The rapid development of science and technology and the continued prosperity of the economy.

Let Zhuxia go through hundreds of years of development in Western countries in just a few decades, showing a prosperous scene.

Like a bright pearl, shining in the east of the world.

Ying Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng are here.

After Xiao Yichen gave them a simple reception, he left the matter of taking them to visit the great mountains and rivers of the motherland to the professionals on the country's side.

Although he didn't say much, he probably guessed a few things.

The identities of the two people were directly stated, and the higher-ups would naturally not neglect them.

After all, even if these two people are not from this world in name, their names as 'Ying Zheng' and 'Zhang Sanfeng' are worthy of Zhu Xia's grand reception.

Of course Xiao Yichen can also be a tour guide, but firstly, he does not have the eloquence of a professional, and secondly, there are too many people watching here.

Is it possible to kill them all the way?

This is entertaining guests. If you really do that, you will be disappointed, and it will be difficult for the two guests to see the normal Zhu Xia.

Nakiri Erina: [Green vegetables reduce blood fat, cabbage is good for the stomach, spinach relieves heat and toxins, shepherd's purse resists viruses, tomatoes protect the heart,...]

Nakiri Erina: [The medicinal value of these ingredients has exceeded that of many drugs. The key is that they are not resistant to drugs and the unit price is also cheaper. 】

Nakiri Erina: [To be honest, even if I witnessed the whole verification process with my own eyes, I still can’t believe it. 】

Yuuki Asuna: [What about the taste? For a chef, the taste is the key, right?]

Nakiri Erina: [Here’s the problem. As far as it seems, the taste of these vegetables is no worse than the original ones, and some are even better. 】

Nakiri Erina: [So we are very confused now. 】

Nakiri Erina: [It stands to reason that these vegetables should be priced high, after all, the efficacy is there. 】

Nakiri Erina: [But also because of its efficacy, some people in the top management hope to sell it at a fair price. 】

Nakiri Erina: [After all, the difficulty of growing new vegetables is not much different from the original ones. You can completely adopt the strategy of small profits but quick turnover. 】

Nakiri Erina: [After all, Totsuki's benefits will not be greatly affected, and he can still earn a lot of reputation for nothing. 】

Tony Stark: [But correspondingly, you will also offend pharmaceutical companies. 】

Nakiri Erina:【Exactly so!】

Tony Stark: [At this time, it depends on the strength of your group. I don’t have that kind of problem at all, because my company is the strongest! 】

Tony bought one of Xiao Yichen's agricultural packages directly.

The Stark Group is actively advancing the planet transformation plan it bought earlier.

There is this great righteousness, coupled with the strength of the Stark Group itself and its official influence in the United States.

Although Tony has a flamboyant personality, he really has the qualifications to be unscrupulous.

Lux Klein: [You can find another way to find those large pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, medical institutions, etc., and reach cooperation relationships in the name of auxiliary treatment. 】

Lacus Klein: [Most conflicts of interest issues can be resolved through interest exchange. 】

Nakiri Erina: [There is one faction that thinks so, but it does not get support from the other two factions, and the upper echelons are still arguing about it. 】

Lux Klein: [It is still a question of interests. Some people want to monopolize it, while others are content with the status quo and do not want to cause trouble and affect existing interests. 】

Lacus Klein: [Actually, this can also be solved through the exchange of interests. As long as we find a way to ensure the interests of all parties, then the obstacles will naturally disappear. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Actually, there is another way. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Tony is right, as long as you are strong enough, you don’t need to care about the disturbances from the outside world. 】

Artoria Pendragon:【???】

Yuki Asuna: [In a country where classes are solidified, the people have no room for advancement. How can we save such a country?].

According to the "Potsdam Declaration", before the Sakura Country government completes its transformation, the Sakura Country will be occupied and managed by the Allies.

Reinhard van Astrea: [Have you never thought about saving the country?]

However, in the East Asian monster house [there are few neighbors around who are worry-free.

Xiao Yichen: [Although they are both capitalist, the national conditions of Sakura Country are different. I believe there will be many people willing to protect Yuanyue. 】

If Tokyo is not recognized as the capital, the US military will just station troops in the country.

Although it should be mainly for political demands, we must also admit that once the negotiation is really concluded, we may actually see the People's Liberation Army standing guard and patrolling on the streets of Tokyo in the future.

Among them, Zhuxia occupied Shikoku Island and co-administered Osaka Prefecture with Britain. Tokyo was co-administered by Zhuxia, Mao Xiong, America, and Britain. The Ryukyu Islands were co-administered by Zhuxia and America.

Reinhard van Astrea:【???】

Xiao Yichen: [For example, official!]

However, due to the strength of the United States, the other three countries did not implement it.

Nakiri Erina:【......】

Xiao Yichen: [There is no need to worry about their disapproval of things like this that can enhance official prestige. 】

Toma Mi: [How can people trust a country where the United States has stationed troops in its capital? ]

Tsuchima Mi: [To put it more loftily, the Earth Federation will definitely be established in the future, so it seems good to integrate into it early? 】

Yuki Asuna: [Let’s forget it. 】

In the main world, Da Mao has mentioned the "Potsdam Proclamation" again.

Rimuru Tempest:【Eh? Do we have a capital?】

Rimuru Tempest: [The Sakura Kingdom is dead. 】

Xiao Yichen: [If it is limited to domestic use, it is naturally reliable. 】

Rimuru Tempest: [Or you can consider developing only in the country? 】

Yuuki Asuna: [It should be considered true, but it’s just not explicitly acknowledged. 】

Nakiri Erina:【Is this...reliable?】

Xiao Yichen: [Yuan Yue is not strong enough, so find a foreign aid with sufficient strength. 】

Nakiri Erina:【What can I do?】

Once it is admitted, the Sakura Kingdom will not even have the last fig leaf.

But if it involves foreign countries, then forget it.

There are also Zhuxia, Damao, and the United States suppressing it. How long their own sovereignty can be maintained is still a question.

Irena: [Huh? You don’t believe in your own country?]

Sakura Country is ranked among the best in the world.

However, as Zhuxia becomes more and more popular, Ryukyu's independence has now entered a countdown.

Tsuchima Mi: [How about you find a way to improve your strength first, and then consider this issue? 】

Mi Toma: [It is right not to admit it, but it will be even more uncomfortable if you admit it410. 】

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