After the curly-haired Wu Lao Xing finished speaking, except for the younger blond silver dragon Wu Lao Xing who was a little annoyed, the other Wu Lao Xing quickly recovered their calm.


"I think it's scary!

"Are we really ready now to face Vardin and the Whitebeard Pirates at the same time?"

"Valdin is trouble enough" but it's not just Vardin who is implicated in Ace!

Bearded Five Old Stars

After speaking, some bald-headed Wu Laoxing with a mustache also replied coldly at the same time.


If you had known that Abeg's identity was in addition to being the posthumous son of One Piece or the last relative of King Vardin in this world.Even if Blackbeard sent Ace to the World Government, the World Government would, of course, directly supervise Ace carefully! What a joke, it's important to bring it up, don't do it for nothing .

The world government-government has not yet coaxed into this.

"The Whitebeard Pirates are nothing to be afraid of, the focus is on Vardin!"

"Ace's identity is very troublesome, but if used properly, it may bring us great benefits,"

The bald-headed five old stars clenched their hands - the first generation Guiche in the middle, with an extremely cold tone,

"I just don't know what price the King of Vardin is willing to pay for Ace!"

"The price, what's the price?"

"Go straight to war, and then cause a world war to smash the whole world to pieces?"

The curly-haired five old star sneered back.

The more in-depth the investigation and research on Vardin, the more fearful of Vardin in the heart of the five old stars with curly hair.If it is really because of Ace that the World Government-Government and Walding's World War is triggered!

He was completely unsure that the World Government would be the final victor.

Even if the world government has the presence of Im-sama and the King of Heaven.

Walding is so weird.


"The big-world war is the big-world war,"

"Is the world government still afraid that a mere Varding will fail?"

The curly-haired Wu Laoxing just finished speaking, the bald-headed Wu Laoxing suddenly took a deep look at the curly-haired Wu Laoxing, and then quickly retorted with a stern face.

He always feels that when it comes to Varding's problem, the curly-haired five-star has become a little strange recently!

The bald-headed Wu Laoxing's eyes - God made the curly-haired Wu Laoxing's heart sink, and then quickly regained his composure, and said faintly,

"The world government-government certainly won't be afraid of Vardin,"

"But, are you sure that now is the time for a decisive battle?"

After the curly-haired five old stars finished speaking, the other five old stars looked at each other, and then fell into a deep silence!

They couldn't be sure if it was time for a decisive battle!

Although the Five Old Stars are nominally the supreme power rulers of the World Government-Government, the right to decide whether to start the final battle with Vardin is always in the hands of Lord Im!

Or rather, if it wasn't for Lord Im and the mighty power she controls.

The current world government is simply not qualified to start the final battle with Vardin.

"I don't care what you're thinking about,"

"I just want to know one thing now, whether the public execution needs to be cancelled immediately!"

The five old stars fell into silence one after another, but the Warring States period did not have extra time to consider the issue of the world government-government!

The information of the public execution of Ace has been sent to the whole world!

The king of Vardin could act at any time.

Sengoku didn't think that just one advance city could stop those monsters in Vardin.

In any case, the World Government-Government and the Navy Headquarters must make an immediate decision on how to deal with Ace. .

Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty-Three Mortals Will Die

"Enough, Warring States, as you are not qualified to question us!"

After the Warring States period finished, the five old stars with blond hair and silver dragon replied with a cold face,

"Whether Ace continues to publicly execute the execution is up to the World Government to decide,"

"You Navy Headquarters, waiting to receive orders? That's enough!"

The blond silver dragon five old stars finished speaking to the Warring States, and the other five old stars also coldly - looked at the Warring States.

Although Sengoku is the marshal of the naval headquarters!

But in the eyes of the five old stars, a mere Warring States period is really not enough.

Without the Warring States Period, there will naturally be the rest of the Admiral!

But without the World Government, the Navy Headquarters would have no meaning at all.

What's more, the Five Old Stars have long planned to replace the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters!

The relationship between Sengoku and Garp is too close, and at the same time, it is gradually unable to be completely controlled.

The World Government-Government needs a more obedient Admiral who can also thoroughly implement the World Government-Government's orders.

After Wu Laoxing finished speaking, Warring States had a cold face, and his lips moved a few times, but he didn't say anything after all. He just took off his military cap coldly, and pushed Marijao away. The door of the conference room, strode away!

The five old stars watched the Warring States leave without saying a word, until after the Warring States had gone away, the long-bearded five old stars said lightly,

"It's time to find a way to change the admiral!"

The other five old stars nodded one after another, and then frowned again when it came to Ace and Vardin!

"Let's go see Lord Yim together,"

"Ace and Vardin, Lord Yimu has his own decision!"

The curly-haired Wu Lao Xing sighed and looked at the other Wu Lao Xing who frowned, and took the lead in proposing to meet Lord Yimu again!

Lord Im does not like to contact outsiders on weekdays.

In the ancient city of Pan, the crisp da da sound kept ringing!

Lord Im is sitting high on the Void Throne, which symbolizes equality and justice, with one hand supporting his head and the other hand lightly tapping the throne.

"My dear?"

Kang is an unfamiliar word! "

Lord Yimu sighed softly, and then replied solemnly to the other five old stars who were kneeling respectfully below,

"There is no need to cancel public executions, continue!"

"Didn't the king of Vardin want to be king of the world?"

"When a choice needs to be made between the throne of the king of the world and the last relative, what choice will the king of Vardin make?"

"I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Follow your will!"

After Lord Yimu finished speaking, the other five old stars nodded one after another without making any objection.

As for whether the King of Vardin will go to rescue Ace, or, in the process of rescuing Ace, how many people from the Navy and the World Government will die!

Lord Im doesn't care at all.

It even said that if Vardin really wanted to attack the navy with great fanfare to rescue a pirate in front of everyone!

Lord Im was happy to see it happen.

Wasn't Vardin--always flaunting justice, thinking-- to be king of the world?

Attacking the navy to rescue pirates is definitely not a righteous act.

"But if the King of Vardin chooses to rescue Ace, are we ready to liquidate Vardin?"

The five old stars with curly hair were silent for a while, and then said carefully.

The public execution continued, but after the public execution, how did Vardin react? The World Government and the Five Old Stars must respond accordingly.

"The liquidation of Vardin?"

The curly-haired Wu Laoxing just finished speaking, and Lord Yimu's eyes turned cold, and in the next instant, an extremely powerful pressure instantly pressed the curly-haired Wu Laoxing who had not made the slightest resistance to the ground.

"I said, let Vardin stay in the sky for now!"

"It's just a Varding, but it's not worth me to subvert the whole world in advance for it!"

"The time of the appointment has not yet come, and the person who made the appointment has not appeared yet!"

"Sorry, Lord Yim, I just thought Ace might be the promised one,"

"If Vardin really wants to rescue Ace, we can't guarantee a smooth execution right now.

The curly-haired five old star managed to endure the oppression of Lord Yimu, and said in a low voice.

After the curly-haired Wu Laoxing finished speaking, Mr. Yimu smiled coldly, and did not put away the oppression of the curly-haired Wu Laoxing, but put the curly-haired Wu Laoxing under more pressure, and would not dare to make any curly hair that resisted. The five old stars were pressed into the ground,

"The promised person?"

"He's not the man of the promise

Lord Yimu looked at Ace's photo and swept lightly on the orange fur hat on Ace's head, then looked at the five old stars with curly hair coldly, and said in a deep voice,

0??For flowers????

"His life or death doesn't matter at all!"

"Mortals have to die!"

For Lord Yimu, who has lived for hundreds of years, she has long regarded herself as a true god!

As long as it is not the promised time and the promised person in the prophecy, let alone the life and death of Ace, it is the life and death of the Five Old Stars.

Im-sama doesn't care at all!

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