Greek Mythology: The Spiritual Dominator

Chapter 199 Different Choices

It's spring again.

The sky is glowing with clouds, and the moist gentle breeze is blowing on the earth. The morning after the rain is always so intoxicating, but Pandora's mood when she just woke up is not beautiful at all.

Yesterday, she once again sent away the goddess who came to show off to her on purpose. This time, the other party brought a string of pearl bracelets, which were said to be jewelry conceived at the bottom of the deep sea by some shellfish that survived the previous era.

Thalia described the origins of these shellfish in detail: they were born in the Golden Age, absorbing the essence of water in the ocean and the starlight in the sky, and it took hundreds of years to give birth to a pearl.

Although the other party didn't say a word of ridicule, the implication could not be clearer. Pandora didn't understand how there could be such a boring god in this world.

But I can't say for sure, because the daily life of gods is indeed quite boring now. Maybe Thalia is just here to have fun.

But what Pandora can't accept is that this pleasure may very well be her.

"So, what exactly is in this?"

Sitting at the table, Pandora tapped the pottery pot covered with mysterious patterns.

Now, she is alone where she lives. Epimetheus has gone somewhere, and her daughter Pyrrha was taken away to play by her cousin. She may not come back in a few days. Only Pandora is left alone. here.

Apart from flowers and plants, the only thing that could keep her company was this jar with an unknown purpose.

"Hmph, all your things are borrowed, but Pluto's gift belongs exclusively to me!"

He snorted coldly, as if to comfort himself. But even though she said that, Pandora had no idea how this jar worked.

It can absorb disaster and pain, but Pandora is not aware of these conceptual existences. He tried asking Epimetheus, but he also said he knew nothing. So in her eyes, this was just an ordinary clay pot, nothing special.

As for the additional gift from the underworld god named Lyanna, Pandora was even more confused.

'Nothing is impossible', she wants to become a god and want that boring Thalia to be afraid of her. These are impossible things, so can this clay pot help her do it?

"Maybe. Really?"

Pursing her lips, Pandora unconsciously stroked her long hair hanging from her shoulders.

If there was no precedent in the world, she might not have such thoughts, but there happened to be one.

Hecate, the goddess of the magic network, some say she is a divinely created being born during the second generation of god kings, just like Pandora; others say she is actually a descendant of a certain Titan god, but that person is rumored to be her father's material destroyer The god has not appeared in the world for a long time.

No one knows where he is, and it is naturally difficult to verify. At least for now, Pandora is willing to believe that it is a life similar to herself.

"Phew—I can't open it."

She stretched out her hand halfway and then quickly retracted it. Pandora forced herself not to look at it.

This ordinary clay pot seemed to have magic power, and it always aroused her attention recently. This is especially true when you stay at home alone.

Feeling a little irritated, Pandora put the jar on the table and went out to relax alone.


That night.

The air after the rain carried the fragrance of petals. Lying on the bed in the bedroom, Pandora's eyes were a little dull.

She freely spread her thoughts and imagined various futures. Perhaps because of her innate nature, she has a strong desire to explore everything, which makes her intolerable that there is such a thing that she doesn't know about right next to her and right in front of her.

"This is obviously a gift to me."

Biting his lip, the sky outside had darkened. It was another night with stars and no moon. On such a day, some kind of silent throbbing surged in Pandora's heart.

Everything was quiet, and she seemed to be the only one here. Everything was gone away from her, except for the woman lying on the bed and the clay pot that seemed to be looking at her.

The intertwined lines on it look like an eye.

At a certain moment, Pandora even felt that the eye blinked, but then she realized that it was just an illusion.

This is just an ordinary jar, no different from any other. If the only special thing about it is that it contains something unusual.

"But I can't see them at all!"

His breathing became rapid, which was particularly obvious in the quiet environment. In the past, she had tried to open the jar more than once, but gave up every time.

She remembered Hades' instructions, but as Thalia said, the master of Hades did not actually say what consequences would come from opening it. Even if there were, with the blessing of the gods, it would not be able to cause harm to Pandora.

"The power of the gods was limited on the earth. They were even deceived by mortals for decades, but it was not until the mortals despicably betrayed their creator that the gods realized this. Epimetheus told me Get over this."


Whispering softly, Pandora sat up from the bed.

It is said that the Goddess of the Magic Network was born on such a night with stars and no moon. She came to the world with the sky fire, walked on the earth for thousands of years, and finally ascended to the throne of God. Perhaps fate also indicates that this is the most suitable opportunity. ?

"Just this once."

Yes, only once, under the dim starlight, Pandora secretly swore.


"Only one chance."

Without the moonlight, the earth looked extremely dark, and the starlight was not very bright today, with only a hazy light appearing and disappearing.

But this is not something that happens in a day or two. In recent years, the brightest stars in the ecliptic star field have become much dimmer than usual.

According to the sun god Helios, the heroic spirits and star gods who used to roam the star space seemed to be busy with other things. When he drove the sun chariot through the sky, they were rarely seen. Therefore, most of the mortals closed their doors at night recently, and the gods did not go out much.

But today there are two exceptions. Behind the clouds floating in mid-air, Epimetheus looked over the garden. Although there was nothing there visually, he was sure that there was an invisible air flow there.

The wind god, most likely the west wind god, Epimetheus had heard of his name. He was reused because he presented the artifact to Zeus, which was completely different from the treatment of the Sun God who also surrendered to the enemy.

"It seems that the god who often came here before is him. Also, there is no more suitable candidate than the God of Wind."

The 'young man' had an innocent smile on his face. Together with the invisible air current, he looked at the struggle and luck of his 'wife' in the house in the distance through the open window. But the difference was that the latter Didn't know he existed.

As early as the beginning, Epimetheus actually knew that someone might come to monitor them, so even though he was not a talkative person, he still deliberately said Prometheus's warning before leaving.

Then a certain guy actually showed some clues, and over the next ten years, his position was gradually figured out.

It has to be said that the absoluteness of divine power is indeed difficult to crack. Even until now, Epimetheus cannot detect any difference between the air flow and the natural one. But many times, 'no exception' does not mean it is reasonable.

Over the years, he made excuses to leave the garden again and again, not only because he didn't want to see the goddess of grace, but also because he was summarizing the changes in the nearby climate.

According to this rule, there should be no airflow there now.

"You only get one chance, and this is the best chance."

His eyes sharpened. At this moment, Epimetheus was no longer the innocent brother in front of the Illuminati, or the ignorant fool in the eyes of the gods. He stretched out his hand forward, and an invisible force enveloped the front.

He is indeed a god of hindsight, but perhaps he is so insignificant that few people realize that just like the god of wisdom can bestow wisdom on others, the god of hindsight can also make others realize it later.

Epimetheus released his power, and the authority acting on his consciousness enveloped the place where the air flow was for a while.

Almost the next moment, the backlash of the law came. His face instantly turned pale and lost blood, but he smiled happily.

His judgment was not wrong, and the feedback given to him by authority told him that there was indeed a life there that was affected by him.


"You're right, 'You obviously can change something, but you don't want to change at all.' This describes me very well."

Wiping away the blood that spilled from the corner of his mouth with his hand, Epimetheus couldn't help but think of the unexpected encounter in the human tribe.

One is the goddess of the dark moon. Not long ago, he saw this powerful god again on Mount Olympus, but the other had no impression at all. His existence could not leave any memory in the hearts of the post-awakened people. Such a terrifying ability is probably the Lord of the Spirit World who really gave this gift as mentioned by the goddess of the moon before.

He is another powerful ancient god, but he is no different from those gods. It is really arrogant to sit on one's innate power and then demand the weak with the same attitude as the strong.

Facing a future that is destined to be unchangeable, is it also a mistake to choose to ignore it? Epimetheus didn't think so, he just made the right choice.

There is no need to fight in vain. If there is no chance, then he will continue to drift with the tide. But like now, when he sees that the possibility of change is right in front of him, he will not hesitate to take action.

To deceive the gods, his brother chose the stupidest and most meaningless way. He gambled his life for something insignificant, and then suffered a complete defeat of course. This was the fate he deserved. He was also an enemy of the gods, and his younger brother had been loyal to an ancestor of the gods who did not know life or death. He can only accept the punishment of supporting the sky forever. Isn't this the reward for his stupidity?

He was different. He wanted to deceive the God King today, but it was only for himself, not for any other existence. No one will know what happened except him and that stupid woman.


There was a buzzing sound, and Epimetheus knew that the clay pot had probably been opened.

As if receiving some instructions, at this moment, the authority of the gods in the underworld was touched. Even though they were far underground, they still noticed that the 'anchor' they had given them had moved away from where it was supposed to be.

So in the newly built shrine in the Garden of Truth, Hades gestured to the left and right, and the gods who had already gathered here took orders.

The authority of the true God began to show, centered on the 'anchor' on the ground. They were exposed in the form of black mist, insects and flies, and all kinds of filth in front of Pandora and the two secret bystanders, and then suddenly spread. Come.

They pass through mountains and rivers, cross fields and city walls, and spread to every corner of the world in an instant. This is an act allowed by the God King. From now on, it may be difficult for the gods of Hades to gain the heartfelt respect of humans, but their existence itself will become an insignificant but inescapable part of human civilization.

From now on, disputes, hatred, misfortune, lust, and deception will become prevalent in the world. This is not a distortion of thinking, but a subtle influence.

Compared with these unintuitive disasters, plagues and disasters will occur immediately.

"Just think of it as punishment. You betrayed your creator. Prometheus can forgive you, but that doesn't mean I can too."

Watching all this happen, Epimetheus no longer hesitated. This was the opportunity he was waiting for. He landed on the ground, walked quietly through the garden, and opened the wooden door to the room. In front of him, Pandora was facing away from him, looking at the scene happening in front of him in disbelief.

Black air continuously pours out of the tank, announcing their existence to the world. Pandora never expected that this was the so-called 'gift'.

All the disasters were released because of her. She was trying hard to put the lid back on the jar, but it was all in vain.

Finally, exhausted, Pandora fell to the ground. She watched all kinds of disasters fly out of the jar little by little, until finally, she saw a little light.

It was the reflection of a certain star. When other things had left, it seemed to have noticed the change in the environment, and was ready to leave the clay pot and merge into the destiny of all human beings.

However, at this moment, a hand picked up the lid of the jar, and the pot that Pandora couldn't close with all her strength was closed.


Suddenly turning around and looking at her husband who had appeared behind her at some point, Pandora was speechless for a moment. She first wanted to defend her behavior, but then she realized something was wrong.

Why is Epimetheus here, how long has he been here, why does he sit back and watch all this, and why does he want to lock back the last gift?

"Sh-don't be surprised."

Putting his index finger in front of his mouth, the hind-awakened man motioned to his wife to keep her voice down.

"I am also a god. Although I am not a powerful god, it is not surprising that I have such abilities."

"But, why didn't you close it in advance just now? I just wanted to see what was there, I didn't want to put those things out."

The moment she saw the black mist, Pandora already knew what it was. The clay pot can indeed absorb disaster and misfortune, because it itself is the treasure in which they are imprisoned.

But now, I have released them myself.

"I know that these are just some disasters. They do not exist because of your actions. Although future generations may record it this way, in fact, you just gave some people an excuse to really let them come to the world. This will make Their behavior seems a little more reasonable.”

After looking at the brand new clay pot, Epimetheus said casually.

"What about the last one?" Pandora gradually recovered and looked at her husband who looked nonchalant. She asked angrily: "Why did you keep it in there?"

"Who said that? It obviously left."

"What's more-"

Stretching out his hand, Epimetheus was ready to pick up the jar, but in the end, he gave up.

"——Pandora, you don't really think of yourself as a member of the human race."

At this moment, he remembered the words of the goddess of the dark moon, which was a gift given to humans by the master of the spiritual world. If a god tries to snatch it away, he will surely pay the price.

Fortunately, Epimetheus did not intend to 'rob'. This was given to Pandora by the goddess of the dark moon, so let her continue to hold it.

"Come here, pick it up, it's time for us to leave."

Epimetheus ordered as he glanced at Pandora with a smile.

"You haven't answered yet—"

"I asked you to pick it up."

Facing her husband's increasingly cold gaze, Pandora finally realized that he was not only a famous fool among the gods, but also a true god. She hesitated for a moment, after all, she still had the protection granted by the goddess, but in the end, she still held the clay pot in her arms.

"Very well, Pandora, we are a family. Don't be like my elder brother and younger brother who always regard outsiders as more important than us."

"Neither human beings nor kings of gods are worthy of trust. Their fate is a clear warning."

Nodding with satisfaction, the latter took another look at the outside world. The supervisor has left, and they can "flee in fear of crime."

Anyway, the God King will not pursue them. As long as the unknown god tells Zeus everything and tells him that all the gifts in the clay pots have been released, the God King will just treat them as if they do not exist, instead of pursuing them all over the world. their whereabouts.

"Now, the key to breaking fate is in my hands."

"Oh, I thought there would be some troubles, but I didn't expect everything to go so smoothly. It seems that fate is on my side, and it hopes that I can change it."

Taking Pandora with him, Epimetheus pushed open the door.

Daughter Pyrrha hasn't come back yet, but Hindsight doesn't care about her very much. If he didn't need someone to carry the pot on his behalf, he wouldn't even want to carry Pandora.

Just leave like this, and everything will be fine when he figures out the true use of the contents in this clay pot.

Today, it was perfect.


The sky is still dark, and such a quiet night seems to hide all the secrets, deep and peaceful.

On the other side, at the stall where Epimetheus was about to leave, the God of West Wind, who had also watched the 'whole process', had already turned into an invisible airflow and flew through the sky.

He didn't wait any longer but left as soon as he saw that all the contents in the clay pot were released. Until daybreak, Zeferos finally returned to Olympus.

Walking straight to the palace of the God King, he thought that Zeus was still resting, but he did not expect that the other party had been waiting for a long time.

"Your Majesty, I have come to report back to you."

After bowing respectfully and looking at the God King on the high seat, Zeferos said:

"As you predicted, Pandora opened Pluto's gift without authorization and brought disaster into the world. You are really far-sighted."

"I understand, what else?"

Zeus already knew about the disaster when the pottery pot was opened. After all, he was the king of gods and he would not be unaware of such things.

But what he really paid attention to was obviously not his brother's masterpiece.

"The gift sent by the goddess of the dark moon has also been released."

After hesitating for a moment, Cheferos finally said with certainty. Although he felt a little confused, the God of the West Wind vaguely remembered that he saw a bright light.

It should have been released, and there would be no mistake. In this regard, Cheferos believed in his own judgment. As for why he was distracted for a moment, that's quite normal.

Maybe he was a little tired after concentrating for too long. After all, even gods get tired.

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