
"I don't like gambling either!"

"But many times, we have no choice!"

Gilder Tezzo returned with a deep voice.

Gilder Tezzo gave up gambling directly after encountering Stella. As for the world's largest gambling ship opened later,

There is luck, is that called gambling?

That's called making money. . .

"I like acting more than gambling,"

Gilder Taizoluo continued, Gilder Taizoluo always remembered that Stella liked his singing and performance very much!

"so what?"

Saga has no time to chat with Gilder Tezoro.

If it weren't for Varding's lack of money now, Gulan Taizoruo is also a member of the World Government and is world-famous!

Gilder Tezoro, who came to the door, don't even think about going out with all his tails this time.

"So, Your Majesty Saga,"

"Will you take my bet?"

"I understand that it is impossible for me to put on a gorgeous performance on the stage of the whole world (cidg),"

"I'm not the protagonist!"

"But I'd like to believe,"

"His Majesty Saga is the real protagonist in this world!"

"I am willing to fully support His Majesty Saga and become a dragon slayer!"

Gilder Tezzolo said firmly.

And Baccara, the lucky fruit capable person next to Gilder Tezoluo, widened his eyes and looked at Tezoluo in disbelief.

Baccarat doesn't know about Taizoro's past.

But for Tai Zuoruo, if he can use the wealth he doesn't care about now to get revenge on the Tianlong people.

Then, Taizoruo is willing to do his best to help Vardin.

In addition to Varding, who has become famous in the big sea, Taizoluo can't find any players who are enough to compete with the World Government.

"Dragon Slayer?"

"For Stella and for yourself?"

Sakanen-deep looked at Gild Tezoro, and asked softly,

"I understand!"

"Then, Tezoro, welcome to Vardin!"

"But, I hope you understand, I said that Vardin doesn't need darkness at all!"

When Saga whispered that Stella still had himself, Gild Tezoluo's eyes were solemn, and his body shook slightly!

About Stella and his past are top secret.

As the richest man in the world, Tai Zuo Luo, who can borrow the power of the world government to a certain extent, has too many ways to cover up his past.

"I now believe more and more that His Majesty Saga is the real protagonist of this sea!"

"This gamble, it seems that I have a good chance of winning!"

Gilder Taizoluo smiled, then bent down slightly, and said in a deep voice,

"Of course, as the protagonist of the world, why do you need darkness!"

"Baccarat, inform Mr. Tanaka and Dais, immediately release all the slaves who have lost their freedom on Guran Tezo,"

"Sure enough, compared to the despair on their faces, I still like the most grand performance in the world that is about to unfold!" Gilder Tezoro said softly to Baccarat beside him.

"Mr. Tezoro, have you really decided?"

Baccara glanced at Saga quietly, and then asked Taizo Luo Shen-shen.

"I've never been so awake!"

"What's more, even if those slaves were released, wouldn't Gulan Taizoruo have enough staff?"

"There are too many people in this world who are willing to pay their own labor for Bailey-!"

Tai Zuoruo replied firmly.

There seems to be little difference between 66 dozen workers and slaves who want to make money? ?…

"Well, I really can't do anything about you, but who calls you the boss?"

Baccara covered her face, showing helplessness, and at the same time secretly said in her heart,

"I hope that after giving you a lot of good luck, you can really win this gamble!"

Baccarat has been with Tezoro for many years.

In the pirate world, most of the crew members have extremely high loyalty to the captain.

Saga nodded lightly after listening to Tai Zuoruo's instructions, and then looked directly at Baccarat.

Baccarat noticed Saga's gaze and stepped back slightly, while Gilder Tezzolo stood up bravely at this time and said firmly to Saga,

"Your Majesty Saga, my bet on Vardin does not include my subordinates!"

Tai Zuoruo thought that Saga had taken a fancy to Baccarat's beauty...

Sajia covered his head with black lines, shook his head gently, and then said calmly,

"Of course, but can I ask Miss Baccarat to do me a favor?"

"Please lend me a lot of good luck temporarily!"

Although Baccarat looks good, her figure is also perfect.

But compared to the system, Saga still prefers the system..?

Beauty that has a systematic fragrance! .

Chapter [*]: Roots in the Darkness

The system can bring beauty-girl to Saga, but beauty-girl can't bring the system to Saga!

After Saga said his true thoughts, Gilder Tezoro silently gave way.

Just borrowing good luck, Tai Zuo Luo has no reason to stop.

Baccara breathed a sigh of relief, stepped forward quickly, and then lightly touched Saga's shoulder, the next moment, a lot of good luck instantly enveloped Saga!

Saga's sixth sense was fully open, and he vaguely felt a mysterious aura that was slowly dissipating shrouded in his body, and then lightly closed his eyes and said silently in his heart,

"The system will give me an A-level lottery!"

Although Yu Funaguchi wants to save up his strength for the S-level lottery, and he doesn't have much hope that the lucky fruit can affect the probability of the system's lottery!

But this is all good luck. If you don't come and test it out, how can it work?

What if the lucky fruit can really affect the probability of the system lottery?

[Consumes [*] national strength points of the host, and the host currently has [*] remaining national strength points]

[Congratulations to the host for winning the A-level prize, which originated from the character card elite of the Kingdom of Fire, Yamato Shangin]

"Is it just an A-level prize?"

"Sure enough, it's not realistic to rely on the power of lucky fruits to influence the system's lottery!"

"The gap between the system and the Devil Fruit is too big!"

"However, is the elite Kamunin Yamato?"

"Yamato's Mu Dun came at just the right time!"

Saga nodded secretly, then opened his eyes as if nothing had happened, and continued chatting with Gilder Tezoluo for a while, instructing Tezoluo not to expose his relationship with Vardin for the time being, just secretly delivering Bailey and providing for Vardin. After some information from the Navy and the World Government, they sent Tai Zuoruo directly.

Tai Zuoruo and Baccarat went straight away, and after Tai Zuoruo left, Hassan, who was beside Saga, suddenly said weakly,

"Your Majesty, the Golden Emperor Taizoluo may not really want to - join Vardin!"

"Do you need me to go into his dream tonight to find out what he's really thinking?"

Hasan, who has the ability to manifest sleepy fruits and delusions, can split a large number of personalities and train at the same time, and directly develop the sleepy fruits to the point of awakening!

In addition to dream murder, the most terrifying and inexplicable assassination method in the world of pirates, weak Hassan can also directly sneak into the enemy's dream, and try to find out the information he needs in the dream.

Most people don't remember what kind of dreams they had!

"There's no need for that,"

Bee knows that Taizo's nose is not sincere to join Vardin! "

Saga's national power value did not increase a lot in an instant.

With Taizuo's golden fruit awakened, S?'s strength, if he really wants to join Vardin sincerely, Saga's national strength must suddenly increase by tens of thousands.

"But, it doesn't matter,"

"Whether Tai Zuo Luo sincerely joined Vardin or not, at least I believe that he really wants me to be a dragon slayer!"

"Tianlong people are forever nightmares in Tai Zuoluo's heart!"

"What's more, the money sent by Tai Zuoluo can't be fake!"

Saga replied solemnly.

Although Walding is not short of money now.

But who would dislike more money?

The hundreds of billions of Baileys that Tezoro promised to send, if nothing else, were at least enough to speed up the digging of the canals in Alabasta by a tick, and at the same time to install at least millions of Alabastas. On the tap water that they have been in love with for a long time!

In many places, canals have been dug through.

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