Group Chat: If You Want To Be Rich, Plant Trees First

Chapter 54: Specialization In The Art Industry

The cold night is impermanent and life and death are cut off, and the dead bones are buried in the west wind.

Yinghuo Shouxin asked Naihe, how serious is the floating life like evil now?

Xiao Yichen directly activated his ability after the spacecraft left the earth and temporarily avoided foreign surveillance.

We arrived at Mars in the fastest possible time.

The equatorial radius of Mars is only 3,396 kilometers, which is almost half that of the Earth.

Here, Xiao Yichen can basically see the entire planet at a glance.

He was in a hurry to leave. On the one hand, he didn't want to be involved in the disturbance, and on the other hand, he was also showing his attitude.

He is too strong.

Just staying on Earth makes everyone, including himself, uneasy.

So he left.

This way, everyone feels at ease, but the real power remains.

In addition, his departure also shows that he will not interfere too much in Zhuxia's development.

"Is this Mars? My whole body feels light and airy!"

Honglian jumped a few times, very curious about Mars.

In ancient times, Mars was called Yinghuo and was the representative of the disaster star.

26 Xiao Yichen looked at the desolate surface: "The gravity here is almost only one-third of the earth, and the area is almost a quarter of the earth.

The volume of Mars is only 15% of the Earth.

The area of ​​Mars is approximately 142,828,261 square kilometers.

There are also polar regions here, and there is even ice in the polar regions.

Ninety-five percent of the air is carbon dioxide, which is thin and cold.

The average temperature on the planet's surface is -63C. In winter, the temperature in the polar regions can reach -143C. At noon in summer, the surface temperature at the equator of Mars can reach 35℃.

"The first thing to solve is the air problem."

The temperature can be overcome. No matter how cold it is, it is just a matter of wearing warmer clothes.

In the early days, you definitely had to wear a space suit.

After he builds a basic ecological cycle, this aspect can also be improved to a certain extent.

The army and technical personnel were all released by him.

They all put on their spacesuits in advance, and all the corresponding equipment was started in advance.

Although Xiao Yichen can rely on his ability to temporarily turn an area into a forest, the plants created in this way do not last long.

Without the blessing of his power, it would soon be destroyed by the Martian environment.

In order to accumulate more development experience, the main thing still has to be done manually.

Xiao Yichen spread out a map: "Today's task is to build a temporary base. The temperature difference here is too big, so our base should be built underground first.

Maps of Mars are not unusual. There are already ways to observe Mars on Earth.

But Xiao Yichen’s is more detailed.

Lux and Tony are both developing Mars, and he knows all the relevant news.

After all, they would ask Xiao Yichen for advice from time to time, and providing information was considered an exchange.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

The military style is so clean and neat.

The plan to build the base has been discussed in advance.

After Xiao Yichen determined the location, they started working immediately.

The place where they landed was a mountainous area. The ground was basically made of basalt and the texture was relatively hard.

Conventional methods are too slow. If it is developed normally, blasting should be the main focus in the early stage.

Xiao Yichen certainly couldn't wait that long.

Although he doesn't have Yamato's Wood Release House Building Technique, just shattering the surface is too simple.

With him helping to save the most difficult part, the remaining things, although still quite a lot, are much easier.

Let others stay and do the work.

Xiao Yichen took Zi Nu and others back into their space bags, "and then began to detect the specific conditions of Mars on the spot.

Although the universal version of the planet transformation technique is easy to use, it is not effective after all.

Xiao Yichen: [Don’t be too happy too early. Although I can afford to support my sisters, I may not be able to guarantee that their bodies can support them. 】

Tony Stark: [No need to worry about energy, he has the Ark reactor I gave him. 】.

Xiao Yichen: [You also know their physical condition, I’m not sure I can cure them. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Heavenly Hand Power. 】

In addition to the small gravity that allows mountains to grow very high, the lack of obvious plate movement makes the distribution of volcanoes mainly based on hot spots, unlike the Earth's ring of fire structure.

Xiao Yichen: [In addition, I have planted many crops in my space, and I am currently developing Mars. 】

Xiao Yichen's healing ability is limited to healing injuries, and he is really not sure about treating such congenital problems.

Xiao Yichen:【Sister Misaka?】

It is interspersed with volcanic terrain, with numerous canyons scattered throughout, polar caps composed of dry ice and water ice at the North and South Poles, and wind-formed sand dunes scattered throughout the planet.

If we want to transform Mars as soon as possible, we still have to adapt an exclusive version based on the actual situation.

Caused by water, it may be caused by short-term erosion by floods, erosion by steady flowing water, or erosion by glaciers;

Zhang Chulan:【Are you going to Mars now?】

Zhang Chulan:【......You are cruel!】

Mars has a diverse terrain like the Earth, with mountains, plains and canyons. Mars is basically a desert planet, with sand dunes and gravel all over the surface.

The Misaka sisters were spawned, so there may be a big problem at the genetic level.

The north is a lowland filled with lava, and the south is an ancient highland filled with craters, and the two are separated by a clear slope;

Misaka Mikoto: [I will call 597 and send all the sisters away. Is it okay with you? 】

Industry specializing in surgery.

Misaka Mikoto: [......That's indeed no problem. 】

The volcanoes on Mars are different from those on Earth.

When it comes to canyons on Mars, you might think that they are caused by water, but it is not just that.

Xiao Yichen: [The transformation of Mars should be busy for a long time. Zhuxia will continue to deliver supplies in the future, so it will be very busy in the future. 】

There is a strong contrast in the terrain of the northern and southern hemispheres:

Misaka Mikoto:【Are you lacking someone there?】

Of course Demeter can do it, but you can't always trouble her to take action, right?

Misaka Mikoto: [Why do you always feel that this name is weird? 】

Due to factors such as smaller gravity, the size of the terrain is also different from that of the Earth.

Xiao Yichen: [Do you think with my ability, I can starve them? 】

Misaka Mikoto: [Forget it, I’m too lazy to think about it. 】

Xiao Yichen: [The supplies stored inside alone are enough to support the sisters for a long time. 】

Misaka Mikoto: [Speaking of which, are you okay with your strength? 】

Xiao Yichen: [I have a space bag, which is a little larger than the earth. 】

However, lava flows erupted by volcanic activity can also create lava channels.

In addition to water, there are also those formed by volcanic activity.

Misaka Mikoto: [It doesn’t matter. I convinced Mr. Kiyama and I’m going to send you the equipment as well. 】

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