Greek Mythology: The Spiritual Dominator

Chapter 244 Paladin and Rejection

Power beyond the gods is still overflowing between heaven and earth, bringing a certain invisible sense of oppression, but outside Mount Olympus, under the gaze of the God King, the gods are silent.

But that's all. Although in the previous battle, they chose to sit on the sidelines because they misjudged the situation, but now facing the victorious God King, the gods actually didn't panic much.

After all, they made the same choice, and they didn't make any further moves. Then unless the God-King intends to rule the world alone, he can't really do anything to them.

What's more, Mother Earth was only defeated, not dead, plus the fleeting darkness three days ago... But this is just a guess. Maybe the increase in power will change Zeus's personality, so the gods At this moment, he was just waiting quietly for what the God King would do next.

Of course, there are some exceptions among the gods, such as Ker, the god of destruction. As a subordinate of Pluto, he only came here to witness the banquet where Zeus canonized the twelve gods on behalf of Hades, so even if he made the same choice as the gods, he still stood aside very naturally.

There was also the goddess of justice who had just returned to the sacred mountain not long ago. She also did not stand with any gods. She just stayed in mid-air alone and watched everything calmly.

The goddess seemed to be thinking about something, occasionally looking back in the direction of Mount Olympus. She rubbed the hilt of the sword at her waist, with some hesitation and relief in her eyes.

Ever since she got this sword that symbolized [justice], she seemed to have never really used it once. This divine sword that slays evil has also been gathering dust.

When did this start? The goddess doesn’t remember much. Or it has been like this since the First Age.

This is the world of gods, the world of immortals. After staying here for so long, it seems that even she herself has forgotten what 'justice' is. On the contrary, Themis saw something among the human tribe not long ago.

Perhaps many times, unless there is a 'perfect' monarch, 'justice' and 'law' are not actually connected. Sometimes they intersect, but they also conflict.

"Your Highness Themis, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Without paying attention to the gods for the first time, the God King looked at his nominal elder. He smiled, but his questions were direct.

"I wonder if you have any different opinions on what I just did?"

"As you can see, what happened today is not what I want to see, but it is not something I can decide. If possible, I hope you can draw a conclusion on it in the name of the arbiter, and let more lives be saved Know what’s going on and what’s right and wrong.”

The meaning of the God King is obvious. As the first battle since he showed his power, it should be perfect and reasonable. However, Gaia's curse before leaving made him look like a villain, so in this case In fact, Zeus hoped that Themis would approve of this.

And this is not deception. After all, in Zeus's view, although he has indeed done many things that are difficult to talk about, at least as far as Gaia is concerned, he has really done nothing wrong. Even now, when the God King had some speculations about this, he once again confirmed that he was the innocent party.

After all, he had never seen a golden apple tree before, and Zeus knew it very well.

"Regarding today's battle, if you are seeking my opinion, then Zeus, I have no opinion about the Earth Mother."

"She failed to produce evidence to prove what you did, and her actions did bring harm to the order of the world, so it is natural for the world to respond to this."

Themis gave her own answer calmly without letting her personal views on Zeus affect her judgment.

This is actually a common feeling among the gods. They don't quite understand Gaia's hysteria. Before the Earth Mother woke up, many of them also foresaw today's scene. After all, the conflict between her and the God King was almost inevitable. But in the eyes of the gods, this was at most just a battle about the weather god Klee. It's just a debate about Russia's fate.

Perhaps Gaia will indeed resort to force if negotiations cannot be reached in the end, but the greater possibility is that Zeus takes a step back again and surrenders in front of the original god. Other than that, there should be no other developments. The direction is right.

However, when things really happened, the God King's power certainly surprised the gods, but Gaia's behavior also puzzled the gods.

Crazy, paranoid, unable to understand, and even unwilling to listen to explanations, the other party directly believed that Zeus had stolen her sacred tree and accompanying artifact - of course, they did doubt whether Zeus really stole the golden apple tree, but the fruit tree It’s easy to understand, but what’s going on with [Life Aquarius]?

As the companion artifact of the Earth Mother, it will sleep as its owner sleeps, and will also refuse anyone other than the owner to use it. There is really no benefit to stealing such an artifact other than being looked down upon by the gods.

"It would be great to hear your fair judgment on this here. In fact, I am still puzzled by this. Maybe Earth Mother has slept for too long."

Nodding with satisfaction, Zeus couldn't help but reveal a smile when he saw that he got the answer he wanted.

Another thing solved... He smiled at Themis.

He used to have a headache with his aunt, but now it seems that she is still very easy to talk to. So the God King turned around, the matter was resolved, and the next step was to continue the unfinished ceremony.

He was about to say something, but behind him, Themis's voice came again.

"Zeus, what happened to Mother Earth is indeed what you said, but what happened today is more than that. Should you say something about Metis and Athena?"

With a calm expression, behind the God King, the goddess of justice spoke slowly.

"...Your Highness Themis, this is my personal matter."

Frowning slightly, Zeus had no choice but to face his aunt again when faced with the goddess' question. But he had already prepared for this matter.

"In the regulations of the Divine Court, it seems that there is no relevant money involved. Apart from fulfilling the priestly duties and basic requirements, what the gods do is a personal matter. As for Athena, the daughter of Metis and I... I will do the same Give her the compensation she deserves. There is no need to say more about this matter."

Zeus never mentioned the right or wrong of Metis' matter, but only mentioned the laws of the Divine Court. Yes, he had requested this when he asked Themis to perfect the divine laws. The Divine Court only needed laws involving the responsibilities, rights and obligations of the gods, rather than trying to restrict all the words and deeds of the gods.

On the one hand, it is impossible for Zeus himself to accept a law that even he himself is a 'criminal'; on the other hand, all gods instinctively hate this kind of rules.

They prefer to make a temporary ruling on the outcome of an event after it occurs, rather than making a ruling in advance. Therefore, regarding the 'opinions of the gods', the king of gods naturally abides by them when discussing laws and regulations with the goddess.

According to him, the law only has meaning if it is recognized by everyone. If you impose a rule that no one likes, it is just violence and power. As the goddess of 'just', she should not do this, and Themis was indeed convinced at the time.

Only now did she gradually understand the problem.

"The laws of the Divine Court...yes, the laws that were enacted according to your request are indeed like this."

Not surprisingly, Themis nodded. Turning around and looking at the gods around him, a feeling came to him.

While walking in the human world, she felt a similar touch. But now, this touch has been confirmed.

"Perhaps, my previous choice was indeed wrong. Tens of thousands of years have passed... and I have never truly understood my vocation."

"Huh? What are you talking about? What is wrong?"

Zeus narrowed his eyes with some bad premonition. He is not afraid of a confrontation in strength now. The goddess in front of him is no longer his opponent, but his intuition tells him that what Themis wants to do has nothing to do with strength.

"The mistake I mentioned... was of course choosing to stay in the Divine Court."

Heaving a sigh of relief, at this moment, Themis completely understood why she had always felt awkward.

In the past, except for the time when she was legislating for the present world, she seemed to have never fulfilled her duties in a true sense. The goddess has obviously made efforts for this, but the results are always unsatisfactory. She is like a spectator who upholds the name of 'justice', but if she really has to say that she has done anything, she has done nothing.

In the past, Themis never understood why, but now, she somewhat understood.

In the world of Khaos, the meaning of the existence of the law itself is to maintain the order established by a higher being, and this higher being is sometimes the order of the world, and sometimes it is the God-King. Therefore, the Goddess of Law did not refuse Zeus's invitation, because in her opinion, the Divine Court was indeed a suitable place for her to perform her duties, and she accepted the status of 'Judge'. Unfortunately, she forgot one thing.

If she was just a simple goddess of law, it would make no difference to her whether the God King or the world. However, in addition to the law, she also rules over fairness and justice.

So this was the source of her discomfort. The laws of the world were indeed fair - at most, they would only weaken all threatening things equally. So Themis felt the resonance of the priesthood and the joy from the heart when she legislated. But in comparison, the God-Kings are different. They have never been righteous. Even the previous God-Kings have committed acts of swallowing their children.

This is the most essential conflict. The object of the law's service itself is not in line with 'fairness' and 'justice', so the results it brings will not be good anyway, but this is also a problem that is difficult to solve. Unless she finds an existence that is completely consistent with Themis's ideals, it will be possible for her to have all of her clerical duties carried out at the same time. But this is almost impossible because everyone’s understanding of fairness and justice is different.

So at this moment, Themis finally made a decision.

If it can't be done together, do it separately. But no matter how she accomplished it, the Divine Court was not the place she should stay. Staying here, the goddess cannot bring her any meaning other than sitting back and watching more 'injustice' and 'unrighteousness'. Perhaps the human world is far more suitable for her than here.

As Ryan said, she should really inspire some people who conform to her ideals and are willing to follow her will. In the past period of time, she had also been observing these new humans.

Some of them are bad and some of them are good. There are things that disgust the goddess, and there are things that make her happy. She will select those who meet the requirements, and then divide her power into two parts. One part is guided by the [Golden Scale] to help them determine right and wrong for everything in the world. The other part, with the [Sword of Judgment] as its belief, decides life and death with pure good and evil.

This artifact with the authority of [Justice] can already sense the sins committed by living beings. With just a little application of authority-based power, Themis can give this power to her believers, allowing them to have [Detection] evil], and greater power over the guilty. The goddess is even planning to visit the ‘celestial tribes’ who are her neighbors after her kingdom in the spiritual world is established. As a gathering of positive energy, they must also be willing to contribute.

At that time, those selected humans will be called [Paladin].

"Wait, you mean, you want to leave the Divine Court?"

I don't know what the goddess was thinking, but when her voice fell, Zeus couldn't help but change his face slightly. He had thought about spending more words to convince the other party, just like every time before, but what the God King did not expect was that Themis actually made such a decision.

He wanted to say something else, but this time, the goddess didn't want to hear it.

"You want a law that meets your requirements, Zeus, and I'll give it to you. And with your current power, no matter what you do, I can't seem to stop you."

"This is the Protoss... Maybe the world of gods is really not suitable for me. Here, power is more useful than rules."

Speaking calmly, Themis took one last look at Olympus. On this somewhat dilapidated sacred mountain, her temple has been destroyed, and it will not need to be rebuilt in the future.

Turning around, the goddess took out a piece of black cloth, covering her eyes again after an era. Then for the first time in her life, she pulled out the golden sword from her waist. (See 1-17/2-7)

The golden sword trembled slightly, as if responding to its master's power. It also seemed to instinctively realize that it finally had the value of existence.

"From now on, it will replace my eyes and 'see' the world for me. If the gods recognize your theory, then they don't need my help. But if we meet in the human world..."

"It will show no mercy to you!"

Turning into light, the goddess' figure gradually disappeared. On Mount Olympus, the God-King stretched out his hand, but in the end did nothing.

He thought of the fleeting darkness not long ago, and another force...

"...Ha, the original gods... it won't be long. Gaia is the first, but it won't be the last -"

Whispering silently, he set another goal for himself in his heart. However, before he finished speaking, Zeus's expression changed slightly.

"...God King, come to see me."

Silently, the sound came into my ears, with no trace of its source. But sensing a sudden aura rising in the distance, Zeus still recognized the person coming.

"The accident is over. Everyone, please go back to the mountain first."

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and the God King said to the gods calmly.

He headed towards the devastated Olympus first, while on the other side, an incarnation quietly traveled far away.


Underground, underworld.

Things on the earth have ended, but below the earth, today's things are still going on. Something was about to change that would once again affect the world, but just like every time in the past, there was a little surprise.

Standing in front of the portal of Tartarus, Gaia found in disbelief that only the instinctive abyss actually rejected her.

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