Greek Mythology: The Spiritual Dominator

Chapter 184 The End of the Sea and Dusk

Under the authority of the God-King, when the decree is given, changes will follow.

The 'fire' that Zeus spoke of naturally does not refer to flame alone. In fact, flame is only an insignificant part of it. This is a word rich in symbolic meaning.

Because fire was given to humans by Hestia, and this goddess is one of the gods with the friendliest attitude towards humans; but it happened that humans first deceived gods in her temple, and besides the goddess He is in charge of [Fire] and also has the divine power of [Guardian].

Therefore, the decree of the God King actually severed the relationship between God and man, and also cut off all protection provided by God to man, and in turn cursed them.

From this moment on, the gods will no longer respond to human prayers, and everything the gods have given to humans before has also been taken back.

Even on this basis, human beings not only lost the fire given by God, they will no longer be able to ignite fire on their own; human beings lost the harvest given by God, and the crops they planted will no longer sprout; human beings lost God With good weather and good weather, natural disasters will always be around from now on.

This was the punishment the God King gave for this deception, but he cleverly left some room for it. He used "fire" to refer to all of this, so as long as humans have fire again, although God's protection of humans will not be restored, God's punishment of humans will not continue.

At this moment, some gods understood it, and some gods did not understand it, but standing on Mount Olympus, Prometheus undoubtedly understood it.

Not only did he understand, he heard more.

"Give up, brother, it's pointless."

"The God King is not kind. Even if you save mankind this time, he will use other reasons to punish mortals. This generation of mortals is no longer what he needs."

Standing outside the temple of the Goddess of Law on Mount Olympus, Epimetheus once again persuaded his brother.

The two of them had not been able to see Themis here before. According to the nymph stationed here, the goddess left in a hurry after returning here.

God's laws should not be applied to humans, and God's rules may not apply to humans. At this time, humans actually have no laws. The goddess destroyed the temple because humans misused her name because she had never allowed them to do so. But in fact, other than that, humans did not really break any rules - because she did not set any rules for them.

Therefore, the goddess decided to give them a standard. She would delineate the circumstances under which a mortal could claim justice in its own name.

The goddess of law is first the creator of the law, and then the defender of the law. She cannot defend something that she has not decided on. So she left Olympus, planning to seek the help of her old friends and try to establish the original standards for the human 'court'.

As for what counts as guilty and what counts as innocent, that is mankind's own business. She is only responsible for ensuring that the trial she witnesses can be conducted in compliance with the regulations.

If after she sets the standards, there are still people who dare to violate the rules she set in court, then she will punish the violators according to the rules she has set.

Therefore, the two brothers planned to wait here until the goddess came back. As a result, the waiting ended immediately before it even started.

The God King knew everything, he punished mankind, and now he is waiting for Prometheus to fall into the trap.

"Maybe, but I don't ask for more. As long as I can take back the divine punishment and let them grow old in peace."

Looking towards the east, Prometheus had a somewhat complicated mood. His most trusted student betrayed him, but he couldn't feel the emotion of blaming him.

After all, he was the one who created Orson and taught him. If he became what he is now, why wasn't it because of him?

Now, the other party has also received the fate he deserves.

"All of this originated from me, Epimetheus. Although I deceived the gods for the sake of mankind, now that I think about it, I was just using this to show off my 'wisdom'."

"And I'm probably not smart at all, like—"

Just like Metis, the goddess of wisdom.

Prometheus did not say this. As the goddess disappeared for a hundred years, the God King married a new Queen, and the gods vaguely guessed something.

They didn't know the specific fate of this goddess who was world-famous for her intelligence, but there was a high probability that it wouldn't be too wonderful.

"But what can you do, brother."

Even though he knew it was useless, he still spoke.

"The King of Gods has taken away mankind's 'fire'. The only person in this world who can disobey his will is the Supreme One who is truly in charge of [fire]."

"The goddess Hestia will not help you fight against her brother. The goddess of the magic network who controls the fire element is nowhere to be found, and the Lord of the Spirit World will not respond to your call. There is no place where you can get the right to use fire."

His expression was a little sad, and he no longer looked as stupid as before. Epimetheus hoped that his brother would listen to his advice.

But at this time, Prometheus did not notice the changes in his brother. In other words, even if he noticed it, he would not change his decision.

The God King has discovered everything, and he has punished humans, but he has ignored the initiator of everything. Prometheus knew that as the creator of mankind, it was his turn.

He could actually escape, but he didn't want to.

"There is another place. Except for gods, artifacts are not under the control of the God King. Divine power is absolute, and even Zeus cannot violate this."

Looking towards the top of Mount Olympus, where is the temple of the Sun God. Helios set out there every day, driving the sun chariot to make the sun rise in the east and set in the west, and then return here at night.

As long as fire is drawn from the artifact, the God King's decree will become invalid.

"He won't give it to you. He is only a thin line away from powerful divine power, and faith is his hope. And as a legacy of the Titan God, Helios's position in the Divine Court is unstable -"

"I know."

Interrupting lightly, at this moment, Prometheus really seemed like a wise man among the gods.

"So I'll give him a chance."

"I went to steal the fire, and then he caught me back and interceded for me in front of the God King. Of course this will not be useful, but he will gain the gratitude of mankind and the credit to the God's Court."

As for what would happen to him, the Illuminati did not say much. It was just an eternal imprisonment. He could already foresee where he would be imprisoned.

But at the end, as if he remembered something, he warned his brother.

"Leave here, and don't get involved in things between the God King and humans because of me. You also bear the credit for creating humans. If possible, the God King will not let you go. Remember, don't accept what Zeus does to you. Any 'good intentions'."

".I understand, brother."

After a long silence, Epimetheus nodded in agreement. He watched as his brother casually broke off a fennel branch and then walked up the mountain under the cover of darkness.

And he just watched all this and did nothing.

"Aren't you going to take part in all this? You are really thinking about humanity until the end."

"What about you, me, and even our brother who supports the sky and our reclusive father."

Shaking his head slightly, Epimetheus knew that his brother had finally regained his sense from the adulation of humans and gods, and he could clearly see the cause and effect of this matter.

The God-King will not allow the two gods who participated in the creation of humans to continue to exist in the human world, so the Illuminati needs to commit a major crime, and the Late-Enlightened One must at least bring disaster to mankind to destroy his status in the hearts of mortals.

But Epimetheus himself will be fine. Prometheus actually knows this very well. After all, compared to him, the stupid Awakened Ones are not regarded as a threat by the God King. Zeus will only use this to show off. My own tolerance will not let both brothers fall to the same end. So his last instruction before leaving was actually just that he didn't want his brother to bring disaster to mankind.

But this time, Epimetheus did not want to listen to him, just as he had never listened to the advice of the Later Enlightenment. Prometheus was willing to think about mankind, but Epimetheus only wanted to think about himself.

For the sake of human beings who will die sooner or later, he does not want to make himself a thorn in the side of the God King, or even stand on the opposite side of the gods.

He is a god, so he should naturally think about issues from a god's perspective. What's more, feeling the faith lingering in him, Epimetheus doesn't care what humans think now.

These years of living in the human world were not in vain. Belief in something like this never only comes from worshiping. With a few adjustments, fear and admiration can lead to the same goal.


"So, it is often difficult for people who betray their own class to have a good ending. But if the time is extended, it is difficult to say whether it is right or wrong."

"After all, there is no fire stealing and no preference for humans. Maybe Prometheus in future generations will only be an ordinary god and will not have such a big reputation."

"From this perspective, he has completely written himself into the history of mankind. Even if the years change, his beliefs will remain unchanged even if they no longer occupy the mainstream."

In the East China Sea, huge whirlpools rotate slowly, and billions of tons of seawater spiral into the seemingly endless eye of the sea. The dark place is like a ruin that swallows all things.

Ryan was wearing a black robe, standing above the whirlpool, but he seemed to see the figure of the fire thief.

Prometheus and the Sun God were talking. No one noticed their conversation, but it was clearly illuminated by the artifact on the side.

After all, Hephaestus in this life has not yet been born. Even if he is born, he will no longer have the opportunity to build a solar car. Therefore, the 'important task' of capturing Prometheus naturally fell on Helios.

It's hard to say whether this is good or bad. After all, Zeus may be happy to see Hera's only son get this benefit, but he may not want the Sun God to get it. But Helios was very excited at this moment, and he decisively agreed to the Illuminati's request.

But he only promised to give Prometheus half a day. When the sun rises the next day, he will 'discover' that his artifact has been tampered with, and then take the initiative to capture the opponent.

"Speaking of which, there seems to be no place named 'Caucasus Mountain' in the east of this world. I wonder where he will be imprisoned this time?"

Looking back, there will be an answer soon, and Ryan is not in a hurry to know the result. He glanced at the large whirlpool he had created with interest, and then walked further east.

He had a hunch that the reason why this unknown thing appeared in the east of the world might have something to do with him.

Perhaps it was because of the contact between the sun as the core of the world and the East China Sea that a brief world-level movement occurred here, thus attracting some things that should not have appeared.

After all, the complete ocean and water are powers on the same level as the sky. If the authority had not been divided, I am afraid that the current ancient sea god would have touched the great realm. Although [Sun] is slightly inferior, if it is not divided, it is likely to reach greatness at the end of the third era.

From this perspective, perhaps this is all part of the ‘destiny’ of this world. Such as these may touch upon the great Divine Power, who long ago divided them one by one.

The nearest one is [Weather], and the next one is most likely [Light].

Quickly passing by on the sea, Ryan could see that the sea surface was gradually becoming dead and restless. The closer you get to the edge of the world, the more lifeless it becomes, and the existence of the laws of this world becomes weaker and weaker.

Until a certain moment, the sea surface ended out of thin air. At the edge of the sea, the seawater flows like a waterfall toward the endless void below, and opposite the waterfall is the world-wide river that flows endlessly, surrounding the world.

Above it, a palace can be vaguely seen, which is the residence of Oceanus.

But the next moment, a loud voice came out from the tall temple.

"Who's there?"

When Ryan stepped on the long river, the [Secretness] effect of the robe was also lifted by him.

This place already belongs to the boundary between the real world and the outside world, even close to the edge of the world, and the suppression of the law is almost non-existent.

Therefore, feeling that the symbol of his divine power was touched, Ocean God immediately discovered this uninvited guest.

"Hey, have you recovered?"

Looking at the tall figure stepping out of the shrine, Ryan was somewhat surprised.

Although he has recovered as before, he turns a blind eye to his daughter's fate, which makes Ryan somewhat emotional.

However, the myths of later generations do not seem to record the deeds of Oceanus becoming an enemy of Zeus because of the disappearance of Metis.

Fortunately for the goddess of Chaos, among the male gods, there are indeed very few 'good fathers' in the true sense.

"Ryan? What are you doing here?"

Oceanos frowned slightly as he did not recognize that the other party was the culprit who caused him such serious injuries.

His injury is indeed serious, but he is much more powerful than the Sun God, and the main symbol of his divine power is the river around the world rather than the ocean.

As for why he still stayed here even though he had recovered from his injuries, that was another matter.

Thinking of this, Oceanus couldn't help but become vigilant. He didn't know what Ryan was here for, but he wouldn't allow the other party to go any further.

"I came here to find something. As the owner of this place, have you noticed anything wrong recently?"


Without any hesitation, Oceanus immediately replied.


Originally it was just a casual question, and Ryan didn't expect to get any response, but now Oceanos' reaction really surprised him.

Although the other party did not reveal any obvious flaws, his spiritual intuition told him that the other party was not telling the truth.

"you sure?"

Narrowing his eyes, Ryan persuaded with a smile:

"There are some things that you can't handle. Maybe it would be better to tell me. My intuition tells me that what I am looking for may not be a good thing."

"This has nothing to do with you, Ryan. What I can't handle, can you do it?"

"Besides, I have already said that there is nothing abnormal here! This is my territory, please leave."

Once again flatly refused, Oceanus showed no sign of fear. As a Titan god who had seen Ryan take action, Ocean God asked himself that he still knew something about him.

What's more, this is not the earth. On the river of the world, even if the earth mother comes, there is nothing he can do. Standing here, he is not afraid of anything.


After pondering for a moment, Ryan looked at the Titan who had oppressed him with divine power in the distant First Age, and finally decided to give him another chance.

After all, he was the one who made the prophecy first, so Ocean God's overreaction is barely understandable.

So Ryan nodded and said calmly:

"In that case, I won't bother you."

Turning around, Ryan looked beyond the River of the World.

When he got here, the mysterious feeling became clearer and clearer. There was no doubt that he was going to find the 'thing' he didn't know what it was right here.

Stepping forward, Ryan planned to cross the long river and go there to see for himself. However, as soon as he took one step, Ocean God, who was still in front of the palace gate, changed his expression and stood in front of him in a flash.

"what do you mean."

Ryan asked with a smile as the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"I said, this is my territory, you are not welcome here, please leave."

He said coldly, Ocean God had no intention of getting out of the way.

"But I just want to take a look at the other side of the River of the World. I'm afraid it doesn't belong to you."

Still smiling, Ryan finally said politely.

"As long as the River of the World flows through it, it belongs to me! Leave here and I will warn you one last time!"

Ocean God was already a little impatient, perhaps more nervous because he was afraid that the secret would be discovered. His power began to gather. On the symbol of his divine power, Oceanus felt that he was extremely powerful. Just like before, he released his pressure and tried to push back the gods in front of him.

However, this time, he felt that his power was like a mud cow drowning in the sea, disappearing completely when he got close to Ryan's side.

"This kind of smell."

"Decay, dilapidation, death. It feels like 'twilight' to me."

Whispering softly, Ryan was keenly aware of something. The aura that escaped as Oceanus' power vibrated was easily captured by him, and it was obviously mixed with some power that the opponent should not have.

At this time, Ryan completely confirmed his guess. Oceanus had definitely come into contact with that unknown thing, and it was not just an accidental passing by.

So he put away his smile and looked at the tall god in front of him. At the fingertips of Ryan's right hand, a dark light slowly emerged.

After a hundred years, the power of the spiritual world was once again taken over by him, and half of the great power descended on the interface between this world and the outside world. With this power, Ryan almost instantly locked onto the approximate location of the anomaly beyond the long river, but he still looked at Oceanus in front of him first.

Take a step forward, there is no subordinate in the mythical world, and who among the gods of Khaos really cares about this. Now, there will be no exception.

"You said this place belongs to you, but I don't think so."

"Then now, I declare: this place belongs to me."

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