There are constant disputes in the world of pirates, and many people are just barely surviving.

With a relatively stable living environment, it's no wonder that some people would go all the way to join Liu.

Zhang Chulan: [So the red flag has actually been planted in another world? 】

Xiao Yichen: [I’m afraid you have forgotten that Felt and Artoria both learned Mao Gai. 】

Zhang Chulan: [Hiss——Grandpa Mao is mighty! 】

Ying Zheng: [I have read it before, and I just wish I could never meet again!]

Although many of these arguments run counter to feudal society.

But as a superior person, Ying Zheng will naturally not deny the correctness of it.

Tony Stark: [I have also read it, but I can only say that it is not suitable for our country. ~]

As early as the Civil War, socialism was lingering on the soil of the United States, and many communists provided huge help to the Northern Army's victory.

Marx's comrade-in-arms Joseph Wedemeyer joined the army and led a whole regiment to join the Northern Army.

Many members of the New York Communist Club also voluntarily joined the army and became the backbone of the Civil War.

It can be said that at the beginning, the communists and the northern bourgeoisie were in an alliance.

However, this alliance did not last long. When the United States began to fly on the road of capitalism, socialism, which had been a boost, became a stumbling block in the way.

This stone that built American society has been purged several times on American soil.

The Socialist Party of the United States, which was once very prosperous in the early twentieth century, was suppressed and reduced to its original size in just twenty years.

And hating society and communism is the mainstream consciousness in the United States.

In 1945, the Gallup poll asked: Do you think a person can be believed to be a communist and still be loyal to the United States?

Only 5 percent of Americans answered 'yes' to this question.

Even in 1989, the conflict between the United States and the furry bears gradually slowed down.

There are still 47% of Americans who hate communism so much that they would rather engage in a total nuclear war than live under communism.

Faced with such national conditions.

No matter how flamboyant Tony was, he would not dare to go against public opinion.

Xiao Yichen: [In a while, I will move to Mars. 】

Tujian Buried: [Huh?]

Xiao Yichen: [No matter how Zhu Xia and the international community develop in the future, they will not stop exploring the universe. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Mars is an outpost, so it naturally needs to be taken care of. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Or you can put it another way, it is precisely because the conflict between Zhu Xia and capitalist society is very likely to break out, so this retreat is even more needed. 】

Yuuki Asuna: [Didn’t you say that Zhuxia has a great chance of winning? 】

Xiao Yichen: [War is a continuation of politics. Now that Zhuxia has better choices, why should they fight a meaningless war? 】

The essence of war is to plunder resources.

The defensive war is just, but it is only a passive defense.

No matter how many such wars are fought, no substantial benefits will be gained.

And compared to going to foreign wars to plunder other people's resources, how can it be easier to just go and dig up some in the universe?

Although the population of Zhuxia is large, the universe is even more vast.

Rather than wasting people in meaningless wars, it would be better to invest them all in the universe to mine.


You still have to fight.

Zhu Xia's side is considered the basic base. Before the transformation of Mars is completed, its existence itself is necessary.

Only by beating the hands of those who covet him first can Zhu Xia develop with peace of mind.

Zhang Chulan: [Our goal is the sea of ​​stars!]

Tony Stark: [In terms of value, the resources on earth are limited. 】

Tony Stark: [Mining from ancient times to the present has consumed a considerable part of it. 】

Tony Stark: [Especially for a country with a long history like Zhuxia, although it has not exhausted its resources, it has gradually become stretched. 】

Tony Stark: [If it were me, after mastering aerospace technology and planet transformation technology, I would also want to jump out of this small quagmire and develop in a broader universe. 】

Tony Stark: [Actually, that’s exactly what I did, Stark Development CompanyJPG

Tony Stark: [As you can see, I have built a development company on Mars. 】

Tujian Buried: [Huh?]

Mi Toma: [Is everyone working so hard? 】

Tsuchima Mi: [@元城翀娜@五河士ori, are we too salty? 】

Yuuki Asuna:【】

Itsuka Shiori: [Well, actually I am on Mars right now, building a new living environment with Kotori and the others. 】

Wuhe Shiori: [Because of the help of the display device, the progress on our side may be faster than that of Mr. Tony. Mars Building Complex.JPG】

Tujian Buried:【Eh? Eh!】

Toma Mi: [Asuna, you didn’t do something big without saying anything, did you? 】

Yuki Asuna: [I’m still in school. 】

Takamachi Nanoha: [That is to say, I am also in school, so we can only wait until after graduation to talk about such powerful things. 】

Qingque: [Actually, it’s quite good to be a salted fish. 】

Hinata Hanabi: [I have graduated from the ninja school and am now a jounin. 】

Hinata Hanabi: [I am currently preparing to run for the position of Hokage. When I succeed, I must unify the world!]

Tujian Mi: [Huh? Huh! Huh...]

Yuki Asuna: [Although it’s not a bad thing to set ambitious goals, it should be difficult for you, Hanabi-chan, to achieve it, right? 】

Xiao Yichen: [There are indeed difficulties for the time being, but when Otsutsuki comes to earth again, things will be much simpler. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Don’t rush to kill those guys when the time comes. When they make a big fuss, the entire ninja world will naturally become the same enemy. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Then, Hua Huo, you fight a beautiful victory, then climb up and shout, and naturally the responders will gather. 】

Xiao Yichen: [It would be better if Otsutsuki’s information could be made public in the meantime. 】

Xiao Yichen: [If done well, direct unification may be difficult, but there is great hope for establishing a coalition government. 】

History has proven countless times that transforming difficult-to-solve internal contradictions into easy-to-create external contradictions is always a shortcut to consolidating political power.

Although this is talking about the 'inside' of a political power, it is slightly inconsistent with the situation in the Naruto world.

But there's not much difference.

When a powerful enemy appears outside the planet, the conflicts within the planet will naturally become less acute. .

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