Greek Mythology: The Spiritual Dominator

Chapter 109 The End of Gods and Wizards

The little surprise predicted by astrology was obtained, Selene finally made a decision, and Hecate was in a good mood.

She cooked the strange sea monster casually, extracted its flesh and blood essence, and then took the Moon Goddess to an island not far away.

There, she cooked a dinner for the two of them, along with drinks prepared from various plant fruits.

Although Hecate had learned how to make wine, and she admitted that many fruit wines tasted good, she still didn't like drinking them.

Gods who rely on instinct and authority may like this drink that can slow down thinking and throw away worries, but Hecate avoids it.

In comparison, the thing called 'tea' is a bit more interesting.

After enjoying the sumptuous dinner, Hecate casually turned the branches into a set of tables and chairs, and Hecate happily began to take up the role of mentor.

In the past, she had always been the one being taught, and it was only in recent years that she began to have discussions with Baby Slate. But now, it's her turn to teach others.

"So, Selene, before I officially start learning witchcraft, let me ask you first, what is witchcraft in your understanding?"

Knocking on the table, recalling what the slate taught her at the beginning, Hecate followed suit.

Simply instilling knowledge is not necessarily effective. Only by allowing the listeners to think while learning can we achieve better results.

"Well, it's a method of using mental power to combine with the particles that exist in all things to form a power you call 'magic', or to directly use the spirit itself to harm others."

After thinking for a while, Selene said hesitantly.

Divine vision can directly observe the flow of elements, but the Moon Goddess knows that witchcraft should not be that simple.

She can also use her divine power to directly drive the elemental particles scattered throughout the space. But Hecate can use a method called 'witchcraft' to make them release more powerful power.

The wonderful trajectories outlined by those spirits seem to contain some deeper secrets.

"This is just an appearance, Selene. Using the spirit to influence the elements is the simplest and crudest way. As long as the spirit is strong enough, without learning any witchcraft or mastering the method of refining magic power, you can also influence the elements for your own use. "

"Just like directly exerting divine power and using authority, the gods amplify their power thousands of times through the laws of the world. Therefore, whether or not they have authority is the key to distinguishing true gods from regional gods. The same is true for witchcraft."

With a rare look of seriousness on her face, Hecate finally concluded:

"The essence of witchcraft is to borrow power, to borrow power from mysterious sources, to borrow power from great beings, to borrow power from the past and the future, and of course, the simplest thing is to borrow power from the world itself."

"By understanding the rules of how the world works, imitating and learning, and then making the world's rules think that you are a part of it, it will naturally give you feedback. It allows you to use one point of force to leverage thousands of times of feedback. And unlike those beings with autonomous consciousness, the world itself will never reject you as long as you comply with the rules.”

It suddenly dawned on her that although Selene heard it was witchcraft, she was comparing it with her own divine power.

Although his [Moon] priesthood is weak, it is also part of the laws of the world. Before, she only knew that under the influence of the priesthood, the effect of divine power would become stronger and come with different characteristics. She didn't know why, and neither did most of the gods, but they didn't care.

Just like mortals don't know why exercise makes them stronger, they don't understand the inherent logic of this behavior, but that doesn't stop them from taking advantage of it.

"I see!"

"Witchcraft or priesthood, it's actually about how close you are to the source. The closer you are to the rules themselves, the more powerful the impact a bit of energy can have on the world!"

Somewhat excited, Selene felt for the first time that the secrets of the world were revealed before her eyes.

"Yes, even this is the direction for the promotion of gods."

Nodding slightly, Hecate remembered what the tablet had once told her.

Even the gods only use their authority to control the rules, rather than becoming the rules themselves. Only the great divine power in legends can be directly integrated with the power behind authority and the origin of all things. This is also the reason why they are powerful, because they themselves are part of the root.

However, a normal spirit and will cannot maintain the integrity of one's personality while maintaining this 'fusion'. Therefore, even the primitive gods, when they appear in personified form, can no longer fully demonstrate their power.

In Slate's speculation, "creating something out of nothing" is a higher realm. That is changing from the rules themselves to the definers of the rules. This is something that the world of Khaos itself can do. Just like the original chaos is nothing, the existence of the world is due to the hazy instinct of the world, which defines concepts such as "earth", "darkness" and "abyss".

The spirit, or the ultimate of all power, is to become identical with the world, to be the source of all things, the first one, rearranging all things by its own will. The practice of wizards is to imitate the gods first, so that they can control the rules, and finally return to the same path.

According to Shiban, this is called ‘there are thousands of avenues, but different paths lead to the same destination’. But how to make wizards become like gods and have the ability to control the rules, this is something Shiban doesn't know.

It can only guide Hecate to become a god by weaving magic webs, but it cannot let her do this in other ways than being a god. Regarding this, it hopes that future generations of humans can complete this step with wisdom.

Although the red-haired witch didn't think humans had this ability, since Slate said it, she tentatively agreed.

"After talking about witchcraft, it's time to get to the most fundamental power of a wizard, meditation and magic."

Her thoughts lasted only a moment before Hecate came back to her senses and continued to explain to her friend:

"Do you know the source of magic?"

"A mix of spirits and elements?"

This time she answered quickly, after all, she had seen Hecate refining magic power more than once.

Although it was her first time to come into contact with witchcraft, the weak Moon Goddess became more and more interested in it. These contents related to gods and the nature of the world cannot directly give her power, but it seems to open a door for her.

In the past, the power of gods was inherently constant, and only a few beings like Poseidon could increase their power by expanding their domain area, so that Selene was not interested in many things.

Finding a powerful guy and living happily under his protection is her only wish. But now, she suddenly felt that if possible, she also wanted to be like Hecate, hanging up and beating a guy as rude as the golden retriever last time.

"You are right, but in fact, the key to magic lies in the special sublimation of the combination of spirit and elements. Just like witchcraft, magic is also an imitation of divine power. Perhaps the end of its continuous sublimation is an alternative divine power ."

She didn't realize what her friend was thinking, but Hecate felt the other party's enthusiasm to some extent, which gave her a little more motivation.

"As a god, you should know that divine power is actually an omnipotent force. However, if there is no corresponding authority, the god will consume tens of millions of times more power to reach the point where the person with authority can do whatever he wants."


Nodding, Selene knew that divine power was indeed like this.

Just like in the myths of later generations, many gods can make mortals age or rejuvenate, give dead objects living characteristics, or turn people into other monsters. This all reflects that divine power itself is actually omnipotent.

It's just that this omnipotence is based on ignoring losses. Aphrodite, the love and beauty, can use her divine power to turn a sculpture into a living person, but she does not have the authority to live. She can only do a few more at most, which is the limit of what she can do at one time.

Many gods can make a city have a good harvest or a drought. But to stop all plants in the world from growing, that is the power that only Demeter can exercise, and even Zeus cannot stop her. If he wanted to rejuvenate the earth, he could only negotiate a compromise with his sister who was in charge of harvest and growth, but could not forcibly terminate her will.

"I understand, those particles that you call 'elements' that are scattered among all things, each of them has its own characteristics."

"But the magic power you use to sublimate it by mixing it with the spirit can show different properties. If you want it to burn, it will show the 'fire' side. If you want to make water flow, it will show the 'water' side. This It’s a kind of ‘omnipotence’ in the elemental realm.”

Shocked again by the magic of witchcraft, the Moon Goddess's eyes sparkled.

"Yes. Use magic to imitate divine power, and witchcraft to imitate priesthood. The original witchcraft was an imitation of the innate sanctity. Unfortunately, it can only go so far."

"What can be imitated cannot be compared with the source. Divine power comes from authority, but magic comes from oneself."

"How can the power of an individual compare with the laws of the world?"

Shaking her head, Hecate said: "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. The next step is meditation, which is also the most useful part at the moment. After all, without the help of [The Complete Book of Ten Thousand Methods], my most powerful method is also the mind. witchcraft."

"As a god with authority, you don't actually need to use the celestial bodies in the spiritual world as the source of meditation like me. On the contrary, mortals can actually use you as the object to create a 'Selene Meditation Method' or something, haha ~”

He smiled, but Hecate turned around and said incomprehensively: "But your moon seems a bit strange, and its presence in the mysterious realm is surprisingly weak. If it is the same as the sun, you only need to meditate on your own divine symbol. That’s it.”


After a moment of silence, Selene knew the reason. It was a promise made by her father and the God King. One of them was generous to others, and the other did not expect that the moon would become his daughter, which ultimately led to today's result.

Due to a certain psychology, few gods mentioned this matter, so it was normal for Hecate, who was not very friendly with other gods, not to know.

But after so many years, Selene is actually a little lucky now. If she is a moon goddess with medium power, then she is probably either like her brother, riding a silver chariot to work for the God King, or like her father, being sealed in the moon and unable to come out.

Then she would have no chance to travel the world, let alone make a good friend like Hecate.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. As the moon goddess, although the moon in the spiritual world is not under your control, it will definitely be very close to you."

Looking at her silent best friend, Hecate thought the other person was secretly sad, so she quickly changed the topic.

Take out a special incense from the small bag, light it with fire, and a special aroma comes from it.

"Mixing acacia gum and sandalwood in equal proportions can help relax your consciousness during meditation. This is also a very useful knowledge point for novices."

"Let me take you to see July in the spiritual world first. This is also one of the largest sources of spirituality in the world. As for the rest, I will tell you later."

After thinking about it, I feel that there is a lot to be written about Zeus, but it is inevitable that the priority will not be prioritized. If I don’t write it, I don’t know if many people will understand it. However, since Zeus is most famous after he became the God King, the growth story should not have much presence, so I will skip a few flashy chapters. Moreover, there are a lot of bugs and timeline conflicts in the mythology about the Titan War. For example, in some versions, he was fighting while still having time to give birth to a child, causing family conflicts. It is not known whether the war was violent or not. Therefore, in order to be reasonable, many events have to be carried out a little later. For example, a bunch of sons of Zeus will be regenerated after they are hammered by the 'protagonist'.

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