Use the power of the Origin Elf to limit the Origin Elf.

This sounds simple in words, but in practice, it can kill people!

It was okay at first, after all, she was consumed by Xiao Yichen and was in a period of weakness.

But she recovered too quickly!

Almost every minute and every second, energy is rapidly accumulating in a form that is close to a jump.

Xiao Yichen had to maintain the ability to [absorb] for a long time to ensure that the opponent's power would not go out of control.

So from beginning to end, he held each other's hand.

This is really not because he wants to take advantage.

The main reason is that as long as he dares to let go, the balance he finally built will be broken immediately.

"After this trip, if [Magic Defense] and [Mystery] don't increase, I will live broadcast standing on my head to wash my hair!"

Xiao Yichen felt depressed and itched her teeth, but she could only feel depressed in her heart.

The feeling of being constantly washed by the starfish's spiritual power cannot be said to be pleasant.

To him, spiritual power is regarded as alien energy.

Every flush will stimulate his own magic power to react.

The key point is that there is no way to control this situation at all. Who gave the Origin Elf more spiritual power?

He can only guard himself and try not to let his magic power completely riot.

"Although I really want to take you to play, for the time being, I still have to teach you the language first."

At present, dialogue can only be conveyed directly using mental power.

There is no convenient way to talk here like in the Magic Cannon World. Xiao Yichen held the hand of the Origin Elf in order to keep the call uninterrupted.

The Origin Elf looked at him cutely: "Language?"

Xiao Yichen placed a pinyin table in front of her: "Anyway, you can learn it right!"

If he were to teach, of course he would teach Chinese first.

His own super high learning ability, combined with his precise expression of mental dialogue.

It only took a few days for the Origin Elf to be able to carry out simple daily conversations.

The study of writing is also progressing rapidly. I believe she will graduate in a few months at most.

In fact, it can be faster.

However, Xiao Yichen thinks this atmosphere is not bad.

Compared to teaching, dating, and falling in love, he is actually less good at it.

Of course, he doesn't teach every day.

As someone who has been through it, he simply doesn’t understand the boring nature of going to class every day.

From time to time, he would take the Origin Elf out for a walk.

Shopping, shopping, eating, watching movies,

I sleep with my clothes at night.

Xiao Yichen didn't do anything extra.

The current Origin Elf is just like a child. He is as beautiful as he is beautiful, but he is really not suitable to attack.

Zhang Chulan: [How long has it been? How long has it been!]

Zhang Chulan: [Old Xiao, Wenwen Township is the Tomb of Heroes!]

Xiao Yichen: [I said I didn’t do anything, but you won’t believe it. However, at least so far, I have not messed around. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Now is the critical period to popularize correct values ​​​​to her. I don’t want to make things more troublesome just for the sake of temporary convenience. 】

Wuhe Shiori: [That kind of thing doesn’t matter. When do you plan to come back? 】

Xiao Yichen: [Not sure yet, after all, it is not that simple to guide a person's three views. 】

Tujian Mi: [How do you say that idiom? Are you happy or not thinking about Shu?]

Aizen Sosuke: [Has the world line changed? 】

Tony Stark: [Mr. Tony is also very curious. 】

Wuhe Shiori: [I have compared the plot, except that Kurumi was brought here in advance, everything else remains the same. Yoshino had already appeared and was taken home by me. 】

Qingque: [Oh, are you complaining that @Xiao Yichen came home too late? 】

Xiao Yichen: [Soon. 】

Xiao Yichen: [The basic courses have been taught, and the next step is to focus on personality guidance. Let’s start with teacher Zuo Jingyuan’s course. I think the effect should be good. 】

Horaishan Kaguya:【???】

Irena: [Xigou, with such a beautiful woman by your side, you actually do this?]

Wanwan: [Langjun, if you have flowers that you can break, you must break them! 】

Zhang Chulan: [Listening to people from the Sui Dynasty reciting poems from the Tang Dynasty, this feeling is's hard to put into words. 】

An era has its own characteristics.

Tang poetry, Song lyrics, Yuan opera, and Ming novels.

It cannot be said that these dynasties are the only ones, but it cannot be denied that these dynasties are indeed more outstanding in corresponding aspects.

The two dynasties of Sui and Tang were closely adjacent to each other, and the Sui Dynasty was originally very short.

Living in the late Sui Dynasty, the love for poetry can be said to be the mainstream of the times.

Xiao Yichen: [@五河士志, please help me pay more attention to historical changes. I want to know if my efforts have paid off. 】

Wuhe Shizhi: [Well, I compare carefully every day. 】

Artoria: [The thing you mentioned about drawing the sword and choosing the king has begun. I heard that all the knights and nobles from all over the country are preparing to go there. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Change into beautiful clothes, act like a princess, and hold out the sword generously. 】

Xiao Yichen: [You are the destined protagonist, there is no need to be secretive at this time. 】

Artoria: [Is this...really okay? 】

Xiao Yichen: [Why not? It is difficult to become a queen with integrity, but it is better than a hypocritical country built with lies. 】

Xiao Yichen: [No matter how brilliant it is, it will become a stain if it starts with deception. 】

Xiao Yichen: [When there is a stain, you can only try your best to cover it up, and the final result will be determined by it. 】

Xiao Yichen: [The Song Dynasty had a strong say in this regard. 】

The same was true for Camelot during Artoria's time.

If it weren't for the original lie, there would be no tragedy of Guinevere.

Without Guinevere's tragedy, would Lancelot not have rebelled?

It's hard to say about other worlds, but Lancelot in the moon-shaped world is really loyal to Arturia.

Artoria: [What is the Song Dynasty?]

Zhang Chulan: [Zhao Kuangyin (Li's) wore a yellow robe because of Chen Qiao's soldiers, and then drank a glass of wine to release his military power. From then on, the Song Dynasty never reused military personnel. 】

Zhang Chulan: [Then, during the Song Dynasty, no matter whether the foreign war was won or lost, compensation was paid. In the end, even the country lost everything. 】

Artoria: [...What’s the point of releasing military power over a glass of wine? 】

Zhang Chulan: [Old Xiao, go to class! And]

Xiao Yichen: [I have already put it in the group, so I can watch it by myself. 】

Xiao Yichen: [The national conditions of the East and the West are different, so @Altoria, when you read it, you should combine it with the national conditions of Camelot and don’t copy it mechanically. 】

Artoria: [Thank you. 】

Xiao Yichen: [You're welcome, I just want to see if history will really change without the direct involvement of external forces. 】

Zhang Chulan: [Old Xiao, you seem to be particularly interested in changing history recently?]

Xiao Yichen: [Always think about the future. 】.

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