The aerospace industry here in Zhu Xia is so busy that I feel like I'm in a trance.

The whole world is also in a state of excitement.

However, these have nothing to do with Xiao Yichen.

Misaka Mikoto: [The Absolute Abilities Project seems to have started, what should I do? 】

Xiao Yichen: [I'll send you some mushroom bombs, and you can hack into Aleister's place. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Tell him that as long as he dares to continue the absolute ability user plan, you will bring the entire Academy City to death!]

Tony Stark: [Are the mushroom bombs enough? Not enough. I have more powerful ones here. 】

Misaka Mikoto:【......】

Xiao Yichen: [Or you can ask Heizi to help and send the nuclear warhead directly to Aleister. 】

Zhang Chulan: [This is a good idea. 】

Lux Klein: [The problem is that according to your description, it should be difficult for nuclear weapons to threaten that Aleister, right? 】

Xiao Yichen: [There is still a deterrent effect. After all, the person who did this is Mikoto. The additional things are the key to shake Aleister26. 】

For example, where do mushroom bombs come from?

Misaka Mikoto disappeared from Academy City for nearly a week. Where did she go? What did she go for?

Before the investigation is clear, Aleister will only adjust his plan and test it step by step, no matter how fearful he is.

Yuki Asuna: [Are you sure you are not instigating terrorists? 】

Mi Toma: [How can you always use something like that to scare people? 】

Funina:【What is that?】

Tony directly sent a video of the nuclear explosion.

Tony Stark: [This is the most powerful power that humans can master, at least for now. 】

Zhang Chulan: [I’m a little curious, which one is stronger, Sun Body or Xiuzhen? 】

Xiao Yichen: [Three thousand avenues and eight hundred side doors, all of which can lead to enlightenment. 】

Tony Stark:【Three-body?】

Xiao Yichen: [A science fiction novel about the information exchange, life-and-death struggle between human civilization on earth and the Trisolaran civilization, and the rise and fall of the two civilizations in the universe. 】

Zhang Chulan: [It’s different from your Marvel world. Even if you’re a cosmic overlord like Thanos, you can still fight with fists. 】

Zhang Chulan: [The Three-Body Problem is about a world where technology truly competes, with superior technology crushing inferior ones. An exploration spacecraft of a higher civilization can travel freely in lower civilizations. 】

Xiao Yichen: [The water droplets are really impressive. 】

Zhang Chulan sent the novel about Three-Body Problem to the group.

Xiao Yichen: [Actually, it’s okay without nuclear bombs. My sacred tree is currently in state three. You go to the middle of Academy City and pick up this little guy when there are few people around. 1

Misaka Mikoto: [What does this have to do with the absolute ability user plan? And are you sure there is no problem? 】

Xiao Yichen: [The absolute ability user plan itself is unrealistic. It is just an excuse for Aleister to reasonably distribute the AIM proliferation stance to the world. 】

Xiao Yichen: [As long as you cause him some trouble and express your attitude, he will definitely consider it carefully. 】

Xiao Yichen: [If he still insists on executing that plan, he will have to use Plan B. 】

Misaka Mikoto: OK?】

Xiao Yichen: [You should work harder, cooperate with Kuroko Shirai and Shiri Uiharu, and send every created sister directly to me. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Or be more ruthless and send Kamijou Touma and Hades Soul Chaser directly to me. 】

Xiao Yichen: [The devil does not have the ability to cross the world. At worst, you can just bring your relatives and friends with you. 】

Misaka Mikoto:【Huh?】

Xiao Yichen: [My place is developing at a rapid pace, and we are hungry for all kinds of talents. 】

Xiao Yichen: [To explore the universe, technology, life span, and physical fitness all need to be improved. 】

Xiao Yichen: [I can advance this process in terms of food. 】

Xiao Yichen: [But this alone is not enough. I hope that Zhuxia can develop in an all-round way in the future. 】

Xiao Yichen: [So, I welcome all talents to immigrate. 】

Twenty thousand Misaka sisters can only be treated as tools in the forbidden world.

Put in the main world, their abilities themselves can play a great role.

By then, he plans to move to Mars.

Xiao Yichen: [But just in case, it’s best to get your relatives and friends ready before you take action. 】

Misaka Mikoto: [...I'll think about it. 】

Misaka Mikoto:【】

Forget about the earth.

What's more, this is still 20,000 people.

If we use them to build an AIM diffusion position, it is possible to develop an ability user system in the main world.

Zhang Chulan:【Three corpses?】

Even with the relatively normal prices in Zhuxia, one person still has to pay thirty yuan a day, right?

Xiao Yichen: [Accelerator's character is really not that good, this move is a sure kill for him. 】

Who can withstand this?

And the Misaka sisters who have the Misaka network can definitely become his best helpers.

Misaka Mikoto:【Is it okay?】

I can’t afford it!

Points actually come second. With the technology of Forbidden World, Misaka Mikoto can earn enough points just by browsing the Internet twice.

With the devil watching over her head, others didn't dare to go to the forbidden world, and she didn't dare to let people in casually.

The last time I sneaked into the world of Shoji, it was already quite an adventure.

With so many people, even if discounts are taken into account, it will cost a lot of points to teleport once.

Twenty thousand Misaka sisters;

The real trouble is placement.

Xiao Yichen: [But you also know the situation over there. I can only make one move. 】

Twenty thousand people is 600,000 a day, almost 18 million a month, which is more than two small goals in a year.

Xiao Yichen: [The demon is too powerful, so it is not easy to come to the earth. 】

When the base on the moon is built, he plans to guide Zhu Xia to develop Mars.

Xiao Yichen:【What else?】

Xiao Yichen: [083 I will just go over and run away with one move. This is not enough time for them to come. 】

In the original work, more than half of the sisters were missing, leaving less than ten thousand.

Xiao Yichen: [If you find Accelerator, I will go there. 】

Relatives and friends add up to a hundred or ten people.

Zhang Chulan: [It’s great to have money!]

Misaka Mikoto: [I mean the devil, you shouldn’t be able to handle it, right? 】

Xiao Yichen: [If you can’t defeat someone, you can’t afford to hide. 】

Even so, with Misaka Mikoto's treatment at LV.5, she had no choice but to accept sending all her sisters to research institutions around the world.

Xiao Yichen: [As soon as things get discordant, just take the people and run away. 】

Xiao Yichen: [If you don’t have enough points, you can choose to charge them to my account. 】

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