If they leave like this, they can't bring the ancient weapon Pluto back to the Whitebeard Pirates.

Marko directly used his eyes to stop Diamond Joz from talking further.

Marco knew very well, after Vardin showed up and found their figure.

If you want to take away the ancient weapon Pluto, it has completely become an extravagant hope.

However, in Marco's eyes, it is not a big deal to let Vardin get the ancient weapon Pluto buried in Alabasta.

Anyway, Vardin already has a Pluto cannon, and it is possible to build a real Pluto at any time. If you get a Pluto battleship that has been buried for hundreds of years, the situation will not be worse!

At least, the Beast Pirates, the Pirates and the World Government did not get it.

Varding and the Whitebeard Pirates have no grudges.

After Marko finished speaking, Katakuri also looked at Marko deeply and said to Saga,

"I say hello to you on behalf of mom,"

"We will withdraw from this competition for the ancient weapon Pluto,"

"How is Bree doing now?"

Katakuri directly made the decision to give up the fight for Hades, and asked Saga about Bree's current situation.

"Brother Katakuri, I've had a good time recently, please leave here quickly!"

Along with Saga and others, they arrived in Alabasta, and Bu Lei, who had been observing the scene through the mirror, walked away directly from a mirror behind Saga. Sheng A Kaki

Charlotte Bulley, who is rich in the fruit of Ju Jingjing, whose ability has played a huge role in the improvement of the national strength of the sheep Walding, has a more thorough understanding of the strength of the Walding Kingdom.

At least, she's pretty sure.

She once thought that the entire pirate group was invincible, and it was impossible to be Varding's opponent!

Even if you add one or two of the Four Emperors, it's the same.

Bree was worried that if Katakuri and the others didn't leave again.

It's very possible that it really won't go away!

"Is the ancient weapon Pluto really here?"

"That's the goal of Boss Kaido, Hades, Boss Kaido has to decide!"

After being severely injured by Saga's Prison Dragon Break, Jack, who had just woken up from the drought, relied on the terrifying resilience brought by the awakened animal-type ancient mammoth fruit, and roared directly after hearing Hades!

Afterwards, Drought Jack seemed to remember something, swallowed his saliva, and directly met Sajia's playful gaze.

Jack, who was stunned by a blow, didn't yell at Zara again this time.

He felt the same horror as Kaido on Saga's prison dragon break.

Can't be bothered, really can't be bothered!

Although Jack is reckless, he is still very self-aware of enemies that he can't really beat...


Chapter [*] Subversion of the world

"You just said, Kaido thought - what king do you want?"

Saga said lightly to Drought Jack!

Drought Jack stared, and then replied loudly,

"I just said it!"

"One Piece, Kaido~ The boss is set!"

"Why, does King Vardin also want to go out to sea and become a pirate?"

Drought Jack said nonsense with a serious face, but he kept muttering in his heart,

"I'm sorry, Boss Kaido,"

"It's not that I don't want to bring you back to Hades,"

"I really can't do it!"

After Jack finished speaking, Saga gave Jack a strange look!

He really didn't expect that Tie Hanhan Jack could be so aware of current affairs...

Well, it is estimated that it was really painful to be beaten by the prison dragon!

Looking at Drought Jack who was talking nonsense with his eyes open, Marko and Katakuri did not make a mockery at this time.

As usual, if the three of them meet, they will inevitably have a fight.

But now, in the face of the huge pressure of Vardin, Marco and Katakuri silently stepped forward, vaguely forming a united front with Drought Jack and others.

Vardin has formed his own navy and is still fighting against the pirates in the first half of the Great Route.

Internal contradictions between pirates In the face of such external contradictions as the navy, pirates will always subconsciously unite together.

Saga looked at Katakuri and others who were vaguely powerful, and began to drum in her heart!

With the combat power of Alabasta now appearing in Vardin, it is not impossible to win Marco, Katakuri, Jack of the Drought and others! But there are six s. With the above combat power, how much does Saga have to pay if he wants to take it down?

In other words, how many people will be killed or injured in the end of the more than one million king's army and the rebel army who are surrounded by it?

The aftermath of a fight with Marco and others may be more terrifying than the damage caused by the explosion of that special bomb.

Those young and strong soldiers who Saga managed to save will be a little bit of national strength in the future.

Not to mention, after Marco and Drought Jack, including Katakuri and others were all taken down, how should Vardin face the furious three-big four emperors! The Pluto cannon is not a panacea.

Everyone has peak-to-peak combat power, and it is really necessary to do anything at all costs.

The combination of the three s+ four emperors is enough to cause a lose-lose situation with Varding.

Ghost Island and Whitebeard's base camp will be completely destroyed, and Waldin's mainland will inevitably be smashed to pieces by the furious four emperors.

Although the Pluto Cannon is powerful, it can't bombard one's own homeland directly, right?

Just when Saga was a little hesitant, the seriously injured Kobra stood up directly, bowed deeply to Saga and said,

"The war has stopped!"

"Please don't bring more tragic wars to this land!"

"Please, please let them go,"

"The people of Alabasta cannot suffer any more."

Cobra didn't want Vardin and the senior officials of the Four Emperors to fight in Albana.

Saga looked at Kobra, who was bent deeply in front of him, expressionlessly, looking at Marco and the others coldly.

Then, at the urging of Bree anxiously.

Katakuri and Smoothie left first, followed by Drought Jack.

After Marko and Diamond Jorze Foil Bistan looked at each other, they also chose to leave.

It's just that when Marco and the others left, Nicole Robin, who originally appeared with Foil Bistan, quietly disappeared from the crowd!

"That archaeologist just sneaked away, don't you care about her?"

"She can interpret the historical text and get the specific burial location of Hades!"

On the way, Diamond Joze asked Foil Bista condensedly.

Foil Bista shook his head slightly and said in a deep voice,

"It's impossible to get Pluto anyway, so what's the use of getting the specific location of Pluto?"

"Obtain the specific location? Losing the Pluto will make us even more sad!"

"What's more, I didn't have the heart to pay attention to that archaeologist at that time!"

"Those swordsmen of Vardin are really strong!"

Foil Bista clenched the two knives in his hand, and he sensed a strong threat on Jiguo Yuanyi's body.

He had a hunch that maybe one day in the future, the throne of the world's No. [*] swordsman would change hands.

"Valdin is really strong,"

"But together we're not weak either,"

Diamond Joze glanced at the vaguely visible ahead, Katakuri, Drought Jack and others, who did not leave quickly alone, said in a loud voice,

"The combined force of the three-big four imperial groups is enough to defeat everything!"

"We may not have had a chance to take Hades away just now."

After Diamond Joze finished speaking, a sneer flashed across the face of Katakuri, who was walking at the forefront, but Drought Jack's footsteps gradually slowed down.

If possible, Drought Jack doesn't mind fighting with Katakuri and Marco first to get down on Vardin, and then fight for Hades.

Anyway, the support speed of Boss Kaido and Brother Jhin is almost the fastest among the three big and four emperors.

Compared to Whitebeard's boat ride on Zeus?

Or Kaido and Jhin flew faster.

"No chance"

Ma Yuanke Fujiaobi never slowed down and said seriously,

"The guy who is called the king of the world is a monster enough to fight against Kaido,"

"The rest of Vardin's generals and those swordsmen of the Zhu Kingdom are mostly not weaker than the squad leader,"

"The most important thing is that there is only one ancient weapon Pluto buried in Alabasta!"

For Marco and others, preventing the other four imperial groups from getting the ancient weapon Pluto was as important as getting the ancient weapon Pluto themselves.

In Marco's eyes, Whitebeard is always invincible.

After Marko finished speaking, Diamond Joze did not speak, but just like Foil Bista, quietly followed Marko's footsteps.

Drought Jack snorted coldly, his face gloomy, and then together with Marco and others, they quickly formed a group to leave Alabasta!

Before not getting far from the seas around Alabasta.

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