Withdrawing his eyes of implicit confrontation, Mephistopheles continued walking on the road. He still faced everyone with a smile on his face, as if nothing had happened.

But obviously, for the two people who just looked at each other, the other's existence was unexpected and cannot be ignored.

"Strange. A demigod? It doesn't seem like it. An ordinary demigod would not make me feel in danger. Without divine power, he is probably much stronger than me."

"And what is he here for? Before I came to the human world, I only heard about the existence of wizards. That was the power that the goddess of magic network mastered before she became a god. I didn't expect that there is a different way to control mortal things. Power?"

Thought to himself, Mephistopheles wasn't too worried, just a little surprised and a little curious.

When humans lived together in one place before, this great devil from the Nine Hells naturally did not dare to do anything under the eyes of Prometheus. But what he didn't expect was that when he came to this newly built town just two years ago, he actually met an unusual character.

The other party has divine power in him, which is why Mephistopheles initially thought he was a demigod. But after a brief perception, he denied that conjecture.

That divine power came from the light rain decades ago. It existed in the bodies of many beasts on the earth at that time. It seems that the human body also came from this - but what really made Mephisto feel afraid, It was the opponent's vigorous blood and powerful physique.

He has no doubt that all the methods he can use in this world will probably have little effect on the other party. And that person can easily tear apart those giant beasts bleeding with divine blood in the wilderness with just one pair of hands.

But fortunately, it seemed that that person didn't want to fight with him in Giant Wood Town. In this case, today's plan will naturally proceed as usual.

The priests still lived so peacefully that they all took a chance and thought that their deception of the gods would not be discovered, and that if they were discovered, they would not be held accountable by the gods. In this case, let him personally fill their graves with a shovelful of soil.

I hope they can make some correct choices under real threats.

"Mephisto, let me give you one last piece of advice. If you retract your previous remarks now and pray devoutly in the temple, you can still be forgiven."

While thinking about it, more and more people noticed Mephisto's arrival. Some of them came to see the fun, and some looked disgusted, but they all spontaneously made way for him to lead to the high platform.

As one of today's protagonists, no one wants to stop him.

But perhaps out of kindness, or to make the trial seem more in line with the rules, when Mephistopheles came to the high platform, a priest responsible for worshiping the goddess of the hearth and fire made the final words to him righteously. warn.

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Excellency, but I insist that I am not guilty. And I believe that everyone will soon agree with my ideas."

The voice was not loud, but gentle and firm. Mephisto's reply once again caused a commotion in the crowd. People were talking about it, but it didn't affect the man in front of the high platform at all. He just took a step forward and looked at the priest standing in front of him.

"I wonder if I can go up? In fact, I'm quite looking forward to speaking later."

".Since you insist on your opinion, then come up. I hope you won't regret it."

He frowned, but under the gaze of thousands of spectators, the priest still turned sideways and moved away from the steps to the high platform.


With a polite smile, Mephisto immediately stepped onto the high platform.

He walked to the center and stood in the middle. In front of him were priests from different temples and people recognized as wise; behind him and not far away on both sides were dense crowds of people.

The arbiter of this trial declared that in order to obtain a fair result, everyone present, whether on or off the stage, whether they are residents of Giant Wood Town or not, as long as they want to, are qualified to speak, no matter which side they stand on. Both are available.

But everyone knows that no one will side with this unbeliever. It just gives the onlookers a sense of participation.

So when Mephistopheles stood in the center of the high platform, as the play 'Harlequin' arrived, the host on the high platform immediately stood up.

With a mocking smile on his lips, he looked at the guy he once knew. The reason why he can stand here and preside over this grand event is because he was the first person to report Mephistopheles for spreading untrustworthy ideas.

And the reason why he did this was partly due to personal grudges, although this grudge was completely unilaterally thought by him.

"It seems that you insist on your own opinion, Mephistopheles. I have to say that your existence really makes me feel ashamed of the gods. There are such unbelievers like you among humans, and you don't even mean to feel ashamed."

"People will be ashamed of their mistakes, but I don't think I am at fault. As for you, I don't know. Besides - you should just be the presiding officer of this trial, right?"

With a calm tone, Mephistopheles didn't look like he was facing a sentence, but rather like a wise man preaching his own ideas.

On the other hand, those standing in front of him are naturally sinners who prevent the spread of the truth.


Unexpectedly, the other party dared to refute. The host was about to say something, but he noticed the priest of the Law Temple who was sitting in the center and looked at him.

As judges, even though they do not recognize Mephisto's untrustworthiness, at least they have to behave like they are fair and just.

Taking a deep breath, the host had no choice but to hold back his emotions and no longer paid attention to Mephistopheles, but looked at the crowd of spectators.

"Everyone, I think you all know why we are here today."

"He, Mephistopheles, a resident of Giant Wood Town, is also a human being created by gods like us. He openly admits his unbelief and believes that humans should not believe in gods. This is undoubtedly an evil behavior that cannot be tolerated. "

"As god-reverent bronze humans, we will give him the right to argue fairly in front of the temple, instead of blindly judging him. Now, please be quiet!"

After saying the last sentence, when the scene became quiet, the host took a step back and looked at a middle-aged man sitting on the left.

That was Devers, the priest in charge of worshiping the God King in Giant Wood Town. It was said that he was also a good friend of the high priest Orson. Upon receiving the host's gaze, he nodded in response, then stood up and looked at Mephisto, who was standing in the middle of the high platform.

As the person with the highest status here, he should be the first to speak.

"Mephisto, as a priest of the God King, I cannot understand why you are unfaithful, because the gods are so great; as a human being created by the gods, I also cannot understand why you are unfaithful, because they are so kind. .Now, in front of so many human beings, can you explain your point of view to us and tell everyone the reason for your lack of faith?"

Perhaps to make the trial more interesting, Devers did not launch a verbal attack.

The crowd of onlookers also recognized his words. Although they all understood the thoughts of this unbeliever through various methods, they did not hear him tell the truth clearly after all.

"Of course, in fact, I have been waiting for today for a long time."

Under the gaze of everyone, Mephisto smiled and said, but no one among the humans present could understand what he meant.

"The main reason why I stand here today, opposing faith but not sacrifice, is because in my opinion, spirit and matter are not confused, just like sacrifice and faith are not confused."

"Gods have powers far beyond those of mortals, and they can bring benefits to humans, so humans should use sacrifices to show respect to them. This is understandable, but beliefs are different."

"Belief means recognizing all the thoughts of an existence, or an existence that places one's own hopes on it. In this aspect, the gods are obviously far from qualified to be believed."

Looking around, Mephisto finally reiterated:

"The God King is higher than the gods. The gods obey him and respect him, but do not believe in him, because the relationship between the God King and the gods is interdependent. Without ordinary gods, the God King's throne has no value. "The status of priests is higher than that of ordinary people. People respect you and obey your instructions, but they do not believe in you, because the relationship between priests and ordinary people is also interdependent. Without ordinary humans, there is no need for priests to exist."

"When I deny faith, I am not denying the power and existence of the gods, but I am denying their higher status."

"I approve of sacrifice, but not faith, because in my opinion, God and man do not unilaterally demand something from the other, but both parties need each other. In this case, faith naturally does not exist. Soil."

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