Greek Mythology: The Spiritual Dominator

Chapter 56 Sword Points to the Starry Sky

On Odiles Mountain, Cronus returned to the palace and waved away the nymphs standing by.

On the day when man was created, many plants around Mother Earth's residence were also baptized by the spiritual atmosphere. Their accumulation has long been sufficient, but their spiritual power is still very weak. Now that they have made up for the shortcomings, they have taken shape one after another.

Nymphs are born from nature. They have no divinity, but they live a long life. The gods liked these beautiful elves very much, so they took some away one after another, and Cronus was no exception.

This solved the headache that the God King had always had - he no longer needed to handle everything personally. Therefore, he slowed down the idea of ​​granting divinity to humans. Compared to now, Cronus plans to wait until human beings die before promoting those beings he values ​​in the name of rewards.

"You should have seen it. Human beings have learned to 'sleep' and started to 'dream'. Even the human leader learned novel technologies in his dreams."

"He called the thing that contained knowledge the 'Slate of Civilization'. It didn't look like a natural creation."

Behind the bedroom, Queen Rhea walked out slowly, her golden clothes trailing on the ground.

"I know it's just another plan of some people, but it's a pity that I haven't understood it yet. Judging from his previous choices, human beings themselves are not important. In other words, it should be what human beings can indirectly achieve for him. Purpose."

"Destiny is such a mysterious power. It always keeps God on the right path."

Shaking his head slightly, Cronus put his arms around his sister and sighed.

Nyx and Lion, the only two gods who control destiny, cannot be used by him, otherwise he would not be so troubled.

He has never let go of the past prophecies and the curse of God the Father, but instead made him more eager to pursue power.

"It's good that you know." Nodding, Rhea leaned against her husband.

She actually just found an excuse to come here. She has long seen Cronus' attention to Ryan. These humans, especially the first human, have always been under his constant attention. There was no need for Rhea to remind her in this regard.

Compared to human affairs, perhaps because of the influence of her position as Queen of Gods, she wanted to be like her brothers and sisters, and give birth to their son of God with Cronus. But after so many years, Cronus has always refused out of fear of the prophecy.

But this refusal is meaningless. Procreating the gods is one of the responsibilities given to the god kings by the world. Cronus could delay it in other ways, but that was all he could do.

"Tell me, is there anything special about these humans?"

Looking down the mountain, Cronus didn't notice Rhea's emotions.

He was just thinking in his mind, there was something else he hadn't thought of.

Can he gain anything from these humans by creating dreams and imparting knowledge, or does the fact that "human beings obtain knowledge from the master of the spiritual world" itself have any special significance?

"Maybe it's just for the dream, or maybe it's the priesthood corresponding to the knowledge?"

Rhea said speculatively. Now in the entire world of Khaos, apart from the original gods, only the two of them know that Ryan can swallow the source power.

Among the other gods, even Hyperion, who had suffered a great loss, only thought that it was the power of two generations of god kings that allowed Ryan to take away the concept of the moon and shaken the divine power of the sun.

"Maybe, at least [Dream] and [Sleep] are indeed powerful authorities."

"Faintly, I even feel that the gods can also 'sleep' and 'dream'."

Nodding, Cronus had no other idea but to agree.

But he still felt that this was not what Ryan really thought. After all, it's just a dream, so what do those skills mean?

Compared to the power of the natural priesthood, the humanistic priesthoods such as [Blacksmithing] and [Textile] are pitifully weak. Aside from possibly having some use in forging artifacts, they are worthless.

Even Cronus knew that existences like the Cyclops, even if they did not have any clergy, had the ability to forge artifacts. This was the power they inherited from Mother Earth.

"Give time to civilization, give time to civilization, maybe he is more suitable to be the god of language than Mnemosyne."

After smiling, Cronus couldn't help but think of his sister who ran away to who knows where.

Rumor has it that she attempted to visit the Mother of the Night, but was never received. It is said that she later went to the abyss, but in the end she did not dare to take a step out.

The last time I heard of her was when Atlas, the youngest son of Iapetus, was born. It is said that she accidentally bumped into a young god who had just been born a few decades ago, and for some unknown reason, she was taught a lesson by the new god.

After that, she disappeared and the gods rarely heard rumors about her.

"What, are you going to look for her?"

As if reading her husband's thoughts, Rhea asked aloud.

"No need. In fact, it would be nice for a spirit like her to live in seclusion alone."

"He has the noble status of an ancient Titan god, but does not have the strength to match it, and his personality is still very arrogant. In this world where there are more and more new gods, this is not a good thing."

Cronus shook his head and had nothing to say to this weak sister. What's more, he cares more about himself than others.

As a god king, he has already initially possessed the power. As long as he expands his divine power again and occupies half of the starry sky, 30% of the earth, or part of the ocean, he can truly establish himself in the realm of divine power level 20.

But he is far from having the power as a god king.

"The starry sky." Cronus said softly: "Whether it is the ocean or the mountains, they all have their corresponding main gods. They can have more powerful power in their own fields, but the starry sky is different."

"In this world, there is no god who is born to control the starry sky. The sun is the most powerful celestial body in the starry sky, but it does not mean that he should be the master of the starry sky."

Without a suitable reason, the God-King would not be able to attack his fellow Titans directly, as this would easily arouse the sensitive nerves of his brothers. But now there is a very suitable candidate for Shenshan. Through him, Cronus may also have a following.

"Koos has never been interested in power. Just like his priesthood, he has never been interested in excitement."

"But compared to him, Fubai is not a person who is used to being lonely."

"Let's go and see Cleos. The Star God is obviously his and Hyperion's common descendant, how can the Sun God rule alone?"

"And his second son Perses. I think the goddess Liu Xing is very suitable to be his wife."

Holding his God Queen in his arms, Cronus rushed towards the residence of the God of Weather.

Although he knew that after Astraeus, the god of stars, and Eos, the goddess of dawn, gave birth to a group of descendants, Cleos had already negotiated with Hyperion. The four wind gods belonged to the weather, and the star god belonged to The sun, but he didn't care.

I believe that if there is a chance, his brother will not care.

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