Xiao Yichen faced the overwhelming offensive with his sword horizontally alone.

His flexible movements allow him to gain vitality from almost undetectable gaps.

If you really can't avoid it, you will use cleverness to avoid it.

Even he himself did not expect that one day he would rely on his skills to defeat the enemy.


The golden shadow's heavy punch directly broke a high mountain.

Xiao Yichen seemed unaware, seizing the opponent's strength and using his old strength, he treated it as a slash.

Compared with the exaggerated attack power and destructive power, although the Golden Shadow's defense power is not bad, it is not very bad.

She can also get injured, but because of nanotechnology and genetic adjustment, her recovery speed is much faster than that of ordinary people.

Take this blow for example.

Because her movement was half a beat too slow, she was crushed by Xiao Yichen's sword.

She didn't care about the injuries.

However, her clothes were also torn in the injured area, leaking some of her beauty, which made her very uncomfortable.

"I hate H!"

Realizing that Xiao Yichen's gaze was falling where he shouldn't have been, Golden Shadow's face darkened, and he quickly devoted his attention to repairing the broken clothes.

Logically speaking, as a professional killer, you shouldn't care about these things.

For many killers, being able to use their bodies to achieve their goals is actually a very good deal.

But there is no way.

Golden Shadow is so innocent.

Xiao Yichen shrugged: "Don't mind, I'm just curious. You must be in your twenties, right?"

According to the description, when the plot begins, Golden Shadow should be Kronos's twenty-fourth year old in the galactic calendar.

But from her appearance, you can't tell it at all.

Golden Shadow's face became even darker: "Tianchu!"

She waved her knife and cut the earth into a deep gorge in one fell swoop.

Naturally, Xiao Yichen would not directly respond to such an attack that was launched with obvious anger.

Before she made a move, she made a prediction in advance and avoided it steadily.


After avoiding the attack, Xiao Yichen immediately closed the distance with the golden shadow.

While launching an offensive quickly, he always kept his weapons from being in direct contact with each other.

It's all-consuming.

The golden shadow is very fast, and just catching her movement trajectory is already very difficult.

It is also necessary to predict her attack route in advance and respond to it accurately.

The battle could not last more than half a day, and Xiao Yichen already felt that it was too much.

"Endurance! Strength! Agility! Dexterity! Magic!"

After maxing out all the status, I finally felt a little better.

But this was just because of Xiao Yichen's sudden change in strength and shooting speed, which temporarily disrupted Golden Shadow's rhythm.

After a period of adaptation, the situation returned to its original state.

Xiao Yichen is not surprised.

There are many strong people in the universe, but there are even more creatures in the universe.

Diluted down, even if Golden Shadow has traversed the universe for many years, it will actually encounter very few real masters.

Among them, those who can make as much concessions as her are even closer.

After all, she is one of the strongest people in this world.

At first it seemed that she was on par with Xiao Yichen, just because she only used her usual playing style.

Now with the battle, her hidden combat power is gradually released.

Just in terms of lethality, she is much more powerful than Satila.


If the two sides really fight, there is a high probability that Satila will trick her around.

This is not surprising.

Xiao Yichen was able to deal with Satila because his power also came from the mysterious side system.

Even if he can't crack some weird abilities, he still has ways to resist them.

But Golden Shadow is the crystallization of pure technology. When facing the scientific side, there is no doubt about her power.

But if you have to face a mysterious and unfamiliar master, you are bound to suffer a loss.

Maybe after trying a few more times, she could figure out a way to deal with it.

It's a pity that her opponent won't give her that chance.

"Peng Ju!"

"Peng Zhi!"

The corpse insect is called Peng Zhi. It is inside the human head and makes people stupid and without wisdom.

The corpse insect in the middle is called Peng Zhi. When it is in the human chest, it makes people have troubles and delusions, and they cannot be at peace.

This trick doesn't work well against Satella, but it works extremely well against Golden Shadow.

In another confrontation, Xiao Yichen's deft sword blade once again added a wound to the golden shadow.

The wound was very shallow and healed almost instantly.

Only a hint of snow-white skin can be vaguely seen, which is particularly conspicuous under the light.

As if remembering the scene he just saw, Golden Shadow became furious: "You damn guy, I will definitely kill you!"

.........Please give me flowers...

Her offensive was obviously much more violent than before.

If you look carefully, you will find that her eyes are faintly flashing blood red.

This move was already difficult to prevent, but Golden Shadow was outwitted by Peng Ju, and he couldn't react at this moment.

The destructive power she unleashed has indeed increased a lot, but because she has lost her rhythm, it actually causes less trouble to Xiao Yichen.

"If you want to kill me, the current level is not enough."

Xiao Yichen's teasing words, in Golden Shadow's ears, were already the most vicious provocation at this time.

There were even blue veins appearing on her beautiful forehead.


That was an expression of anger to the extreme.



"Bang bang bang

The continuous mountains were razed to the ground by the furious golden shadow.

The small water source was all evaporated by the energy of the collision between the two.

Dark clouds began to gather in the sky.

But immediately afterwards, the dark clouds were torn apart by violent force.

"Boom, boom, boom -"

The earth was completely shattered, and the sky was filled with dust.

But soon, the dust was also blown away by the two of them.

The more Xiao Yichen fought, the more relaxed he became. He even talked casually: "Soil quality is very important. There is almost no life on this planet. This is not good."

He changed his position and swung out several slashes from time to time to hinder the movement of the golden shadow, or to defend against her attacks.

"So you need to plow one side first so that the field becomes soft."

They have already done this, and done it very thoroughly.

"But this alone is not enough. Water sources are equally important."

Far away from them, it was already raining heavily.

"Everything is missing here, but fortunately the basic elements are quite complete."

"Although I don't have the ability to directly change the form and properties of matter, I only need to apply some methods, and it is not difficult to achieve this."

For example, getting rich first leads to getting rich later.

Xiao Yichen's steps suddenly stopped: "Peng Jiao!"

The corpse worm is called Peng Jiao. When it is in the human belly, it makes people covet men and women for food and drink.

The power of the three corpses operated at the same time, and the three corpses of the golden shadow were completely aroused. .

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