The Five Old Stars are indeed the supreme powers of the world government.

But if the Admiral does not cooperate with the Five Old Stars.

There is no good way for the Five Old Stars to take the Warring States Period.

In particular, the Five Old Stars also understood that the plan of the Warring States period to continuously gather combat power and then destroy the Kingdom of Vardin with one blow was correct.

"By the way, all of you have returned to Marin Fando, the New World, have the Four Emperors and the others been doing anything recently?"

While looking at the information in his hand, Sengoku asked the generals Aokiji and Akainu...

If Vardin and the Four Emperors join forces!

Then the world government and the navy are really in big trouble.

Aokiji shook his head and didn't answer.

And Akainu said in a deep voice,

"I haven't received any information about the four emperors' movements for the time being. Until we have all attacked Vardin, the four emperors will not act rashly!" A large amount of combat power was assembled, and all the navies and worlds of the Seven Wuhai under the king were forcibly recruited. Government - The power of the government is very powerful now!Before this force has clearly attacked Vardin.

The Four Emperors don't want to rashly become a target!

What's more, not all the four emperors have the ambition to dominate the world!

"Dad, the world government-government is going to war with the strongest kingdom in the world,"

"Now the strength of the navy in the new world has become extremely weak, should we take the opportunity to occupy more territory and completely drive the navy out of the new world?

"You can't let the Navy underestimate our Whitebeard Pirates!"

Marco, captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, asked Whitebeard!

The world government and the world's strongest kingdom, Vardin, are about to go to war. The New World Navy elites are being recruited in large numbers. Marco wants to let the Whitebeard Pirates also participate!

The entire Whitebeard Pirates are dissatisfied with Saga's current bounty far higher than their father's bounty!

They also want to do something big to make Whitebeard's bounty even higher.

"Cola la la la la la!"

"Compared with the site, my greatest treasure is you!"

Whitebeard laughed loudly, and then said confidently,

"However, just do whatever you want!"

"I'm a white beard

Whitebeard knew what Marco was thinking.

But as the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard has nothing to fear.


The Marco Li people are excited!

Ace also directly ignited a fierce fighting spirit!

He wants Whitebeard to have endless fame, and he wants Whitebeard to become One Piece!

There will be a change in the Whitebeard Pirates. On the ghost island in the new world, Kaido, the beast who has just once again established the absolute prestige of the Four Emperors with the blood of a lot of pirates, drank the wine, and then burst out laughing.

"Ugh, cough, cough...!"

"This is the world's top war that I have been waiting for for a long time,"

"Little ones, come with me and make a sensation in the whole world...cough, cough!"

"Of course, Kaido is 3.7, we are invincible!"

Drought Jack's Brainless Response!

Fire Calamity Ember and Plague Calamity Quinn also nodded directly.

They have always been loyal to Kaido.

Men in the pirate world, unless they were spies in the first place, rarely betrayed.

It's just that Yan Zhanjin remembered Kaido's ambitions at the beginning, and Kaido's coughing from time to time. Beneath the iron mask, there are full of worries!

Kaido's army of beasts was about to be dispatched, and the four emperors with red hair also sighed, their stance was uncertain, and their movements were unknown.

And the last four emperors, at this moment, directly dialed Saga's phone,

"Saga, let's get married!"

"Together, we will conquer the whole world!"

I feel that now is the best time to marry Saga!

As for the hostility of the world government after the marriage with Saga?

But the four pirate emperors with a bounty of more than four billion!

Not to mention the pirate group with the most powerful intelligence among the Four Emperors.

But clearly know.

The main reason why the World Government directly declared war on Vardin and offered a reward of [-] billion baileys to Saga is not just because Saga killed the Dragon Man!

The Tianlong people are nothing in front of the Four Emperors.

If Vardin really joins forces with the Pirates.

I don't think they will lose. .



Thinking of the fat body and the cruel and tyrannical members of the family, Saga hung up the phone without saying a word!

Charlotte? Smoothie has a pair of proud long legs!

But she's a real juicer!

Saga said that Vardin never needs to marry!

What's more, Saga didn't think that Vardin needed foreign aid in this war.

"Tony, are you all ready?"

Saga asked Tony softly.

And Tony, who has been staying at the steel factory underground in Vardin, who has been constantly improving the technological level of Vardin Kingdom, nodded confidently!

After Saga personally dispatched and activated the ability of teleportation to quickly bring back the drawings of Hades and a large number of bomb rocks, all Tony needed to do was to assemble his own ideas!

In seven days, it was impossible for Saga to build a Pluto!

But in seven days, Varding was enough to give birth to a batch of bomb rock as the power core, and after wearing it, the combat power can be comparable to the first-generation steel armor of the Colonel of the Navy Headquarters!

That is, the current technology of the Warding Kingdom is far from reaching the level of the Blue Star in the [-]st century!

But for Tony Stark, who can directly build the Mark [-] armor with electric welding and some rudimentary devices in the desert!

As long as there is a strong energy source, it is easy to forge the shell of some steel armor.

Well, Thor Anilu helped a lot in that.

The thunder metallurgy ability activated by the ringing thunder fruit is simply the best welder!

What's more, except for those steel armors.

Several exaggerated cannons in the underground steel factory also gave Sajia great confidence!

In seven days, Vardin really couldn't build a Pluto battleship anyway.

According to the drawings, it is speculated that to build a Pluto battleship larger than a conventional aircraft carrier, not only unimaginable steel is required, but also a large number of skilled boatmen and at least several months!

The navy headquarters and the 28th world government will not give Vardin such a long time anyway!

However, in a short period of time, there is no way to build the Pluto battleship!

But the main gun on the Pluto battleship, with the concerted efforts of Enel and Tony, is not completely helpless!

In one of the underground steel factories in the Kingdom of Vardin, there are several huge and ferocious cannons, exuding a terrifying light!

The Pluto Cannon, which uses the bomb rock carefully loaded by Tony as its shell, can fully exert one of the most terrifying deterrent effects of the Pluto battleship, destroying the island in one shot]

?Although it is just an ordinary island, the terrifying power comparable to a nuclear bomb still gives Saga full confidence in Vardin!

If you can't, just run away!

Saga has already selected the coordinates of several uninhabited islands in the new world!

If I really accidentally provoke some terrorist power hidden by the world government, the big deal is to go on for a few years...

However, Saga felt that as long as the World Government-Government and Lord Yim had no problems with their minds.

There should be no way to fight with Varding to die!

Isn't it just that a few Tianlong pigs died, what a big deal...

In the Navy Headquarters, after another two days passed, all the kings came to the Qiwuhai, summoned nearly [-] navy elites, as well as a large number of World Government agents and Jin Xiao, the strongest combat force.

The Warring States finally decided to attack the whole army to destroy Valdin in a battle!

But just before the whole world is waiting for the World Government and Vardin to go to war.

In the sky of the Holy Land Mary Joa, a huge island suddenly appeared!

Saga never thought of obediently waiting in Vardin for the army of the World Government-Government to turn Vardin into a piece of scorched earth!

The combat power of the top powerhouses in the sea is too terrifying!

If you really want to fight in Varding and many elites in the naval headquarters, as well as under the king Qiwuhai and Jin Xiao and others.

No matter what the result is, Saga has lost at least half first!

The battle between a large number of top powerhouses, and the aftermath is enough to destroy half of Walding.

Boo Boo!

Boo Boo!

"The floating island controlled by the Kingdom of Vardin suddenly appeared near the Holy Land Mariejoa, and the Holy Land Mariejoa needs support!"

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