In just one month, the shemale Von Clay, who imitated the fruit ability, imitated King Cobra several times, and launched a ruthless killing against the rebel army and some towns that originally supported Cobra. kill!

Cobra's reputation, in Alabasta, has already opened "May Five Seven" and began to stink!

Except for the [-]-strong King's Guard in Albana, the capital of Alabasta, who has been loyal to Kobra to the death!

Alabasta's other [-] standing army of the king fell to the rebel army a year ahead of schedule under Crocodile's plan.

The vast majority of ordinary citizens will only believe what they see and hear with their own eyes!

Even what they see and hear, many times, is not the truth!

"Your Majesty, we have always believed in Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, you are the best king in the world, and we will always guard you!"

"One day, the people of Alabasta will understand you!"


The falcon and the jackal are the protectors of Alabasta, and those with the ability of the falcon and the jackal have been loyal to Alabasta for thousands of years.

As a superpower that has been passed down for thousands of years, the descendants of the twenty kings!

In the inheritance of the Falcon Fruit and the Jackal Fruit, the Nafirutali family has secrets that are enough to shock the whole world.

Cobra looked at Jackal Jaka, who firmly believed in himself, and did not answer.

The rapidly deteriorating situation in Alabasta in recent years has already exhausted Cobra physically and mentally.

What's more, there is something about the rebel army and Vardin, there is no way for Cobra to open his heart to anyone!

His plan with Kosha can only be buried forever.

And Vardin?

Although he is not the ability to imitate fruit!

But he actually thought about it more than once, if there is a chance to annex Vardin, with Vardin's sufficient food, a large amount of fresh water resources, and thousands of large ships that Vardin has seized from pirates and some caravans !

Is it enough to feed Alabasta back and let Alabasta survive the most difficult situation and be reborn from the ashes?

As for moving directly to Vardin, Cobra never thought about it!

Alabasta is the root of the Neferutali family.

But if there is a chance to annex Vardin, Cobra will never be lenient.

Among the spies that Hassan had cleaned up before, a large part were not from the World Government-Government and the Four Emperors, but some of Kobra's die-hard loyalists!

Mixing in some of Cobra's die-hards among the millions of refugees is as simple as it gets.

And a large number of people are Alabasta refugees in Vardin, it is not impossible for Cobra to completely annex it!

Cobra is a benevolent king, and in his heart, the people of Alabasta are extremely important.

He did not hesitate to migrate a large number of Alabasta nationals directly to Vardin. In addition to wanting those refugees to live, he also did not

Plans to plan outside Alabasta.

When one day, more than [-]% of the inhabitants of a country-family are Alabastas, then is this country-family called Vardin or Alabasta?

Some conspiracies are upright and impeccable!

Of course, the existence of a large number of Alabastas will allow Alabasta to conspire to provide great convenience for Vardin, but at the same time, the existence of a large number of Alabastas will also provide the same convenience for Vardin to annex the entire Alabasta.

Saga had already thought about this when he was accepting refugees from Alabasta.

Cobra is indeed a benevolent king, but in the game between countries, does it care whether the king is benevolent?

Who can make the people live better, who can let the people live and survive, who is the real benevolent ruler in the hearts of the people.

But unfortunately, the disaster in Alabasta, Kobra couldn't solve it at all.

"We can catch the real imitators to clarify His Majesty's reputation!"

"Also, Alabasta's current situation is all because of that damn imitation fruit person who is making trouble. After catching him, Alabasta will be able to restore its former calm!"

Hayato Bell also said firmly,

They already knew about the existence of the imitation fruit, and they understood in an instant - the reason why the people of Alabasta no longer believed that Cobra' set off a rebellion was because the imitator of the fruit imitating ability was making trouble!

And they can basically be sure that the person who imitates the fruit ability should be the person from the Baroque work club secretly controlled by the sand crocodile.

Cobra looked at Hayato Bell, who was confident in himself, and shook his head slightly.

Jackal Gaka and Hayabusa Bell only know that the existence of imitation fruit has led to the confrontation between Alabasta and the rebel army today!

But don't know at all!

The reason for the existence of the rebel army.

It's not an imitation fruit at all, and it's not a plan of the Baroque work club at all...

It's that it hasn't rained in Alabasta for over a year!

Too many Alabatian nationals, have no longer survived - gone.

No one is willing to die willingly.

The citizens who cannot survive will not care whether the king is a benevolent king, whether he is diligent in government and loving the people, and whether he has spent all the wealth in the palace to help the refugees!

They will only know that if they can't survive, they can only find ways to snatch, fight, defeat the current king, capture the richest royal city, and then try their best to survive.

As for whether they can really survive after defeating Cobra?

Who knows?

Anyway, Chongzhen in the history of Blue Star is a very typical example...


"But now, no matter what, find the person who imitates the fruit first - come!"

Cobra said in a low voice.

As a king, he smelled a strange smell in the recent rumors that he was an imitator and intended to annex Vardin.

Cobra felt something was wrong.

On the other side, he was worried about how to rule Alabasta in the fastest time to find the sand crocodile Crocodile and Von Clay, who was directly rewarded by the world government for imitating the fruit ability. After this rumor, a sigh of relief!

"Is Cobra the one who imitates the fruit's ability?"

"This is really heart-wrenching news!"

Sand Crocodile Crocodile smiled faintly, and then said to the ladyboy Von Clay and Nicole Robin,

"Our plans must be accelerated!"

"The news that Cobra is a fruit imitator can't last long,"

, time, blood

"Before this rumor is debunked at the end of 4.3, let Kobra die as a fruit imitator!"

When the sand crocodile Crocodile said this, he looked at Von Krei, the ladyboy who imitated the fruit ability, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.The shemale von Clay did not see the light that flashed in Crocodile's eyes, but temporarily put down the ring because he temporarily got rid of the terrifying bounty of one billion Bailey.


He has always been loyal to Crocodile.

Only Nicole Robin, who had always been extremely wary of Crocodile, felt a chill in her heart when she saw the light in Crocodile's eyes.

Did Crocodile really just want to kill Cobra before the rumors were clarified?

Von Krei quietly left, and began to continue the next step of the sand crocodile Crocodile!

After Von Krei left, Crocodile Sand Crocodile lit a cigar, took a deep breath, and then spit the smoke ring directly on Nicole Luo.

Bing's face-up,

"I'm running out of patience,"

"Nicole Robin!"?


Chapter [-] Rumors of the New World

Nicole Robin smiled indifferently, a mere smoke ring was not worth mentioning in the escape life she once experienced!

"Of course, I think as your plan progresses, you will soon get it and rule the whole sea!"

"If it's really here!"

Nicole Robin replied calmly!

From some historical documents in Alabasta and some information on O'Hara, Nicole Robin is sure that Hades is buried in Alabasta.

But Nicole Robin never thought of giving Hades to Crocodile!

Because she is very clear.

The moment she said the specific information about Hades, it would be her death.

Crocodile will not let go of all those who know that he has planned the Operation of Utopia and the plan to seize Hades.

Even the senior agents of the Baroque Work Society, he never thought of letting them survive after the success of the plan.

In the beginning, no one knew the boss of the Baroque Work Club.

Sand Crocodile Crocodile doesn't trust anyone at all right now.

"Pluto will definitely be here,"

"I'm sure you won't let me down,"

"Don't forget our promise!"

,.'-I—A—7, JA mouth ICTX3. Xu mouth mouth iaIai'"it

Nicole Robin shivered silently in her heart.

Nicole Robin originally thought of tricking Crocodile into saying that there is no information about Pluto in the historical text!

But she now finds out that not only could she die after she told Crocodile specific information about Hades, she did not tell Crocodile Hades information

, Crocodile will also not let her continue to live.

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