Group Chat: If You Want To Be Rich, Plant Trees First

Chapter 53: Ability To Bend And Stretch

When Zuo Jingyuan teaches, she is really eclectic.

She has quoted novels, films, TV series, plays, etc.

The content involved in the course is also becoming more and more abundant.

After all, in early primitive society, the social structure was relatively simple, without too many twists and turns, and there were very few relevant documents.

But after the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, especially after the Qin Dynasty, various documents began to proliferate.

Later generations are also more familiar with the history after Qin.

In the following time, Zuo Jingyuan talked about the centuries of humiliation from the feudal dynasty to modern history.

Then the ancestors made a desperate move to create a new era and bring Zhu Xia back to its peak.

"It's a pity that your time is limited."

After roughly going through the five thousand years of Zhuxia's history, this lecture can be considered over.

Zuo Jingyuan felt a little pity.

Both students are very easy to learn, which is a blessing for the teacher.

It's just that they were tied up with other things and couldn't stay too long, which left her feeling a little unfinished.

Reinhardt said sincerely: "Thank you very much for your teaching. I hope I will have the opportunity to listen to your teaching again in the future."

Felt bowed deeply: "Thank you, teacher!"

Zuo Jingyuan smiled and said: "You two 543s don't have to be like this. I have taught many students, but there are very few who are as eager to learn as you, so I am also very happy.

Starting from the historical trigger, it extends all the way to culture, economy, science, philosophy, education, politics, society and so on.

Zuo Jingyuan's knowledge reserve is very rich, and she can explain basically everything succinctly.

If this was not Xiao Yichen's world and Reinhardt was not good at making opinions, he would have actually wanted to hire Zuo Jingyuan to teach at his place.

Xiao Yichen then said: "Teacher Zuo, please excuse me!"

Zuo Jingyuan replied gently: "Academician Xiao is too polite, I just read a few more idle books, but I can't compare to Academician Xiao who established a life for the people and created peace for all generations.

Xiao Yichen smiled and said: "Teacher Zuo, you are setting your heart for heaven and earth, inheriting your unique knowledge for the saints, and doing things that I can't do."

Zuo Jingyuan smiled: "You can't chase after the saint. If we can each achieve half of it, then this life will be worthwhile."

Xiao Yichen said: "The flowers and branches are beautiful in spring, and the fruits will be luxuriant in autumn. Let's encourage you together."

He is no better than Zuo Jingyuan.

Zuo Jingyuan is a scholar. She comes from a well-educated family and a well-educated family. She just needs to study with peace of mind.

(cgdc) He is a practical person and has a lot of things to do at the base.

After a few simple exchanges, he said goodbye and left.

The class here has been taught, and Zuo Jingyuan is leaving today.

However, there is no need for Xiao Yichen to deliver it.

Reinhard Van Astrea: [@ Xiao Yichen, I took Lord Felt back first. I am very grateful this time.

Xiao Yichen: [You’re welcome, do you want me to send you the relevant courses? 】

There were related functions in the group, but he felt that Reinhardt might not have remembered to use them.

He didn't follow the class, but the place where they taught was monitored.

Reinhard Van Astrea: [Please. 】

Xiao Yichen sent the selected video directly to the group.

Zhang Chulan: [Hey, if my teacher had been at this level, I would definitely be a top student now. 】

Zhang Sanfeng: [There is poetry and calligraphy in my belly!]

No matter how you look at Zuo Jingyuan, she is not a beauty. Calling her ordinary is the best evaluation.

But her temperament makes people very comfortable.

Especially when she lectures, she is really amazing.

Xiao Yichen: [@lainharut van astrea, has there been a modern person over there? 】

Reinhard van Astrea: [It didn’t exist before, but it seems to exist now. 】

Zhang Chulan:【Traveler?】

Xiao Yichen: [Don’t count, Re.0 itself tells the story of a modern man who was summoned to a different world by a jealous witch. 】

Reinhard van Astrea:【Are you looking for him?】

Xiao Yichen: [To be precise, I want to find the Jealousy Witch. He was given the ability to return after death by the Jealous Witch. After each death, the world line will be reset. 】

Zhang Chulan:【S/L Dafa?】

Xiao Yichen: [Almost. 】

Zhang Chulan: [Damn, this plug-in is a bit outrageous!]

Xiao Yichen: [So he felt that he was playing a game. He was arrogant in the early stages, and then died again and again. 】

Zhang Chulan:【......】

Xiao Yichen: [To be honest, although the girls in the series are all beautiful, many people can't stand it and quit because of the protagonist's various idiotic behaviors. 】

Reinhard Van Astrea: [You mean every time Subaru Natsuki dies, the Jealousy Witch will come? 】

Xiao Yichen: [There is no such thing as advent, it’s just that the power of the Jealousy Witch will work. Once someone fights against that power, there is a high probability that the Jealousy Witch will be brought out. 】

Zhang Chulan: [Why do you suddenly want to find the Jealousy Witch? Is it possible? 】

Xiao Yichen: [I don’t deny that the Jealousy Witch is a beauty, but I went to find her this time to fight. 】

Zhang Chulan: [???When did you become so belligerent... No, you want to upgrade?]

Xiao Yichen: [I think Satila, as my opponent, should be able to help me earn enough great achievements. 】

Irena: [But how do you fight against the return of death? 】

Xiao Yichen: [Dicuo’s favor system has a development ability. My development abilities already have C in magic defense and mystery]

Xiao Yichen: [With my other abilities, I can give it a try. If it doesn't work, please ask Reinhardt to help me buy some time, and I will just run away. 】

Irena: [You are really flexible and flexible! 】

Xiao Yichen: [each other. 】

Irena was jokingly called the witch by netizens, and she was not a great and upright person.

Mengmeng Belia Debiluke: [I am very curious, how many more abilities will Chen Jun gain after he upgrades?

Normally, the ability value should return to zero after leveling up.

Even though Lyu is an outlier, there is actually no exception.

Xiao Yichen: [It is very difficult to upgrade two levels in a row. Although genetic medicine is a trick, it cannot replace great achievements. 】

Xiao Yichen: [To accumulate the great achievement of upgrading two levels in a row, just one Satila is definitely not enough. 】

Reinhard Van Astrea: [I have found Subaru Natsuki. 】

Xiao Yichen: [Sorry to trouble you. 】

Reinhard van Astrea: [This is just a small thing, far from enough to repay your kindness. 】

Even if he is as simple as him, he really learned a lot after taking Zuo Jingyuan's class.

He understood very well that there were certainly not many such powerful teachers even among the highly civilized Zhu Xia.

Xiao Yichen was able to find him, no matter what method he used, it was a great kindness to him and Felut. .

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