After the Warring States period finished speaking, without any hesitation, he hurried to the Holy Land Mary Joa's large number of admirals and commanders and the King's Qiwuhai, and also took steps!

Of course, after Wangxia Qiwuhai arrived at the Holy Land Mary Joa, who would their enemy be!

Only they themselves know.

The terrifying loud noise from the Holy Land Mary, as well as several huge beams of light visible to the naked eye of countless people, and the small island in the sky of the Holy Land Mary, alarmed everyone!

The calm of the sea for several days was directly broken by a round of shelling by Walding, and a terrifying storm began to sweep the entire sea in an instant!

Countless pirates took advantage of this time to frantically loot, and even the Four Emperors of the New World began to change after receiving the news from the intelligence personnel who were always watching the movements of the World Government and Vardin!

Whitebeard began to clean up the naval bases in the new world, and at this time, he also expanded aggressively, and directly captured several islands that were originally protected by the naval bases!

Most of the Beast Pirates' combat power is dispatched directly with Kaido, the purpose is unknown!

And the red hair of the four emperors also sighed deeply, and stopped the footsteps of rushing to the Kingdom of Vardin, where the whereabouts are a mystery. .

Chapter [-] Breeze

"Untouchables, do you think you can challenge God just by relying on Hades?"

"God is unmatched!"

"The order of God is also destined for eternity!"

Above the void of the Holy Land Mary Joya, a man with a bubble mask, blond hair, and eyes full of disdain crossed his hands on his chest, and the incomparably tough transparent shield imprisoned most of the Holy Land Mary Joya. Hold on tight!

"The guy who blocked the five bursts of my Hades cannon turned out to be a Heavenly Dragon?"

"Will there also be strong men on the top of the sea?"

"Really, surprise me!"

Saga looked at the arrogant Tianlong people in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly!

He always thought that among the Tianlong people, except for Doflamingo, the other Tianlong people who stayed in Marijoa were all mentally retarded!

But think about it!

If all the draconians were mentally retarded, then even with Lord Im, the privileges of draconians would have long since ceased to exist.

The Five Old Stars are not stupid.

The Doflamingo family, whether it is Corazon or Doflamingo, also have powerful talents!

With the world's top bloodline and genes, and the Tianlong people who have the most enormous resources in the entire pirate world, it is not surprising that a top powerhouse is born in addition to Lord Yimu!

"Or, is there more than one at all?"

Saga looked at the five old stars who arrived in time, the army commander Gang Gu Kong, and a large number of cp agents and the Tianlong people's guards, and frowned slightly!

The so-called Lord Im did not appear at all.

But it was just the blond Tianlong man who held up his shield and blocked the five bursts of Pluto's cannon, the bald five old star who held the first generation of ghosts, and the three armies.

The commander-in-chief Steel Skeleton Kong is the terrifying combat power of three S-rank and above!

The golden-haired Tianlongren also have the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Kong, who can directly fight the four emperors, and the combat power of Esdes at this time is almost the same!

The five old star who holds the first generation of ghosts also has the terrifying power to compete for the throne of the world's largest swordsman!

In a short period of time, even if you face the last four emperors, you may not be at a disadvantage!

The rest of the five old stars also have the deputy strength of Emperor S, and there is still one strong person who has the deputy strength of Emperor S in the cpO of the Holy Land Mary Joa.

As for the rest of the combat power above Grade A, the generals of the Guards of the Tianlong people, some of the army's elites from Commander Steel Skeleton and the remaining elites in the cpO, together, directly exceeded [-]!

There are only sixteen Vice Admirals of the Navy Headquarters who are stationed in the Navy Headquarters, Marin Fando!

"The combat power of eight s-huang lieutenants or above, thirty lieutenant admirals of the navy headquarters, and the combat power of the big pirates with a reward of over [-] million, this is not counted as gathering in the navy headquarters.

The strongest spear of the Tianlong people, Jin Xiao, and some of the cpO elites he led, as well as the Queen of Happy Street, who also has s combat power and is one of the six kings of the dark world, ""!"

'" Even if you don't count the navy, there is still Lord Im, whose strength is unknown, and the King of Heaven, whose power is difficult to speculate about the national treasure of the Heavenly Dragons controlled by Lord Im, the world.

The power possessed by the government is terrifying! "

"Scared me almost out of control - stop the Hadron cannon launcher in my hand

Saga silently spit out a groove.

Although Saga was a little surprised by the power possessed by the World Government, it was basically what Saga had expected!

Without enough strength, why should the world government-government rule the world, and why should it command the navy!

By Bailey alone?

The Golden Emperor Tai Zuoruo claims to control [-]%+ of the world's Bailey!

But any general or pirate with outstanding strength can directly kill and defeat the Golden Emperor Tai Zuoruo!

"It's just, compared to the power that the world government has-"

"Valding is still a lot worse now!"

Saga said secretly!

The revolution has not yet succeeded, and Waldin still needs to work hard!

"You dare to attack the Holy Land Mary Joa, you are a heinous crime,"

"You, absolutely unforgivable!"

The bald five old star was sweating coldly on his forehead, unable to restrain his emotions, and roared angrily.

Just now, if Mr. Yim hadn't discovered the sudden attack of Saga and others in time, he ordered the strongest shield of the Tianlong people, the silver dragon, to directly support the space shield!

In the entire holy land of Mary Joa, except for a few people, even the bald five old stars with s combat power will surely fall in the five-battery of the Pluto cannon.


Under the circumstance that the ordinary s emperor and deputy dodge with all their strength, it is possible to escape in time under the attack of the cannon of Hades!

But Saga didn't just fire a Pluto cannon before!

Under the simultaneous bombardment of five full cannons of Hades, even an S-rank general, unless he has special abilities or natural abilities, will be bombarded by five cannons of Hades if he is not careful. Seriously injured or directly blasted into powder!

The close-up power of the bomb rock is enough to hurt an S-rank general, not to mention the even more powerful Pluto cannon!

"Sin is too sinful and unforgivable?"

"Haha, have you forgotten that you have declared war on Vardin!"

"This is a war between you and Vardin, not the game you used to play bounty pirates!"

Saga led Esdes and others, stood on a small rock controlled by the golden lion, and approached Wu Laoxing and others gently!

I have to say, the ability of the golden lion fluttering fruit can be called a strategic artifact!

Just one air battle is enough to make all the combat power below a that the world government has, it is basically difficult to exert!

Even those powerhouses with a combat power above a and proficient in moon steps will inevitably lose a lot of combat power when they are fighting in the air!

"A war?"

After Saga finished speaking, the curly-haired five old stars suddenly realized that they looked at the floating island still floating in the sky, as well as the ferocious Pluto cannons, and said with a wry smile,

"It turns out that there is already a war between Vardin and the World Government-Government!"

Weak forces are not worthy of starting a war with the World Government!

Only when two fundamentally equal forces are fighting each other can they be worthy of the name of war.

"However, the order of God is absolutely eternal!"

"The world government will never fail!"

The five old stars with curly hair shouted loudly.

Holding the bald-headed five old stars of the first generation of ghosts, he directly pulled out the long sword in his hand, and the hands of the whole army commander Gang Kongkong also turned into a pitch black ball!

As for the Yinlong, the strongest shield of the Tianlong people, who has been standing quietly above the sky from the very beginning, holding his chest with both hands, he laughed even more arrogantly.

"?." My defense is absolute! "

"Thugs who dare to attack God, prepare for God's punishment!"

The five old stars with curly hair think clearly!

Now they only need to temporarily hold off Saga and the others until the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters and Jin Xiao and others arrive in time for support!

None of these attackers in the Kingdom of Vardin want to leave!

Fluttering fruit is not a panacea, the top powerhouses in the sea are enough to forcefully land before the floating island controlled by the golden lion leaves!

No matter how powerful Pluto's cannon is, it can't even blow up itself, can it?

It's going to explode!

With the ability of the Tianlong people's strongest shield, the silver dragon, it is also enough to protect Wu Laoxing and others in time!

As for those naval elites who boarded the floating island of Valding?

The curly-haired five old stars can't wait for some to die with those top-level combat powers of Vardin.

And the teleportation ability that Saga showed before!

Wu Lao Xing doesn't believe in Saga's teleportation, and he can teleport directly to the island (thank Zhao) to save everyone in the Kingdom of Vardin.

The Curly-haired Five Old Stars made up their minds, and just prepared to be here - to wipe out most of the war power of the Waldin Kingdom!

Then fulfill the promise made with Lord Yim, and quickly destroy Vardin at all costs!

As a result, the next moment, I looked at a large glass mirror that suddenly stood up from the backs of Saga and others, as well as the terrifying and terrifying Pluto cannon that kept appearing from the glass mirror!

The resolute expression on the curly-haired Wu Laoxing's face slowly twisted into a forced smile.

Originally extremely confident, the Tianlong people's strongest shield, the silver dragon, who laughed wildly, the smile on his face was also stiff!

Just blocked the five bursts of Hades' cannon, and they have already exhausted Yinlong's full strength!

As a result, now, from five Pluto cannons, it has directly become five+?

Vardin, you guys are hanging up...

The five old stars with curly hair and the most powerful shields of the Tianlong people, Yinlong and Cyborg Kong, looked at each other in dismay!

Even Yimu-sama, who had been hiding among the flowers and watching the battle from afar, frowned!

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