Greek Mythology: The Spiritual Dominator

Chapter 145 Drawing Lots (Monthly Ticket 7)

Chapter 145 Drawing Lots (Monthly Ticket +7)

The next day.

On Mount Olympus, the tension of the past ten years has been swept away, and a cheerful atmosphere lingers everywhere.

Although the celestial phenomena are still so terrible, under the power of the gods, the area around the sacred mountain has returned to its past. Except that the sun was weak and no longer moving because it temporarily lost its controller, everything seemed to be as usual.

Standing at the door of the hall, Zeus looked at the goddess who finally arrived and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he was very sure that the other party would not refuse, he couldn't tell until the dust settled. After all, there had been little contact between the two parties before, and even though he didn't show it directly, Zeus always felt that Themis had some opinions about him.

If the other party doesn't come, then if they can't win over another Titan to side with Olympus, many things will become very troublesome in the future.

"Welcome to you, fair judge, Your Highness Themis, my dear aunt. Your presence adds a touch of brilliance to Mount Olympus."

With a cheerful smile on his face, Zeus stepped forward. He opened his arms as if he wanted to give Lady Justice a warm hug.

However, Themis turned slightly to avoid her nephew's approach.

"Well, you don't have to be so polite. I'm not here because of you, Zeus. I'm just following the responsibilities entrusted to me by the priesthood to give fair judgment to all beings."

With a cold expression, Zeus had not left a good impression on her since the last time they were together in the spirit world. Over the years, from what she saw, the other party was still very close to the two goddesses.

One was Eurynome, the sister of Metis, whom I had seen before, and the other was a goddess in black who was rarely seen. She seemed to live in the starry sky.

However, compared to the former, the latter kept some distance from Zeus due to her father's neutral position in the Titan War.

"As for Metis, she is your wife. As the future king of the gods, you must not do anything to make her sad."

Themis was originally just warning Zeus not to be too sentimental, but as soon as she finished speaking, she saw Zeus' face suddenly stiffen across from him.

"She has been feeling unwell recently, madam. She may have been frightened by Father God's power before. After all, her current power is not strong, so she did not come to the banquet today."

"Please come this way, madam, you and my adoptive mother are the only two ancient Titan gods who came here today."

The tone was a little harsh, Zeus forced a smile, turned around and walked towards the palace.

Frowning slightly, Themis didn't expect Zeus's reaction to be so violent. She just wanted him not to be too ridiculous. But this is ultimately the other person's business. Whatever the other person wants to do has nothing to do with her.

So Themis said no more, just shook her head slightly and walked towards the palace.

As the goddess of justice entered the hall, most of the gods on Mount Olympus were already present.

Previously, under the escort of a goddess, the semi-conscious Oceanus returned to his temple on the long river of the world, where the environment was more conducive to Oceanus recovering from his injuries.

Nowadays, the violent and turbulent tides in the East China Sea bring him pain every moment. Only when he wakes up can he mobilize the divine power to calm it down. So at this time, only the goddess of original water remains to witness the succession of the new god king.

On the other hand, Helios, the sun god, was awakened by Perseis, the goddess of boiling water, whose power increased greatly in just one day, and brought him directly to the sacred mountain. Now he is sitting in the corner with a depressed expression.

He didn't want to come originally. The whereabouts of Father God Hyperion were unknown, and the center of the sun became empty. Helios wanted to return to the sun and sleep for a while, but as a "former member" who secretly surrendered, he had to come.

Beside the original water goddess, Eurynome, Pronoea, Tyche and other ocean goddesses with priesthoods sat down one after another, facing the children of the original sea god on the other side of the temple.

But over there, Pontos' eldest son Nereus was chatting with Poseidon and didn't pay attention to what the other person meant. The two parties had a lively conversation, and they didn't know who approached whom first.

Compared with the somewhat sad look on his face yesterday, Nereus looked back to his usual self now. He looked gentle and polite, and his words made Poseidon, who had only been born ten years, laugh.

"It's really interesting, isn't it, little Chiron? You don't see this kind of scene everywhere."

Sitting in the corner of the hall, Hecate casually took a piece of fruit from the table and threw it into her mouth.

She doesn't mean the boring banquet, but the various gods here.

The world of Khaos has always been empty, and golden humans do not have so many complex thoughts. Such a scene can often only be seen when the more or less unruly gods gather together.


On the side, the centaur did not speak. In fact, he felt that he should not be here. There were all gods coming and going around him, but he was the only one who looked weird, and he was still a demigod. But because of his tall stature, he is extremely eye-catching.

Many gods passing by looked at him strangely, some seemed to be looking at rare objects, and some were simply disgusted, which made him a little uneasy.

"Don't pay attention to them. They are just better at fighting than you and they look normal. It's no big deal."

"If anyone is dissatisfied and dares to talk nonsense in front of me, I will knock him to the ground and beat him. Anyway, if Golden Retriever doesn't take action, few of them are my opponents."

Waving her hands nonchalantly, in Hecate's view, there really weren't many experts in Olympus right now.

Except for the Zeus family, only the original water goddess Tesis is more powerful. The rest are ordinary gods who make up the numbers, so that the goddess of magic with medium divine power is already at the top level here.

And among the beings that pay attention to the centaurs, there is obviously not any of the gods above.


Chiron was silent again. The gods are not bad at hearing, and many people can hear Hecate's voice. After measuring the opponent's strength, although I didn't know what kind of priest the [Magic Network] was and whether it could be fought, there was still no trouble.

But this is also the reason why many gods in later generations did not appear, and why some gods did not arrive. If it were thousands of years later, perhaps the irascible God of War could no longer control his temper.

Time passed like this minute by minute, until at a certain moment, Zeus walked towards the center of the hall.

"Everyone, the banquet is about to begin, but before that, I have a few things to say that everyone has been waiting for."

The sound spread, and as the owner of this place spoke, some noisy sounds in the hall gradually subsided.

Standing in the center, Zeus smiled broadly and looked at every god present.

"First of all, after ten years of hard fighting, Olympus won the final victory. And the ownership of the position of God King will bring this to a successful end."

"The previous God-King passed his authority to us and to his three descendants. This is beyond doubt. After discussions between my two brothers and I yesterday, in the end, for the sake of our feelings, we The decision is left to fate.”

This was what he decided upon after careful consideration. There is no need for comparison or competition, it will only make him seem to be on the same level as his two brothers. Only fate's choice can reflect his victory in a joke.

As for whether others will believe it, even if no one believes it now, some people will believe it in the future.

At this point, whether mythological or later, it seems that many rulers had the same place in mind.

"The three paper balls symbolize the sky, the ocean and the underworld. We use this to determine the division of status. Under the witness of fate, in the end, I got the best one, so I was able to become the founder of the new divine court with their blessings. By."

As soon as he finished speaking, as expected, the scene was in an uproar, and the gods were talking about it.

Drawing lots to decide the throne sounds like a tall tale. Some people believe it, some people don't believe it, but in any case, behind the ridiculous ownership of the throne, it indicates that the three brothers of Zeus are not hostile to each other because of this, and they can still be regarded as one.

The three powerful gods, coupled with their gentle but good at fighting sister, are barely qualified to support the new divine court.


After softly silencing the discussion, Zeus' expression became formal. He looked around and looked at each god in turn.

"That's the end result."

"So if no one has any objections to this, then today, I, the King of Thunder, the son of Cronus, the noble descendant of Heavenly Father and Earth Mother, will become the third generation of God King here to rule the world. of all things."


No god said anything to stop it, and Oceanus, the only one who might have had an accident, was not at the scene. In silence, Zeus raised his right hand, where there was a familiar scepter. Inspired by this artifact from the ancestors of the God Kings, invisible power emerged.

It was related to three gods at the same time, but when the other two related people gave up their attraction to it, it floated straight towards Zeus.

There was no light and shadow floating around, no celebration from the world, and silently, a new God King was born. The era has completed its final changes, and the rules of this world have changed slightly. At the same time, an invisible wave also swept across the world.

A shackle was born, but no one noticed it yet.

"This is?"

The gods were a little confused, because they didn't have any other feelings, as if this wave had never existed.

Only Zeus was different. He understood everything through his newly acquired authority as the God-King. This is nothing but the delayed punishment of the gods for their previous destruction.

From now on, when the gods are close to the earth, their power will become almost non-existent. When they are close to the deep sea, they will be confused. When they are close to the sun, moon and underworld, their strength will also be greatly reduced.

In this world, only on Mount Olympus will their divine power remain the same as in the past.

Because this is the only place where gods are ‘born’ rather than ‘damaged’ in the war between eras.

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