After Saga made the preliminary arrangements for those Devil Fruits, he took the flying magic carpet with Hassan and quietly left Albana.

Goal, the drum kingdom!

Valbo, the king of the drum kingdom, died unexpectedly a few months ago!

But because Walbo's death was silent, the drum kingdom and the outside world were relatively closed, and under Saga's intention to downplay the news of Walbo's death.


Blackbeard, who fled on the sea and only recruited a few crew members, invaded the Drum Kingdom!

However, this time, Blackbeard has not waited for a certain degree of damage to the Drum Kingdom!

The Walding Navy appeared in time and expelled Blackbeard and others.

Of course, with the strength of Blackbeard and the several crew members he has recruited now, unless Esdes and Fujitora stationed in the New World personally take action in the Waldin Navy, ordinary generals, such as the strange monk Urki, will still There is no war ghost Webber, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of Blackbeard and others.

Blackbeard is not a fool. When he had just offended Whitebeard and was being hunted down, he didn't want to offend Walding again.

After Valbo's death, the Drum Kingdom was brought into his sphere of influence by Saga.

A large number of highly skilled doctors in the drum kingdom are still very precious.

Blackbeard and others had already left the Drum Kingdom, and Ace, who was chasing Blackbeard all the way, arrived at the Drum Kingdom quietly shortly after Blackbeard and others left.

Ace was always one step behind Blackbeard.

Want to hunt down a person in the vast sea.

Even though Ace One-Road has intelligence support from the Whitebeard Pirates.

But it's not that easy.

The first half of the Great Route is not Whitebeard's territory.

"Hey, you bastard, you haven't given the money yet?"

"Want to sneak away?"

"This is the Hunter's Hotel,"

"Our boss was the bounty hunter who caught eight million Bailey pirates,"

"Don't underestimate our sharp eyes trained by the boss!"

Ace finished eating at the Hunter Restaurant in the Drum Kingdom, and was about to slip away quietly, but was stopped directly by the guys at the Hunter Restaurant! Ace ate too much at the Hunter Restaurant.

The dude has been - staring at him the whole time...

Ace touched his head shyly, bowed deeply to the guy, and then said sincerely,

"Feel sorry,"

"I don't have any money to pay for the meal.

"So, can I pay my debts with two jobs? I don't need any wages, I just need to feed me!"

"But I still have very important things to do. I can only work five days at your place at most."

"Five days? You still have to work to pay off your debts and want us to provide you with enough food,"

"Damn, do you know how much Bailey you just ate?"

"Hurry up and pay me!"

"Don't you want to pay for a tattoo of a pirate group on your body, Wuyue!"

The guy stopped Ace and refused to forgive.

But at this time, the manager of the Hunter Hotel, Lawrence, the hunter who once caught a bounty of [*] million pirates, also noticed the abnormality in the Hunter Hotel.

......seeking flowers 0.....

The tall hunter Lawrence has a pair of sharp eyes.

But the moment he saw Ace's face clearly, Lawrence the Hunter's originally tall and straight body instantly began to tremble, and his sharp eyes almost stared out.

"Fire Fist Ace, captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"Why did such a big man suddenly appear here?

Lawrence's body began to tremble and tremble, and his mind was constantly thinking,

"Is it for the Blackbeard who was driven away not long ago?"

"By the way, the Drum Kingdom is now sheltered by the Waldin Navy,"

"Even the Whitebeard Pirates wouldn't want to offend the Walding Navy!"

When Lawrence thought of this, he had confidence in his heart, straightened his back instantly, and then forcibly calmly said to Ace,

0 0 ...

"Take this meal as if I invited you to eat,"

"But this isn't the place you're supposed to be!"

"Blackbeard has left, and there are often Vardin navy cruising near the Drum Kingdom!"

"Get out of here quickly."

It is true that Lawrence has the confidence in his heart, but if he really wants him to stop Ace for a meal, he really does not have the courage.

Lawrence wants Ace to leave the drum kingdom immediately.

The guy in the Hunter Hotel only knew that he was a bounty hunter who had caught [*] million pirates, but he didn't know why he gave up his career as a bounty hunter and returned to the Drum Kingdom to open a restaurant!

Lawrence had seen the vastness of the sea with his own eyes.

The pirates with a bounty of eight million are too weak.

He too, too weak.

"Uh, has Blackbeard left here?"

Ace touched his head, and then said carelessly to Lawrence, the manager of the Hunter Hotel,

"Then thank you so much for this lunch!"

"The Walding navy is still very strong,"

"I'm leaving here

After Ace finished speaking, just about to turn around and leave, a cold voice suddenly sounded,

"Did you just leave?"

"Not giving money for meals is not a good habit. Remember to bring more money with you in the future!"

"Or is the dignified Whitebeard Pirates so poor?" Jiu.

Chapter [*]: The Dimension Reduction Strike from the Elders

Before the cold words were finished, Ace had hurriedly jumped back like an enemy, and withdrew a few meters away.

Even if he didn't always open his own arrogance.

But after a lot of tempering in the new world, after initially possessing S combat power and becoming the top master of the sea, it was the first time that Ace encountered someone quietly appearing near him!

You know, even Whitebeard, it is impossible to appear in front of him silently.

After Ace stepped back dignifiedly, he fixed his eyes on the man in the hood who was talking to him just now, and it was difficult to see his face for a while.

Then, his expression changed drastically!

Because it wasn't until then that he discovered that, in addition to the man wearing a hood, there was also a woman with a strange pet who also wore a hood, and appeared silently just now. behind him.

If the two strange hooded guys just made a sneak attack, Ace felt that he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die!

Lawrence, the manager of the Hunter Hotel, also had a bitter face.

Ace, the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the big pirates of the New World suddenly came to his shop and had a meal of overlords was enough to make him nervous!

As a result, before he could send the big trouble of Ace away, two terrifying guys who could make the great pirate Ace look dignified appeared out of nowhere.

Lawrence just wants to open a restaurant with peace of mind and have a peaceful birthday. He doesn't want to get involved in the rough sea anymore...

"I don't care who you are,"

"But I don't have enough Bailey to pay for the meal. It's my own business, and it has nothing to do with the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"If you want to trample on the name of the Whitebeard Pirates, let's go to war!"

"Daddy Whitebeard's dignity, I will protect it!

Ace said in a deep voice to the hooded Puja and the weak Hassan, and a raging flame ignited directly between his hands, as if it was going to spurt at any moment?

Out, to burn Saga and Hassan to ashes.

The Whitebeard Pirates, or the headquarters of the Whitebeard Pirates, is probably the poorest of all the four emperors - a pirate group!

Almost all the treasures owned by Whitebeard were quietly taken back by Whitebeard to build his hometown, and although Whitebeard's territory was extensive, those territories that hung Whitebeard's flag, Whitebeard did not ask them to collect taxes. Pay tribute!

The ruled islands still have to hand over a lot of desserts and lifespans, and the Wano Kingdom ruled by Kaido directly makes most people become slaves of mines, and the most powerful Whitebeard Pirates of the Four Emperors-The most powerful group in ruling those When the frontier, but nothing...

Whitebeard doesn't care about treasure, Whitebeard only cares about family.

He is not a qualified pirate, but obviously, he is a qualified dad.

At least most of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates Headquarters have recognized the identity of the Whitebeard Daddy from the bottom of their hearts!

Then, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates headquarters basically acted ineffectively, and usually did not do much looting.

Therefore, the headquarter members of the Whitebeard Pirates are probably the poorest among all the members of the four emperors?

The members of the affiliated pirates live more dashingly than the members of the Whitebeard Pirates headquarters!

But Whitebeard is poor.

But the poor also have dignity...

Never felt it? Ace, who had received fatherly love, recognized Whitebeard as his father from the bottom of his heart.

The dignity of Whitebeard, Ace will never allow anyone to trample on it, even if it costs his life.

"In order to protect the dignity of Whitebeard?"

"I understand,"

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