"I have never come" to let you participate in the future war between me and the world government! "

"To put it mildly, if Vardin really goes to war with the World Government, most of the other murlocs, except Jinbei who are qualified to participate in the war, are not qualified!"

"Of course, the fish people want to live in the sunshine, and they also need to fight!"

"But that battle, not just for me, but also for your new home."

"The Sandora River, the largest and longest river in the world, is about [-] miles wide, and there is no specific measurement for its depth, but it can live in the Sandora beefish with a size comparable to ordinary sea kings and the Sandora with banana crocodiles. River, I believe its depth will not disappoint you!"

"What do you think of the San Dora River as your new home on land for the murlocs?"

“Absolutely sunny on the San Dora River!”

Saga took the blueprints of Santin Island and the Santola River from the weak Hassan, and placed them directly in front of Neptune and Shiping.

"Is it such a wide and long river?"

"If you can make this San Dora River the new home of the fish people, I will be very grateful!"

Neptune and Shipin were instantly fascinated by Saga's depiction of the San Dora River.

Although murlocs long to live under the sun, most mermen and murlocs cannot leave the water for a long time!

And a full five million murlocs, those ordinary small islands and rivers in the pirate world, it is impossible to accommodate them!

As for scattered settlements?

Is that because it is too difficult for slave traders and pirates to capture fish people?

In today's pirate world, most humans still maintain a huge prejudice against murlocs.

Moreover, the merman is too precious, and the price of the merman is equally high.

If the walking [-] million people are standing in front of their eyes, few people can really curb the greed in their hearts.

The main problem of the fishman island's inability to live in the sun openly, in addition to the human discrimination against the fishmen.

The still-existing slave trade, which the Draconians secretly supported, is also a major obstacle to the murlocs wanting to live in the sun aboveboard.

"So, what exactly is the so-called battle-fight?"

Jinbei came back to his senses and asked Saga frantically!

In order to live under the sun and help Saga to fight against the world government, it would definitely not work.

One of the four emperors, Jinping felt that this transaction was completely feasible.

Jinbei also hopes that all murlocs can live under the sun with integrity.

"It's very simple, there are a large number of banana crocodiles and large female Sandora fish living in the San Dora River. I don't want to have a large number of people who like to eat people in my country."

= "And" if you want to completely clean up these beasts in the water, murlocs are undoubtedly better at it than humans! "

Saga said sincerely.

Cleaning up the banana crocodiles and the big female fish in the Sandora River is undoubtedly one of the things that Saga must do to completely dig the Grand Canal and ensure the safety of water intake for the citizens!

However, after a large number of murlocs cleaned up the banana crocodiles and the Sandora giant fish in the Sandora River, the murlocs who have settled in the Sandora River since then, huh, the Sandora River is now the territory of Vardin!

Aren't the murlocs living in Vardin's territory a citizen of Vardin?

Banana crocodile and San Dora abalone Saga wants to get rid of, those murlocs on Fishman Island, Saga also wants to - want.

"Of course, fighting in the water, fish people are the strongest in this world!"

Neptune patted his chest and made a ticket.

Compared with some fierce beasts living in the big river, compared with the huge sea king in the deep sea, they are simply docile cats!

It's just a vicious beast, and there are also quite a few sea beasts domesticated and controlled on Fishman Island.

"Yes, if you just need to clean up the beasts in the San Dora River, I am willing to personally lead the murloc pirates and sweep the entire San Dora River!"

Jinbei replied with the same confidence.

As a member of the Seven Kings of Wuhai, he has the combat power of A+ on land. Fighting in the sea can even temporarily compete against the Jinping of the Four Emperors. For the fierce beasts in the water, except for those who do not know how many years they have lived and whose size is unimaginable Beyond the super giant sea kings!

Jinbei himself is the strongest monster in the water.

"Very well, I also believe in the fighting power of the murlocs in the water,"

"After all, I haven't forgotten who saved my life in the sea!"

"Right Liji, long time no see!"

Saga quietly looked at a beautiful person who walked out of the corner of the palace from behind Neptune, but her face was always covered with ice, and her body was also tightly wrapped. Goldfish Mermaid, said with a smile.

...for flowers...


"Lizzie ever saved your life?"

After Saga finished speaking, Neptune and Shi Ping were all surprised.

Li Ji is the sister-sister of Princess Otoji. She also inherited the concept of Princess Otoji, hoping that humans and murlocs can coexist peacefully. She even went to sea herself to continuously rescue those humans who accidentally fell into the sea due to shipwrecks.

Until she was captured by the humans she had saved and sold as a slave.

"Yes, long time no see,"

Li Ji looked at Saga with a complicated look.

She didn't forget Saga.

Even if Saga was just one of the many humans she had saved in the first place.

Because, it was Saga who led a large number of companions to attack the Tianlong people's slave ship at the risk of death, and successfully rescued her.

But, through so much Li Ji!

Also, just like Fisher Tiger once, he could no longer fall in love with humans.

"I killed the Draconian Roswald family, and at the same time destroyed all the slave trade guilds in the Chambord Islands!"

"In my kingdom, there will never be slaves!"

"So, are you going to try believing in humans one more time?"

Looking at Li Ji who was wrapping herself tightly, Saga's mind couldn't help recalling Li Ji's cool clothes and perfect figure when she was shipwrecked. Saga is now an individual human being!

Saga stretched out his hand to Liji.

And after a moment of silence, Li Ji's little hand rested lightly on Saga's hand,

"I can't trust humans anymore,"

"But I'd like to believe you!"

Li Chi's cream crystal rose slightly, and a crack appeared on the iceberg on her face.

Saga released Liji's little hand, ignoring Neptune's and Shipin's surprised jaws that were about to fall to the ground, and then said in a deep voice,

"Although Liji once saved my life, I am also willing to give up the San Dora River to the murlocs to live in, and at the same time treat them equally and protect the safety of all murlocs!"

"But again, I have one request, too,"

"That is, all murlocs must abide by the laws of Vardin, and at the same time, on the bright side, join Vardin and become a citizen of Vardin, and when necessary, dedicate their strength to assist Vardin to hunt down criminals!"

"But I promise that those murlocs will never be involved in the war that may break out between Vardin and the World Government-Government in the future!"

"Sorry, I am a king, and I must be responsible to tens of millions of people in Vardin!"

Saga finally looked at Li Ji and said regretfully!

Although Liji once saved 'own' life in Saga's memory, and Liji looks good too!

But Saga never thought of giving up the national strength value provided by the fish people.

Beauty - color that has the value of national strength incense.

"Join Vardin?"

Lizzie didn't speak, Jinbei fell into a deep silence as well, only King Neptune said slowly,

"In that case, are they the citizens of the Dragon Palace Kingdom or the citizens of Vardin?"

Neptune was worried.

Although the news that Alabasta was annexed by Vardin did not cause an uproar in the whole world!

But as a member of the World Government on the Great Route, Neptune also knew something about the annexation of Alabasta by Waldine.

Neptune was worried that Vardin would directly annex Fishman Island like Alabasta.

After Nipton finished speaking, Saga smiled mysteriously and said in a deep voice,

"Have you ever heard of one country, two systems?"

"Or, two countries, two systems?"

But just when Saga finished speaking, before he introduced to Nepton in detail what one country-two systems is, a powerful crashing sound directly interrupted the conversation between Saga and Nepton.scholar.

Chapter [-] Accident

"Sorry, Your Majesty Saga,"

"We'll fix this soon, it's just an accident!"

The strong sound of the collision of the weapon made Nepton's face instantly turn ugly, and said apologetically.

And the three princes of Neptune, including Jinbei, were also livid at this time!

During this period of time, Vanderdaiken IX has changed from sending love letters to Bai Xing to sending weapons to threaten.

But what Neptune and the others didn't expect was that this guy, Vanderdeken IX, dared to deliver weapons again to threaten Saga when he came to Ryugucheng as a guest!Vanderdeken IX, who was wanted and had been hiding in Noah's house, had no idea that Saga had come to Fishman Island.

Van der Deaken IX had few crew members.



Saga clapped his hands and hugged Fat Ding's weak Hassan behind him. The shadow behind him suddenly changed, and several delusional personalities quietly left the Dragon Palace!

Jinping looked at the weak Hassan behind Saga with a little doubt. Jinping, who has the strength of "[-]" A+ grade, was slightly aware of the delusional personality of the weak Hassan, but he looked at the terrifying strength. The incomparable Saga and the weak-tempered Hassan gently shook his head and said nothing.

Jinbei knew in his heart that no matter what Saga wanted to do to Murloc Island, Murloc Island was powerless to stop it. Instead, it was better not to know what to do.

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