Greek Mythology: The Spiritual Dominator

Chapter 148 Materials (Monthly Pass 8)

Chapter 148 Materials (monthly ticket +8)

Everything was arranged well and the gods were satisfied, so the banquet officially began.

This banquet lasted only three days, not because God's perception of time suddenly returned, but because many things needed to be resolved urgently.

Three days later, several gods will go to deal with Atlas and the God of Weather. After all, the sky is still falling, and the post-war world also needs to be sorted out and stabilized.

But unlike before, when the gods began to celebrate, even though Zeus became the master of the new divine court, he did not stay at the banquet for too long. Instead, he returned to the top of the peak alone and stared at the empty bedroom in a daze.

".My choice was right, this is the best result."

Whispering softly, Zeus waved his hand and sealed off the deserted palace.

If nothing happens in the future, he will not come here again.

"That's it."

Turning around, the new god-king took a few steps and looked down at the surrounding land from the top of Olympus. Although this sacred mountain that supported the eastern sky is somewhat shorter than the former Odiles Mountain, it is only slightly inferior.

Looking around, the white clouds in the distance have distinct layers, and a little further away, through the thick dark clouds and continuous rain, the God King can see that rift valleys and basins are almost all over the countryside, silently telling the story of the past not long ago. The tragedy.

It's no wonder that the world places restrictions on the gods. After all, the further away from Olympus, the more severe the disaster caused by the gods.

But at this moment, Zeus was not worried about this. He was just thinking about the issues he had thought about before when facing Cronus.

Legislation, starry sky, creation, in the past ten thousand years, the previous generations of god kings have completed these great achievements in sequence. Among these three, there is a high probability that one of them is the reason why my father is so powerful.

Originally, Zeus was not in a hurry to try these, but now he could no longer wait.

The sudden opening of the spiritual world, the Earth Mother who left without saying an incomprehensible word, and the several Titan gods who had so far ignored him all made him feel very insecure.

He urgently needs stronger power. If the position of God King cannot be given to him for the time being, then he will work hard in other directions.

"Starry Sky. Helios"

Thinking of the half-dead Sun God who was dragged to Olympus, Zeus also had some difficulty.

He didn't really trust this guy who had secretly surrendered, but now there was no other man available. With the solar chariot, he may not necessarily be the sun god to run the sun, but at least he must have a similar priesthood.

For example, Phoebe, the goddess of light in the starry sky, and Theia, the mother of light, can do this. But Zeus didn't even have to think about it. These two goddesses would never come to drive for him.

His eldest sister Hestia could barely do it. According to her, this artifact seemed to have been endowed with some of the power of fire by the caster. But by the same token, it is impossible for the God-King to let his sister drive for him.


His expression moved slightly, and the new God King smiled. Turning around and looking back, he was more or less waiting for him when he left the banquet.

"You finally came."

There, a god with a weak face but very bright eyes was slowly walking towards him.

"Son of Iapitus, the wise man who came to enlightenment, I didn't mention you at the previous celebration banquet. Please don't blame me, because there is still something important waiting for you to do."

"When you complete it, I will definitely give you the status and honor you deserve."

"It doesn't matter, Your Majesty, I don't care about this."

With a slight bow, Prometheus smiled.

"I wonder what you ordered when you summoned me today?"

Although he is not powerful himself, he is not at all respectful to the God King like other weak gods.

It's hard to tell whether this is confidence or what, after all, people who are conceited and wise always do so.

"Hahaha - that's right. I heard that the reason why life is prosperous on the earth today is because the gods created life twice."

With a loud laugh, Zeus didn't pay attention to such trivial matters, but talked about past history.

"The first time, the gods gathered together, and the golden generation of creatures was born. But the second time, only your father, the Titan God Iapetus and the Earth Mother were involved in this matter. I wonder if this is the case? "

"You are right." Nodding slightly, Prometheus said regretfully: "Ten thousand years ago, the previous king of gods ordered the gods to create a golden generation, making Delphi the original origin of material life. Later, Mother Earth also ordered me and my brothers to assist Father God and create the Silver Generation with her."

"It is a pity that among the many creatures, the first generation of human beings that I prefer the most has died, and their souls have ascended to heaven or returned to the spirit world. But the other generation was different due to the mood of Mother Earth at that time. Change."

To this day, the gods, including Prometheus, who witnessed the birth of mankind, still believe that the special nature of silver humans stems from the anger of Mother Earth when they were created. But in fact, although the process was wrong, the result was wrongly correct.

After all, it was because of anger that Gaia finally made up her mind to mix darkness with life, giving birth to a second generation of humans who were born evil.

"That's really a pity. It is said that it was the previous god-king who first proposed to gather the power of the gods to create a god-like race for humans."

Thoughtfully, Zeus continued to ask: "So Prometheus, in your opinion, what is the difference between the human species and other life forms?"

"Wisdom, Your Majesty, they are rare beings with similar thinking to the gods."

Replied without hesitation, Prometheus said from the bottom of his heart:

"I have to say that the creation of human beings may be one of the true contributions of the previous god-kings to the world. Without him, I may not have thought of creating such a special life. It's just that he left too many restrictions for human beings. So that mortals can learn but cannot create."

"I even think that if we don't exert innate influence on them, they will be more similar to the gods and even develop more achievements that attract our attention."


Nodding, Zeus didn't know what he was thinking. He already knew enough. Looking at the god in front of him, the god king finally expressed his request.

"I guess you have guessed my purpose, Prometheus, the son of the Titan god Iapetus, the prophetic god. A new era has arrived, and the earth also needs god-like lives to embellish it. What I want to know Yes, have you inherited your father’s ability and the ability to create living beings?”

His spirit was shaken. Although Prometheus had already guessed the purpose of the God King summoning him through previous conversations, he was still very surprised.

He had a good impression of the gold humans before and often lived with them; he also felt sorry for the silver humans and once taught them knowledge. It would be even better if he could personally lead the creation of the third generation of humans.

He will create truly perfect human beings according to the image in his mind.

"Of course, Your Majesty. I have assisted Father God in creating creation, and I have also observed Mother Earth create humans. I have such ability, and I also have a younger brother who has also participated in these things to help me."


After hesitating for a moment, the Illuminati was happy to create humans, but he did not want his creation to be short-lived and disappear like the past two generations of creatures, so he tentatively said:

"But all things are mortal. Your Majesty, maybe in addition to men, I should also create women, so that they can reproduce on their own without the gods having to create them again and again."

"In Delphi, my Father God dropped the power of human reproduction on this stone, and I brought it back."

"If you wish -"

"Don't worry, where is the stone you mentioned?"

Zeus was really surprised when he interrupted Prometheus.

A stone symbolizing human reproduction. Sure enough, there were many things he didn't know about in the past years.

"it's here."

Divine power surged, and unlike the piece listed as a sacred stone by Zeus, the piece Prometheus took out was almost as tall as himself.

This stone once lay at the feet of the God of Speech, and then was given extraordinary powers by the unexpected well water. Now, it is once again placed on Mount Kailash.

"Life is somewhat similar to golden apples, but not the same."

Looking at the stone Prometheus placed in front of him, Zeus felt the special power. With it, humans could reproduce, but he didn't want to do that right now.

The reason why Zeus supported the creation of humans was never for the sake of humans themselves. He just wanted to do what his father God had done again.

Since it is just an experiment, there is no need to do anything extra.

"Wait a minute. In fact, I thought about this at first, but Prometheus, human reproduction is not in a hurry. We have enough time to think about the pros and cons."

Putting the stone away casually, and thinking of the silver humans still existing on the earth, those remnants of the sinful past generations, Zeus smiled and said:

"My dear friend, creating a human is not a simple matter. I will give you a hundred years to prepare. As for the materials."

"I thought of something suitable. I'll send you the materials soon."

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