"This, this is really all the bones of the Sea King. "

"It's really scary to feed on sea kings!".

Boya Hancock looked at the skeleton a hundred times larger than her own body, and she swallowed hard.

As for her two younger sisters, the two little girls were holding on to the corners of Boya Hancock's clothes for fear at this time.

Although their sister was in front, this did not give them a sense of security, and beads of sweat could not stop sliding down their foreheads.

"We're not going to be eaten by monsters, are we, Sister Hancock?".

Sandasonia looked at the horrific scene in front of her, and there was already a cry in her voice.

"Don't cry, it's better to be buried in the mouth of a monster than to be caught again!".

Boya Huhancook looked at his sister, and under her gaze, the two sisters also stopped crying.

Seeing that the navy began to land on the island, the three Hancock sisters began to walk towards the depths of the White Bone Road.

Whether it was the Navy or the three Hancock sisters, they didn't see that under the surface of the sea, among the white bones, there were unknown creatures that had begun to slowly approach them.

The three Hancock sisters had just escaped from Maryjoy, and they were very weak.

Although they are

Devil Fruit Abilities, they are not able to use Fruit Abilities very well.

After defeating several of the navy, the others surrounded them with guns.

"Let's get caught!".

A one-eyed navyman stared at the three Hancock sisters, who threw the three shackles of the sea tower.

Boya Hancock's silver teeth clenched, and she looked at the encirclement of the navy with unwillingness.

They've been saved by Tiger from Mary Joa, can't they escape the clutches of the Draconians?

"There's movement!".

The navy with the gun next to him suddenly shouted, and the gun in his hand was aimed to the left.

Before he could pull the trigger, Boya Hancock and the One-Eyed Navy felt a gust of wind blow past them.

At the same time, the two navies were splattered with blood.

"What just happened?".

Boya Hancock thought she was dead, but a sudden change of events saved her.

The navy with the gun had vanished, and where he had just been, a huge blood shockwave pattern had appeared.

Looking at this, the navy's body just now seemed to be popped like a balloon.


The one-eyed navyman drew his short gun from his waist, and he shouted at the marines.

From the death of one of his men to the present, he has not found even a trace of the enemy.

"Monster, this is the monster in Bone Island!".

A bearded navyman looked at the bone jungle, and his hand holding the gun was trembling.


With a beastly roar, another navy disappeared into the bone jungle.

"Shoot, kill this monster!".

The navy finally saw the white monster clearly, and they subconsciously pulled the trigger.

The bullets

hit the monster's body and only exploded a few sparks, and their bullets couldn't hurt the monster.


A scream rang out from behind them, and another navyman had been killed.

"There is more than one such monster!".

The one-eyed navyman felt a chill.

He had never seen such a monster on the sea, one head was already terrifying enough, but he didn't expect that there would be more than one such monster.

"There's a monster in the east!".

"There are monsters in the west too!".

"I have it here!".

As the navies saw more and more monsters, the navies realized that they had been surrounded.

"No, the news must be told to Major General Stoloberry!".

The one-eyed navy picked up the phone bug, these monsters were no longer something they could deal with, and he asked for help.

At the moment when he took out the phone bug, these monsters seemed to have received some order, and they pounced on the navy together.

As the monsters rushed up, the three Hancock sisters hugged each other tightly.

They thought that they would

have the same fate as these navies, and that they would all become rations for these monsters.

But after a long time, they didn't feel any pain.

When Boya Hancock opened her eyes, she saw a scene that she would never forget in her life.

A dozen or so monsters that had been brutal just now were separated on either side, their heads clinging to the ground.

In front of the passage formed by these monsters, an extremely handsome young man slowly walked out.

This scene, as if those monsters are greeting their king!

"It's a man my age!".

When Boya Hancock saw Levi, her eyes lit up.

She wasn't torn apart by the monster just now, which means that the young man in front of her didn't mean to kill them, and their lives were saved.

Boya Hancock felt that the surprise had come too suddenly, she was about to be killed just now, and in the blink of an eye, all her killers were dead.

"Thank you, my lord, for saving me, I thought I was going to die on this island!"

Boya Hancock glanced at the motionless monsters, and she thanked Morin as she walked by.

Although Hancock did not know Maureen's name, she could tell that Maureen did not want to take her life.

"Your name is Boya Hancock, right?".

Morin asked, looking at the dirty Hancock.

Now Boya Hancock is like a stunted bean sprout, who would have thought that in a few years she would become the most beautiful woman on the sea.

"Yes, this is my sister Boya Sandasonia and Boya Marigorud. "

Boya Hancock introduced Maureen to the identities of her two younger sisters.

Looking at the three of them, Morin checked their memories with what he saw and heard.

Morin's domineering ability to hear their hearts is the equivalent of a lie detector.

Except for the top combat power on the sea, no one could lie in front of him.

After they were rescued by Tiger, as the female warriors of the Amazon, they did not act with the Sun Pirates.

As they prepare to return home to the Chambord Islands, they are reported and forced to Bone Island by the navy.

"Do you know how to cook?"

Mo Lin looked at the three sisters in front of him, and he suddenly asked.

The three

Boya sisters didn't expect Morin to ask such a question, and the three of them looked at each other a little.

"Well, I'll make yakiniku and sumo fondue!".

Mary Gorud replied timidly.

"I'll do a little too!".

Sandasonia followed.

"Very well, now you will be in charge of roasting the meat for me!".

Maureen felt like he hadn't saved the wrong person.

Although Morin can

make his own subordinates, these chimeric ants can only create kills and provide food for Morin.

If you want them to do the delicate work of roasting, they simply can't do it.

There had been a few pirates who had broken into it before, but none of those guys were chefs, and Maureen had always grilled the meat himself.

Now with the three Boya sisters, Morin can free his hands.

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