They now have full confidence in saving Ace.

On the other hand, when looking at the Navy Headquarters, the faces of the [-] navy elites were extremely solemn after Jinping roared, and even among many navy elites, there were big drops of cold sweat on the foreheads!

... 0

The Whitebeard Pirates are already very difficult opponents to deal with.

If coupled with the more terrifying Walding!

Will they really be their opponents?

The elites of the Navy Headquarters are also human, and no one would want to die.

One hundred thousand navy elites glared at the Admiral Sengoku!

Ace's hidden identity is too shocking - people, war or harmony, they are not paying attention now.

Seeing the eyes of countless navy elites looking at him, Sengoku looked expressionless, gave Ace a deep-deep look, then stepped forward, picked up the phone bug, and roared angrily,

"It doesn't matter who's bloodline is on Ace? No matter what kind of terrifying enemy is behind Ace's back,"

"As the Navy, it is our duty to fight criminals!"

"Then fire the cannon and wipe out all the pirates in the bay. They must not be allowed to save Ace!"

"Everything is for justice, justice will prevail!"

Sengoku can accept that people from Vardin and even the Whitebeard Pirates quietly rob Ace in the advancing city or on the channel from the advancing city to the Marine Headquarters Marine Fando!

But the Warring States period would never allow him to be in front of everyone in the world. Just because of Ace's amazing identity, the Navy Headquarters raised his hand and surrendered and gave Ace to the Whitebeard Pirates!

Justice can fail, but justice must never surrender to evil!

At least not on the bright side!predict.

Chapter [-] The Unstoppable War

After the Warring States period, countless navies instantly roared that justice would win, and then launched an attack on the Whitebeard Pirates again!

However, the re-launched attack by the elites of the navy headquarters suddenly seemed so weak for some reason.

The elite of the Navy Headquarters and the members of the Whitebeard Pirates who are constantly smiling and excited, directly fought together!

This time, no matter how Jinbei roared, there was no way to stop this scorching battle.

But the current situation of Marin Fando was completely different from the original situation.

"Does Ace only have such an amazing identity?"

"If Ace, who carries the blood of One Piece and that legendary king at the same time, can survive..."

Doflamingo does not believe that Sagazhi will show that Ace is publicly executed by the world government "[-]" here.

"How splendid his future should be, and what changes will he bring to the world??"

"Or, has he now opened a new era for this world?"

While smiling strangely, Doflamingo used parasitic lines to control several elite navy members and ordinary members of the Whitebeard Pirates to start fighting with each other!

Without knowing Ace's hidden identity, Doflamingo certainly doesn't mind following the orders of the World Government and the Navy Headquarters to block the attack of the Whitebeard Pirates!

But now that I know Ace's hidden identity, it is impossible to ask Doflamingo to help the World Government and the Navy Headquarters to block some of the main elites of the Whitebeard Pirates!

The paddling is good, there is no open rebellion and cooperation with the Whitebeard Pirates to save Ace, it is already because Doflamingo is worried about the existence of Lord Yim and the King of Heaven!

Doflamingo started to paddle, and Moonlight Moria was beaten a few times by Jinping on the head, and then looked greedily at Ace on the execution platform, "I don't know if he has the blood of the Pirate King at the same time. What kind of terrifying combat power would a zombie made of a legendary king's bloodline corpse possess!" "Hahaha, this war is really awesome,"

"The corpse and the shadow are mine,"

"Kaido, I will definitely avenge you!"

After Ace's identity was exposed, Moonlight Moria not only didn't keep his hands, but began to kill more violently - killing ordinary members of the Whitebeard Pirates!

A captain-level member of the Whitebeard Pirates, Moonlight Moria may not have beaten...

Only the Navy Headquarters won the battle, and only Ace was executed.

Moonlight Moriah was able to get Ace's body smoothly!

Or, not just Ace's corpse!

Moonlight Moria glanced at the incomparably tall white beard on the Mozambique.

Doflamingo started to paddle, and Hancock looked at Ace with great concern after learning Ace's identity, and then he also subconsciously held his hand to the members of the Whitebeard Pirates. Come!

Even under Hancock's indiscriminate attack and attack, it is difficult to say whether Qinghan Cook is helping the Navy Headquarters to suppress the Whitebeard Pirates or helping the Whitebeard Pirates attack the Navy Headquarters!

Anyway, the navy that was turned into a stone statue by Hancock is much more than the pirates.

Hawkeye didn't change his attitude after Ace's dual identity was revealed!

In other words, as the world's No. [-] swordsman, his own combat power is basically not weaker than that of the Navy Headquarters Admiral Hawkeye Mihawk did not come here to help the Navy Headquarters suppress the Whitebeard Pirates from the very beginning.

He was just being bored and wanted to personally confirm the gap between himself and the white beard who was once considered the strongest man in the world!

The eagle eye waved his hand incomparably at will, the supremely fast black knife on the top. At night, every time he slashed, he could easily kill countless pirates.

There are deep sword marks left on the face!

But soon, Foil Bista, the captain of the fourth division of the Whitebeard Pirates, who is also a great swordsman, directly stopped Hawkeye!

Of course, Foil Bista, who only has the power of the emperor's deputy s, will certainly not be the opponent of Hawkeye Mihawk, who is comparable to the s-level combat power of the admiral of the Navy Headquarters!

But it was not difficult for Foil Bista to hold Mihawk for a while and have a few tricks with Mihawk.

The Whitebeard Pirates are the strongest pirates in the entire pirate world, and their top combat power is also the most among all the Four Emperors!

Of the sixteen squad leaders, the weakest have at least A-level combat power comparable to the elite lieutenant generals of the Navy headquarters, and some powerful squad leaders are not even weaker than the Navy headquarters general I.

'Immortal declares that Marco has vaguely surpassed the ordinary emperor's deputy combat power.

Diamond Joze, Fire Fist Ace, Foil Bista, and others, none of them are weaker than s-!

If you count the forty-three pirate groups that are also famous in the new world!

Forty-three strengths at least at the b+ level are comparable to the combat strength of the major admiral of the Navy headquarters, and it is enough to make countless people feel amazed!

The former major admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Drake, became a member of the Hundred Beast Pirates' Fei Liu Pai after about two years of training on the sea!

Fei Liubao is enough to be counted as the top combat power in the hundreds of Beast Pirates, except for the Big Kanban III-Great Disaster!

But the specific strength of Fei Liubao!

Well, except for the one or two leaders who may have a combat power comparable to the first-level A+ of the ordinary Qiwuhai!

The rest of the Fei Liubao, if they are in the sky, are comparable to the A-level combat power of the elite lieutenant generals of the Navy headquarters. . . .

As for the Whitebeard Pirates, there are at least sixteen elites with about A-rank combat power!

This is not counting the strong among the forty-three pirate captains!

Forty-three pirate captains are strong and weak!

Some of them, such as the ice girl Wydibe, the Ranger Doma, the Dekarban brothers and the others, are also not weaker than A-rank in their own strength.

Hancock Doflamingo in the Shichibu Sea started to paddle and even help the Whitebeard Pirates in secret!

Even though Moonlight Moriah, Hawkeye Mihawk and the unconscious Tyrant Bear are still attacking - defending against the attack of the Whitebeard Pirates!

However, in the face of the many elite fighting forces of the Whitebeard Pirates whose morale has soared, the defense line of the Navy Headquarters is still beginning to retreat.

Although the [-] elites of the Navy Headquarters kept shouting the slogan that justice will win!

But they have lost the confidence to execute Ace smoothly and annihilate the Whitebeard Pirates by 0.1.

In the world of pirates, belief has an extremely powerful influence on a person's strength.

Whether it is armed arrogance or sight-seeing arrogance, they all need spiritual-spiritual beliefs to support their release.

The hero Moonlight Moria, who was once enough to compete with Kaido, was defeated by Kaido, and his faith collapsed, and he could no longer use the two-color domineering.

The morale of the Whitebeard Pirates was like a rainbow, and the entire battlefield turned into an endless purgatory from the very beginning!

Countless navies and pirates were catching and killing each other, and on the ice surface in Marinfando Bay, the corpses of navy and pirates were filled.

Blood stained the ice surface, and screams and wailing resounded through the sky.

Morale cannot completely replace the strength and number gap between the [-] elites of the Navy Headquarters and the Whitebeard Pirates.

The Whitebeard Pirates also suffered heavy casualties!The battle field was extremely tragic. .

Chapter [-] Scuard who does not play cards according to the routine

Every minute and every second, countless navy or pirates died tragically on the spot!

A large number of navies were directly shocked by the tragic battlefield, their hearts collapsed, and they began to flee desperately!

Although the Whitebeard Pirates also suffered heavy casualties, the advancing speed of the morale-like Whitebeard Pirates did not stop at all!

Move forward, move forward, keep moving forward!

The Whitebeard Pirates have only one goal, that is, to break through the navy's defenses and arrive at the execution platform to rescue Ace.

The battlefield is getting more and more anxious.

The Warring States period turned cold as he looked at the elites of the navy headquarters who were in retreat.

Without worrying about whether Saga will appear on the battlefield, he directly ordered Zhan Taomaru to start the annihilation operation!

A large number of pacifists intercepted the back road of the Whitebeard Pirates. Every pacifist has a b+-level combat power. The appearance of a large number of pacifists allows the ordinary crew of the Whitebeard Pirates to start- Heavy casualties!

Especially the crew members of the forty-three pirates under the headquarter members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

In addition to the captain and some cadres, the ordinary crew faced the stainless steel casting, the destructive force of the pacifists, and it was completely naked slaughter!


The losses of the Whitebeard Pirates began to increase gradually!

But the high morale and Whitebeard's own incomparably powerful appeal made everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates have no fear and no hesitation.

Even under the fire of pacifists, it is still moving forward!

The war situation became more and more tragic, and the face of the Warring States became more and more cold!

And in the secret place of the battlefield, Admiral Akainu quietly found the most easily shaken person already selected by the Navy headquarters!

Skuard, the giant vortex spider who had been beheaded by Roger, the pirate king, had a bloody feud with Roger!

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