Greek Mythology: The Spiritual Dominator

Chapter 246 Ming Pagoda and Advice

The center of Hades, the garden of truth.

Different from the edge where Gaia is at this time, even the underworld, which has always been remote, is inevitably a little different at the core.

The tall Pluto Palace is built here, and there are many strange buildings built around it. Their existence is like a kind of decoration, making the dark interface look more lively.

But that was all a few days ago, and now, the land that has endured the disaster does not look so intact.



Along with a loud noise, the corners of Hades's mouth twitched slightly. He looked at the wall that collapsed after just being supported by him, and his pale face could not help but turn a little dark.

This is not a unique case, similar situations are everywhere. Faced with this sudden disaster, Pluto didn't know what to say.

This is not the first time. Previously, because of the goddess of the dark moon, the newly built shrine had been destroyed once, and now not long after, it was destroyed again.

Except for the main hall where he lives, which is still intact, the huge truth garden is in a mess. Even though he never cared much about these superficial projects, Hades was also a little angry.

But that was all he could do. After all, it was Zeus and Gaia who caused all this, and judging from the situation in the previous battle, neither of them was something he could provoke now.

In desperation, Pluto had no choice but to admit that he was unlucky. He glanced around again, then waved, and as an invisible wave came out, some kind of message was also conveyed by him.

Soon, a 'warrior' wearing armor came from afar and knelt on one knee to show his loyalty to his master.

He was said to be a samurai, but whether it was the negative energy lingering around him or the faintly burning soul flame, the identity of the other party's undead was revealed. This is also one of Hades' achievements in recent years, the existence that has been resurrected from the corpses of bronze humans.

And the most important thing is that the one in front of you is a bit special. He is one of the few people whose life energy was so strong that he survived the flood for a while longer. For such a "high-quality element", Hades naturally couldn't hold back when he saw that the underworld was still in a state of being full of waste. He took action in advance when the opponent was on the verge of death and manually turned him into an undead life.

And the other party did not disappoint Pluto. In just a hundred years, he became a rare and powerful existence among the undead. And most importantly, he was loyal to Hades.

Therefore, Pluto accepted him as a close minister of course, and even expected him to learn something more and become his right-hand man.

"Evans, what are the casualties?"

"And in the turmoil just now... forget it, don't worry about this."

He shook his head and said nothing unnecessary. Pluto's question went straight to the core.

Although it was not long ago, and although there were not enough high-level undead with wisdom, let alone devout faith, Hades gradually realized the sweetness of the power of faith.

And as the true god who holds half of the power of the underworld, he keenly noticed that with the increase in life, the power of the underworld itself seemed to have increased.

It's just that there is some gap between the undead and the living life, and there is no true god with similar authority in the underworld to sort out these changes, so for now, this change is not drastic.

But no matter what, it's good to be able to move forward steadily. As a god who had reached the pinnacle of the priesthood not long after he was born in this world, this slowly increasing feeling still made Hades feel intoxicated. Then, the existence of the high-level undead was also in his heart.

It's just that this kind of thing can't be rushed. Pluto can only wait for time to give the result - provided that it doesn't cause him any trouble every two days.

"Your Majesty, apart from the collapse of most of the recently built buildings, there are no obvious signs of casualties, but..."

After a moment of silence, the warrior named Evans continued:

"The power contained in the previous voice can directly affect the stability of the soul fire. For the advanced undead who have awakened to wisdom, the endurance is over. But for those who have not yet awakened their consciousness, it is a bit difficult to resist. .”


Reading the implication of Evans' words, Hades felt heartbroken again for his unintentional disaster.

Among the bronze human bones previously collected from the earth, less than 100,000 have now possessed relatively stable thinking, and have even recalled part of their body's memories during life. The rest have not yet been able to complete this step.

Well now, they immediately drank the soul fire and disintegrated at Mother Earth's stern command, forcing Pluto's plan to be postponed again. At this moment, Hades, who had never disliked Gaia, couldn't help but feel a little bored with his grandmother.

If Zeus provokes you, just go to him. Why bother to harm my underworld?

"...I understand, you go ahead and arrange the reconstruction matters."

"The endless stream of dead people on the earth is just a waste of hundreds of years."

Trying to appear nonchalant, Hades waved his hand. In front of him, the undead warrior also bowed and retreated.

Soon, the quiet Pastoral of Truth became noisy, and a large number of undead lives began to be busy, cleaning up the broken buildings, and then laying the foundation for new ones.

After watching for a while and seeing no other changes, Pluto quickly returned to his still intact palace. Sitting on his throne, he couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency in his heart.

Previously, Hades had always acted calmly, because referring to the previous two eras, the first one or two thousand years before the God-King took the throne was often calm. According to his plan, this period of time is enough for the power of Hades to rise a considerable distance, and for him to reach the peak of powerful divine power.

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes. Zeus's sudden display of power made Hades greatly fearful and at the same time a little envious.

Before today, Hades was not afraid of his younger brother in the underworld. With the blessing of half of the underworld, there were few things that could truly threaten him. But with the battle between Zeus and Mother Earth, this unrivaled power simply changed Hades's mind.

He wanted to do something, and it just so happened that, as the keeper of the oath, Zeus owed him a condition.

"...Mingta, did you find the person I asked you to find?"

With his eyes flickering, Hades asked the maid on the side.

"Your Majesty, not yet..."

Shaking his head, Mingta responded respectfully.


Frowning slightly, Hades said nothing. He just thought about it for a moment and then made a decision.

"Then just put this matter down for now, I will find another way."


With an exclamation, the water fairy raised her head slightly. Seeing the gaze cast by his master, Mingta gritted his teeth and continued:

"Your Majesty, why do you bother with this? The gods on earth will not like the underworld. I..."



With a cold shout, invisible air currents swept through the temple. Almost instantly, Hades understood why the other party had not completed his explanation.

It turns out it’s not that I can’t do it, but that I don’t want to do it. He knew that this nymph had always had some kind of delusion - such as getting involved in the position of the Queen of the Underworld, but Hades did not expect that she would dare to neglect the task she had given her for this.

Before, Pluto didn't care too much about her thoughts, because nymphs with similar delusions abounded in Olympus. But perhaps because of the emptiness of the underworld and his own attention, Mingta not only had ideas, but also tried to put them into action.

Originally, Hades thought that time would allow her to see the reality clearly, but the reality was just the opposite. Not only did she not give up, she even dared to disobey his orders!

"Recognize your identity, Mingta. You can't do what I want, and you can't carry this power. Within the next hundred years, use the identity of Nying Fu to find the daughter who was hidden by my sister... This is the last chance."

After speaking calmly, Pluto waved his sleeves and roughly swept the maid out of the palace. If it weren't for the fact that there was no one available, he would really like to directly erase this smart guy.

"Go and find it. If you can't find it...then you don't have to come back. As you said, the life on earth should stay on earth."

"--His Majesty!"


The gate of the shrine is closed tightly, separating the inside and outside, and also blocking out the sound of Mingta. Sitting on his throne, Hades rubbed his brows.

In the entire underworld, there are either local gods with bad personalities and clergy, or taciturn undead. The only water fairy who can do things always has thoughts of one kind or another. At this moment, his idea of ​​having a queen of the underworld becomes more and more urgent.

He doesn't care about rights or enjoyment. Those can be shared. He only wants the growth of Hades. But I don’t know why, even this small request is always blocked by others.



On the earth, thunder and lightning traveled in mid-air, passing over the vast earth. It was the incarnation of the God King.

Following a deliberately leaked breath, Zeus' figure flashed in the sky. The war had just ended, and there was no landform left around Mount Olympus. It wasn't until after a while that he could gradually see the ridges and depressions on the ground, or the water and forests.

But the voice that called him before should still be farther away - of course, Zeus didn't rush forward because of this. His incarnation just flew forward at a normal speed, and taking this opportunity, the God King tried to figure out the whole thing in his mind.

There are still many doubts about what happened in the past few days. What's more, unlike Gaia, Zeus is very aware of some of the problems. For example, since he has never stolen the golden apple, there must be someone else who actually did it. people.

Referring to the two fleeting breaths not long ago, the collision of darkness and unpredictability, it is almost obvious who the real thief is.

They are all suspected of being the Lord of Darkness or the Lord of the Spirit World, or they may have done it together. And what puzzles Zeus is that it seems that these two primitive gods have some kind of malice towards him - also unlike Gaia, Zeus is not unable to sense the intention of Erebus.

He was prying into the nature of his ritual, and he was also trying to isolate the blessings given to Zeus by those gods as the pillar of royal power. Although judging from the final result, the effect of his ritual was very complete and the other party's behavior was a complete failure, no matter what, the attitude expressed behind it still made the God King fearful and vigilant.

Of course, vigilance is vigilance, and Zeus is not too afraid of the other party. After all, since this boundary has been crossed, even if there is a gap in strength between the two sides, there will probably be no instant kill. Just like how many Titans fought against the greatly reduced Heavenly Father at the end of the First Age, even if they were beaten to the point where they were almost unable to fight back at the beginning, if they insisted on holding on, it would not be a battle that could be ended in a short time.

Unfortunately, there is no room for a long-term war in today's world. In this case, the God King is naturally fearless.

Of course, there is another reason why he is fearless - anyway, what he comes here is just an incarnation, and no matter what the outcome is, it will not have any serious consequences.

The lightning flashed, and the mountains and rivers were left behind. After a while of thinking, a towering mountain range gradually appeared in front of Zeus' eyes.

And to the God King's surprise, the place in front of him was very familiar to him. He had even been here more than once in the past.

Delphi plain, Parnassus mountains. It's just different from the past. Now, the entire area of ​​this mountain range seems to be dead.

"Heh, are you telling me directly that the golden apple tree was taken away by you? Well, just let me see what you are going to do."

Zeus secretly thought in his heart, flying down to the mountains, but looking around, there was no one here. The original god who released his breath to lure him here didn't know where he was at all, as if he was just joking with him.

"Since you brought me here, why bother playing such a little trick?"

With a calm look on his face, Zeus just said calmly in the face of this situation.

"I just want to see what is so special about your authority as the God King... But now it seems that it is more like an authority that is both 'omnipotent' and 'omnipotent'."

"And speaking of which, I thought you didn't dare to come see me."

The sound came, and Zeus was startled. He suddenly turned around, and under a lifeless tree, Erebus was standing there.

The other party should have never left, but just covered up his presence. If Gaia were here, he would probably be able to detect the opponent's presence through his induction of the earth, but the God King could not do this.

As the Lord of Darkness said, [King Power] is closely related to the authority granted by God. He can influence almost any rules, but it is far inferior to the gods who are really good at this. It feels like a worldly rule that has been infinitely weakened.

But the rule in this world is ‘all are strong’, so Zeus is ‘all weak’. In a real battle, an absolute advantage is far more useful than having no shortcomings.

"Maybe it is like this now, but it will not always be like this. As for whether I dare to come...the ancient god who controls darkness, as the god king who rules the world, there is no existence in this world that I dare not face."

Although this is the first time we meet, strength is the best ‘business card’. Looking at the primitive gods in front of him, the God King did not argue about the strength of his authority. He just said loudly:

"But Your Highness Erebus, should you give me an explanation for what happened before?"

"Explanation, what explanation do you want?"

Zeus's meaning was obvious. He was talking about the Lord of Darkness's previous actions against the gods. Opposite him, Erebus also lost his smile.

“Of course it’s the respect you should have when facing the person you are seeking to cooperate with.”

Smiling slightly, feeling the vague pressure that suddenly began to come from all around, the God King believed in his own judgment more and more.

"You shouldn't come to me for no reason. Maybe you need me to do something - at least you need the living God King to do something."

"In this case, shouldn't I seek an explanation?"

The atmosphere froze for a moment, and a certain vast aura became more and more concentrated. Zeus calmly looked at the Lord of Darkness. Although he still doesn't want to become an enemy with this primitive god, he also knows that he must not fall into an absolute disadvantage before the conversation has even begun.

Blindly giving in will not bring good results, not to mention the premise that you already have the ability to talk on an equal footing. Calling out when called out already shows one's attitude. Now, it's the other person's turn to show some minimal kindness.



There was a moment of silence, not knowing what he was thinking, but just when the pressure escaping from the surroundings was about to collapse the incarnation of the God King, Erebus stopped.

He glanced at Zeus, then called to his men. With a flash of green light, Moanda appeared next to the Lord of Darkness.

"Who is this……?"

Without saying any further arrogant words, Zeus expressed his doubts in a timely manner. The God King felt some inexplicable closeness to the strange god in front of him. He seemed to have some kind of connection with this goddess he had never met before, which made him feel good and almost let him down his guard.

Of course, this is just a feeling. In fact, the vigilance in the God King's heart never dropped.

"Since you want an explanation... then let her be my explanation. Your ritual should also require the participation of a being like her, right?"

With a smile on his lips, Erebus continued:

"As for who she is... Hey, isn't Gaia here just for her? Let Moanda join your divine court and become your so-called 'main god', which makes everything just right."

"Golden Apple Tree?!"

It was a bit unbelievable, but Zeus finally understood the source of this strange feeling.

There is indeed a connection between him and this spirit named Moanda. The other party is indeed the natural candidate for the Lord God, because from a mystical perspective, Moanda is even the 'half mother' of the God King.

The God King once used a golden apple to represent death, dyed the Holy Stone red with his blood, and made it exist in the name of Zeus for many years. In a sense, the Holy Stone is the half body of the God King. Although the power within it has been taken away by Apollo, the concept it possesses has not diminished at all.

In this case, as the consciousness of the golden apple tree, the relationship between Moanda and Zeus is naturally self-evident.

However, the accident was only momentary, and soon the God King regained his composure. He looked at the Lord of Darkness in front of him. This was not just an 'explanation'.

Although I don’t know how the golden apple tree suddenly turned into a god, it is not an ordinary thing for the other party to become one of the twelve ‘pillars’ with a key position.

"How can I ensure that she won't turn away from me by making her the main god of the Divine Court?"

When asked directly about the essence of the matter, Zeus naturally expressed doubts. Compared to his blood relatives, Mo Anda is obviously an 'outsider' who is not worthy of trust.

"You can't guarantee it, and I'm not going to guarantee it. In fact, that's the only way her existence is meaningful."

With a chuckle, Erebus expressed his meaning without any concealment.

The existence of Moanda is not a simple 'explanation', but a bridge of communication between the two parties. When the relationship between him and Zeus is still good, naturally nothing will happen. But if the relationship changes, the elf may be recalled at any time.

Of course, this is not a fatal threat to the God King. The opponent's departure will only cause his strength to decline for a period of time. As long as a new god takes up the position, it can still be restored.

"...So, what do you need me to do?"

After thinking for a moment, he seemed to have acquiesced in this result. Before there were enough 'own people' to fill the vacancy, it might not be a bad idea to fill it with others. However, Zeus still seemed a little confused as to what the Lord of Darkness wanted him to do.

To give such a gift as soon as they met... In fact, the explanation Zeus asked for before was 'actually' at most a less than sincere apology.

"Don't worry, you will know what I want you to do later. If you want to refuse by then, it's still too late, and when the time comes, I will also give you corresponding rewards-for example, golden apples are good. Mo. Anda joining your divine court does not mean that the fruits she bears also belong to you."

He said with a smile. Seeing that the matter had been settled, Erebus suddenly looked strange when looking at the God King in front of him.

"So now, is the simple agreement reached?"

"...I have no reason to refuse."

Nodding, Zeus would naturally not refuse the free gift, and he was even happy to see it come to fruition.

At least one primitive god whose attitude was unclear before has suddenly become half of his friend. Perhaps in the future, when he is an enemy of other primitive gods, he can be paid to become his helper.

"Very good, now that the agreement has been your senior, let me give you another piece of advice."


There are some doubts, but the God King is still very interested in this.

As a god born at the beginning of creation, perhaps the other party wanted to tell him some ancient secret history to reveal his status, but it didn't matter.

In this regard, the God King is happy to see the success.

"Please tell me, I am all ears to your warning..."

"Very well, young God King, since you are willing to accept it, that would be great."

He raised his hand slightly, as if he could see the God King's thoughts, but at this moment, Erebus just smiled happily:

"Actually, this is nothing's just Zeus, you have to remember - in the world of Chaos, some things are actually just isolated cases."

"For example, not every primitive as incompetent as Gaia."

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