Although a peaceful life is good, it becomes somewhat monotonous after a long time.

However, with the chat group, this situation is bound to not last long.

Artoria Pendragon: [I'm in trouble here, there's an unexpected enemy. 】

Xiao Yichen:【Unexpected?】

Artoria Pendragon: [I was attacking Vortigern, but I was trapped by magic on the way. 】

Mi Toma: [Are you sure it’s magic?]

Misaka Mikoto:【What's wrong with magic?】

Yuki Asuna: [In the setting of the Tsutsuki world, magic is the "act of artificially reproducing mystery and miracles", that is, the "path to the source" that cannot be explained and realized by modern technology. 】

Mi Toma: [Magic is a mystery different from magic. 】

Tsuchima Mi: [The phenomenon that can be achieved by miraculous techniques can also be achieved by science and technology in terms of results, that is called magic; what is impossible to achieve by magic or science and technology is magic. 】

Artoria Pendragon: [Merlin said it was magic. 】

Xiao Yichen: [It seems that the test of restraint has finally come. 】

Xiao Yichen: [There happens to be nothing going on here, so I’ll go over and take a look. 】

Toma Mi: [Eh, eh? Are you really going? 】

Xiao Yichen has come to the world of Xingyue.

"There is a problem with space, this sense of confusion

He also mastered part of the power of space, and 447 felt something abnormal as soon as he came over.

Arturia stopped others around her from following, and rode up to Xiao Yichen: "Can this be solved?"

Xiao Yichen stretched out his hand and shook it in the air: "You can go over, don't look back, just go do your thing."

In the chaotic space, he used his space bag and heavenly hand power to forcibly open up a stable passage.

Artoria frowned slightly, but didn't ask any more questions.

She waved her hand: "March!"

At this time, Britain's armies were all battle-hardened, and those under Artoria were even more elite among the elite.

They have been fighting with Artoria for more than a year, and they are very convinced of this new king.

She obeyed her orders without hesitation.

Merlin is not in the army, which is a bit of a pity.

After watching Artoria's army go away, Xiao Yichen carefully observed the space.

"Space, time."

"Having these two powers at the same time, is it the second method or the fifth method?"

The second method: Wanhua Mirror, the proof and application of parallel worlds;

The magic of observing countless parallel worlds and traveling between them at will (cgdd).

The fifth method, magic·green.

There are rumors circulating in the streets that Magic Ao is also a magic related to destruction, and can carry out personal limited time travel.

This is not the true form of the fifth magic, because the concept of time travel has long been included in the second magic. There is no reason to call the concept included in the second magic field the fifth magic.

In addition to these two kinds of magic, the other one is Chaldea's spirit transfer technology in FGO.

There may be other abilities, but he can't turn them off for the time being.

Xiao Yichen couldn't sense the presence of other life around him, so he couldn't rule out that this was just an accidental environment.

"Is it really an accident?"

Xiao Yichen closed his eyes and when he opened them again, his clairvoyance had been switched to the eye of the clock.

Although clairvoyance can see far away, the effect is not very good in the chaotic environment of time and space.

In this environment, Clock Eye can vaguely see the trajectory of time.

"Ten bullets!"

He compared his hand to a gun, with magic bullets made of magic power replacing the spiritual bullets.

The effect is the same as Tokisaki Kurumi's psychic bullet.

The Ten Bullets can convey past memories of the target it hits, and the targets Xiao Yichen chooses are the fragments of time and space scattered around.

Not sure if it works, just giving it a try.




After a hundred rounds of ten bullets, he finally captured some information.

"caught you!"

The power of the Heavenly Hand was activated, and he disappeared directly into this era.

Beyond time, across space.


Xiao Yichen's appearance was so sudden that the person facing him was so frightened that he fell to the ground.

Aizen Sosuke:【What happened?】


Xiao Yichen: [If I said this was Mrs. Aisha, would you believe it? 】

Xiao Yichen:【Trouble!】

Mi Toma: [Even the authors are different, how could it be related?].

After the owner's family, who were like close friends, died unexpectedly, he inherited their property and started traveling around the world.

In addition, Mrs. Elsa is reluctant, but will fully demonstrate the ferocious characteristics of Campione when necessary, and her unpredictability that transcends the limitations of time and space.

"Huh? You know me?"

Wuhe Shizhi: [Who is that? Is it very powerful? 】

But it was this action that allowed him to avoid Xiao Yikang's soft attack.

Artoria Pendragon: [The enemy is very strong?]

"Or luck?"

The only thing I never thought about was that someone would break in.

Rimuru Tempest: [Xing Yue and God Killer, is there any connection between these two worlds? 】

Elsa herself is not good at nor does she like fighting, but she has a sixth sense that lives up to the name campione, and she will even fight back instinctively when in danger.

Xiao Yichen took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in her heart: "Mrs. Aisha?"

Zhang Chulan: [Hiss——Is it true? 】

Tujian Mi: [Huh? @ Xiao Yichen, didn’t you go to Xingyue World? 】

With tears in her eyes, she rubbed the sore area, her face full of innocence: "I just want to travel, why are there always people chasing me?"

The girl who fell to the ground…………

Xiao Yichen: [I am indeed in the Age of Gods now, and I just separated from Artoria. Then he tracked the space-time fragments and caught up with her. 】

Beings who can interfere with time and space, how can there be any weak ones?

Let’s call her a girl.

I have even thought about singularities, lostbelts, these FGO-specific terms.

Mrs. Aisha is a maid from a lower caste in Tianzhu. She has no surname. Madam is the honorific title given to her.

This is inevitable.

Xiao Yichen:【@Everyone, we are in big trouble!】

Xiao Yichen starts the live broadcast.

Although their powers are not specialized combat powers, they all have potential power that cannot be ignored.

As a result, due to fate, he killed the goddess Persephone against his will and became a god slayer.

The other party's response was so unique that it didn't look like he was just pretending.

He had thought that Gemstone Man might have taken action this time, and he had also thought that Aozaki Aoko was causing trouble this time.

Zhang Chulan: [Old Xiao, what happened? 】

Among the seven campiones, he is also an extremely prominent troublemaker.

It has strong mobility, natural and gentle personality, and likes to travel. Because it was loved by its owner, it was brought back to the motherland.

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