Alone, Cohen walked on the wild land for decades.

Wearing the stars and the moon, traveling day and night. He climbed over mountains, walked through wilderness, walked through forests, waded across rivers, crossed deserts, forcibly crossed swamps, and faced thunderstorms. Different from before, the landforms of Khaos are becoming more and more changeable and dangerous.

He has seen hydra snakes as high as mountains and killed giant worms lurking under the sea of ​​sand. Along the way, although the ability from the special material stopped increasing in intensity after a period of time, the energy from oneself became stronger than ever.

Gradually, after defeating a two-headed strange bird that could spit thunder, in order to deal with these powerful enemies on the earth, Cohen began to explore while on the road what this energy derived from flesh and blood was, and how to To strengthen it, how to use it better.

But Cohen has no teacher, and no one can be his teacher in this area. He is the first and currently the only one. So Cohen had to study it alone, and the only reference was the golden colloid integrated into the body.

Although the information it instills is mostly useless, there is still some valuable content. With the help of this knowledge, Cohen gradually understood the nature of some powers, especially the most critical breakthrough of the energy in his body.

On the day when the sacred mountain collapsed, Cohen once broke the bottleneck in the crisis and allowed the energy in his body to go further. And after that bottleneck was broken, the most intuitive manifestation was that his body could touch the law to a certain extent.

At first, Cohen didn't know what the law was, but the knowledge imparted by the mysterious substance made up for his lack of knowledge. The two unexpected beings he met a few years ago further answered his doubts.

Of course, this also caused the sacredness of the gods to be broken again in his heart.

"The realm of extraordinary, 'legend' is really an ironic name."

Compared to a name like ‘Legend’, which has social connotations, Cohen still prefers to use simple numbers to describe his power.

He calls the state in which he first generates energy the 'First Level', and the state in which energy can temporarily enhance the body as the 'Second Level'. The state where it can be extended to foreign objects and hurt people from a distance is called the 'Second Level'. They are 'third order' and 'fourth order' respectively.

As for going a step further, the realms called 'extraordinary' and 'legendary' are naturally called the fifth level by Cohen.

Now, he felt that he should have made another breakthrough. This was called a 'high-level legend' by that person, and it was also the last step before 'self-generated divinity'. However, when it came to Cohen, he simply called it 'Level Six'.

But at this point, he once again felt that he had encountered an insurmountable barrier. Cohen didn't pay much attention to this. After all, judging from his experience in recent years, looking at the earth, there are few beings who can rival him.

Traveling all the way east, until today, the new generation of humans he had been looking for was actually right in front of him.

It's just that Cohen didn't know what to do for a while. Should he go directly to contact them, or should he observe them secretly for a while?

"Hey, the one in front-"

While thinking, a shout came from behind. Cohen was stunned for a moment, but immediately realized that this was calling him.

Perhaps it was because of the long gap between times. Although the language used by the other party actually originated from humans in the Golden Age, there were already considerable differences. But if you look carefully, you can still understand what the other person is saying.

"——Where are you from, and what are you doing standing here?"

"Looking at you like this, are you in trouble in the wild?"

Turning around, Cohen saw, not far away, a young man looking at him like a precious animal.

The stranger in front of him was wrapped in animal skins, but there was no dust on his body. It looked a little embarrassed, but it gave people an inexplicable sense of oppression.

However, although there are conflicts among the bronze humans today, there have been no vicious incidents of attacking each other. Therefore, although Cohen seemed not to be easily offended, the young man was not afraid of him at all.

"What are you doing standing there stupidly? You must not be from Jumu Town. I have never seen you."

Walking forward, the young man patted Cohen on the shoulder without revealing anything.

"um, yes."

"I'm here for something."

Trying his best to imitate the other person's accent, Cohen nodded and responded.

Feeling the touch on his shoulder, he felt a little awkward and a little nostalgic. Over the years, Cohen has become accustomed to fighting back against anything that touches him. After all, there is no safe place along the way. But at this moment, holding back his subconscious reaction, he thought of his former friends again.

Hewa, the history recorder of the golden human race, used to talk and laugh with Cohen like this. But now, the only trace of his existence is probably in Cohen's memory.

"Then you're probably too late. Mr. Ander has already returned to the center of the plain."

"It is said that the place will soon be renamed. In order to distinguish it from the 'town' where we are, High Priest Momon suggested calling it a 'city' and named it after the plain, Aurora City. The Creator also approved his statement .”

The young man had no doubts about Cohen. In his opinion, the other party was probably someone who came from other towns to watch Ander's opera.

Just looking at the other party's current appearance, he probably encountered something unexpected on the road.

This is normal. After all, the existence of the temple drives away monsters with extraordinary power, but those beasts that rely solely on physical strength are not among them.

"Come on, you're here, I'll take you into the town to see it."

"Although you won't be able to see the drama, there is still other fun to watch today. There is a guy who spreads ungodly remarks in public and will be judged by the priests of the temple."

With a somewhat amusing expression, the young man waved to Cohen.

"Stop standing there stupidly. Go in and change your clothes first. You ungodly guy, I really want to hear what he has to say."

No god, temple, priest?

There is also the ‘Creator’ that the other party mentioned.

He caught a few key words in an instant, but Cohen did not blindly ask questions. Although it was not good to deceive the enthusiastic young man in front of him, he still did not want to reveal his identity.

Thinking about the disappeared corpses and collapsed temples, Cohen didn't know what the gods' attitude was towards the former golden humans, but he planned to proceed with caution until he found out the situation.

Since the temple ruins were excavated, Cohen felt that he had changed much more than he had in the past few thousand years.

"Then thank you very much."

Cohen's voice was a little vague, but the young man didn't care.

"My name is Evans, what's your name?"

"Keen, my name is Keen."

This time, the Golden Man King spoke clearly.

"Okay, brother Cohen, come with me."

Following the young man, Cohen once again stepped into a human settlement after many years. Looking at everything around him, he felt strange and familiar at the same time.

Some traces of the skills that are in line with the golden age can still be seen. However, the clothing and conversation of passers-by are completely different from before.

But relying on the ability given by the mysterious substance, Cohen vaguely realized that the biggest difference between human beings now and in the past is not their appearance, but their hearts.

Some of them are kind, some are hospitable, and some are upright, but some are not like that.

Behind their smiles are hidden negative emotions.

And most humans have both.

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