"And their weapons, which look--too great!"

After Luffy finished speaking, he wanted to go up and look carefully at the armor and weapons of those Guardsmen. Then, Noqigao smashed a big bag directly on his head.

"This is the palace of Vardin, please give me some peace!"

Nuoqi roared in a low voice.

Zoro also frowned at this moment, extremely solemn, lowered his voice, and whispered to Luffy and the others,

"They are strong!"

"Walding is worthy of being the most powerful kingdom in the world in legends!"

Sauron vaguely felt the fierce aura of the Valdine Praetorian Guards!

Every Warding's Praetorian Guards, even if they don't count equipment, all have a combat power comparable to that of a captain of the Navy Headquarters around C+!

If you count some weapons and armor specially equipped for the Waldin Praetorian Guards!

Even if there is a pirate with a reward of tens of millions, the guards of Vardin may not be able to compete with it.

In the case of the first generation of iq human evolution potions, the monthly output is as high as one million.

Valdin's current soldiers have at least D-level combat power!

As for the elites around D+ and C ranks, there are countless more.

"Are they strong?"

"I really want to try-

Luffy touched the big bag that Nuoqigao knocked out on his head, and then watched the janitors eager to try.

But before Luffy did anything, the gate of the palace opened, Nuoqigao then directly carried Luffy and strode into the palace!

"Welcome to Varding!"

Inside the tall palace, Saga looked at Luffy and Zoro, who were familiar and somewhat unfamiliar, and said with fondness.

"Hey, do you know us?"

Luffy and Zoro have some strange attitudes of Saga, but looking at the easy-going Saga, Luffy didn't think too much, just said carelessly and firmly,

"Are you the legendary king of the world?"

"Sooner or later, I will surpass you,"

"I'm the man who wants to become the Pirate King!"

After Luffy finished speaking, Nuoqigao and Usopp's expressions changed drastically, and at the same time they covered Luffy's mouth, and quickly apologized and said,

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty Saga, there is something wrong with our captain's mind, please forgive him!"

"Luffy, this is the legendary king of the world, do you want to kill us!"

Nokigo and Usopp roared at Luffy.

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter, I believe Luffy may become One Piece in the future,"

"But to surpass me,"

"Well, that might be troublesome!"

Saga looked at Luffy with thick lines, shook his head lightly, and said with a smile...

He wouldn't be angry because of Luffy's few words!

Although Saga really wants to try to kill Luffy directly now, will the world change interestingly.

But only for the sake of Garp, who might join Vardin, and Dragon, the leader of the revolutionary army.

Saga would not easily attack Luffy before he angered him.

It's pointless and totally worthless.

Luffy's back is implicated in a large group of people.

"Let go of Luffy!"

"It's impossible for a man like that to be angry with Luffy's words!"

After Saga finished speaking, Zoro said in a low voice.

Sanji also nodded secretly.

Nuoqigao and Usopp hesitated for a moment, seeing that Saga was indeed showing no signs of being angry, and then released Luffy.

Luffy took a few breaths, and Nuoqigao and Usopp almost suffocated him!

But because of Nuoqigao and Usopp's persuasion just now, Luffy didn't say anything after looking at Saga curiously.

Luffy can carelessly not care about his own life or death.

But he definitely didn't want to put his friends at risk for his own sake.

Seeing that Luffy didn't say anything, Saga also lost interest in continuing to communicate with them after watching the live-action version of Luffy and others!

The gap between Luffy and Saga now is too great.

"Vivi, did you leave Valdin' to go to sea?"

Saga, Luffy and others have nothing to chat about, but Vivi, Saga still have the need to communicate.

Weiwei was silent for a moment, then said firmly to Saga,

"Yes, Your Majesty Saga,"

"I think I've found my partner!"

"I want to go to sea at 5.5!"

Saga looked at Weiwei who was stern and serious, nodded lightly, and said in a deep voice,

"A partner?"

"What a beautiful vocabulary!"

"However, the sea is very vast and cruel, so be careful!"

Even if Saga believes that Luffy has the life of the protagonist, in the series of major events that Luffy has experienced later, whether Weiwei and others, and even Luffy, can survive the bad luck.

Saga couldn't be sure.

After all, the world had already changed when Saga came.

Wei Wei's face was not moved.

Compared with the vastness and cruelty of the sea, she hated the immutable and incomparably silent stagnant water even more.

Saga didn't continue to persuade Wei Wei, even though he admired Wei Wei more, but as long as Wei Wei didn't die at the hands of Valdin soldiers-on' Wei Wei's life and death, it really doesn't matter^5

Heart special W With the passage of time, Alabasta has completely become history! .

Reward share report

Chapter two hundred and ten trouble

Luffy and others walked out of Saga's palace directly!

But in the palace of Albana, except for Saga.

Nami and Koya have been looking forward to the arrival of Noqigao and Usopp for a long time.

Nami and Nuoqigao happily gossip together. After learning that Nuoqigao also chose to go to sea, Nami even gave Nuoqigao the sailing notes that she managed to sort out.

Nami, who studied on Visalia Island for about a year, coupled with Nami's excellent sailing talent.

Now Nami, even if you look at the entire pirate world, is enough to be called the top navigation expert.

The position of Minister of Meteorology in Varding is not something that ordinary people can do!

And Keya has nothing to give to Usopp!

For Koya, it was enough for Usopp to go out to sea and become a brave sea warrior.

And Usopp also looked at Keya, who was once frail and sickly, and now has a red face and full of energy.

The most outward sea world, the person who wants to be a brave sea warrior, has never been Usopp, but Ke Ya, who has been frail and sick since childhood.

And now, with the help of Varding, Koya is undoubtedly enough to sail on the sea with ease, and in Varding, he can see more miracles of the sea.

Luffy and others didn't stay in Albana for too long. Luffy's dream was to become the pirate king, before he became the pirate king.

Luffy will never stop easily.

"Nuoqigao, can't you stay?"

"You should know that even One Piece has no meaning in front of Vardin!"

"The power of Vardin is beyond your imagination. Stay in Albana and stay with me, isn't it good?"

Nami wants Nochigo to stay in Vardin.

The sea is too vast, and Luffy and the others think that if they want to become the Pirate King, they will inevitably encounter countless dangers.

Nami didn't want to suddenly receive bad news from Nokigao that day after losing her mother Belmer.

"I never thought? To become One Piece!"

"But, Nami, you have seen too many wonders of the world in Vardin, but I have yet to see more of the scenery on this sea!"

"I'm your sister, I don't want to hide behind you, I also want to see the many miracles of this world with my own eyes!"

"Also, if it wasn't for me, those idiots wouldn't be able to go out to sea at all!"

Nuoqi replied with a big smile, but there were a few tears in her eyes.

Along the way with Luffy, those guys from Luffy have also become very important existences to Nuoqigao.

Nami did not continue to retain Nokigao.

She knew the importance of a partner above the sea.

And Koya?

Keya also wanted to let Usopp stay, but after Usopp hesitated for a moment, he still rejected Keya.

Keya is very prosperous in Varding. As a direct disciple of Tsunade, the medical minister of Varding, coupled with Keya's slow fruit, it can completely solidify some of the wounded's injuries in an instant!

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