to fall prey to this trick.

It's just that Gemstone Weng is good at the ability in the space-time field, so he can quickly track Xiao Yichen.

As for how Aisha came here, only she knows.

Or maybe she doesn't even know it herself?

He said confidently: I can't find my way home, so I want to ask you. "

Gemstone Weng frowned: "Then how did this lady get here?"

Aisha scratched her cheek slightly embarrassed: "I was walking on the road, and Quan Neng suddenly went berserk, and then I came here.

Xiao Yichen asked: "Then when you entered a foreign land in the past, how did you return?"

Elsa replied: "Just go back the way you came."

She suddenly felt a little unhappy again: "It should have been possible this time, but as soon as I came over, there was a little girl who wanted to fight with me. I didn't want to fight, so I ran all the way for a long time."

Then, as expected, she got 'lost'.

Xiao Yichen used his eyes to signal the two rituals not to move, and then asked: "You are the God Killer, who can hunt you down?"

Aisha shook her head: "It's not like we were chasing each other, but when I came here, I accidentally hit the little girl, so she was a little angry.

Gemstone Weng said quietly: "When His Highness Black Princess was talking to Her Highness Bai Ji, she knocked her to the ground. If you know those two ladies, you should know what kind of gaffe this is, right?"

Xiao Yichen's eyes twitched: "No wonder you were invited."

Although Erquette and Eltrucci are biological sisters, their relationship is very bad.

Let Eltruqi be so embarrassed in front of Elquit.

To be honest, if Eltrucci didn't have the ability to transcend time and space, she might have fought to the death with Aisha.

Gemstone Weng smiled heartily: "I met you two just at the right time.

Aisha asked herself, "Is there any way you can send me back?"

Xiao Yichen shook his head: "I have no choice, and I don't really agree with you going back."

Aisha was puzzled: "Why?"

Xiao Yichen said: "Because this is not a parallel world to your world, but another multiverse."

But Gemstone Weng said: "I can try to help."

Aisha first glared at Xiao Yichen, and then asked Gem 133 Weng with a smile, "Is it true?"

Gemstone Man nodded: "I am very interested in your origin. Since you said that there is a way back to where you originally came from, I can take you to find it together."

Fighting with Xiao Yichen is also to explore the secret of Xiao Yichen's journey across the world.

In fact, it's like treating a dead horse as a live doctor.

After all, he himself knew that Xiao Yichen really didn't know how to operate it.

This can also be seen from the battle just now.

Xiao Yichen has not shown any ability related to time and space at all, let alone the power to interfere with the world on that?

Maybe it was hidden, but with such sharp eyesight, Gemstone Man would naturally not be unable to tell the truth from the truth.

If Aisha didn't come out, he would definitely continue to fight.

Even if Xiao Yichen really doesn't understand, as long as Xiao Yichen is forced to use the ability to cross the world, Baoshi Weng feels that he can still take a peek.

But now there are better options.

If there really is a way back that Elsa said, then wouldn't he be able to experience crossing the world for himself?

Having said that.

The gem sword suddenly waved, and the surrounding space was split and sealed.

Gemstone Weng said loudly: "Of course you can help, but I hope that your Excellency can come with you."

Eggs can't be put in one basket, so he wants them all!.

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