It's just about the ancient weapon Pluto, which is really bad!

Although Pluto is the weakest of the ancient weapons.

But it is also an ancient weapon. If a large number of Hades gather together, it is also enough to destroy the world.

This kind of important matter related to the ancient weapon Pluto, the five old stars with curly hair felt that they had to report to Lord Yimu!

Of course, the best solution is, of course, before the ancient weapon Pluto is built, destroy Vardin, recapture or destroy Pluto's blueprint... After hanging up the phone, the five old stars with curly hair hurried to the flower room to prepare to go to the Lord Im reports.

In the Chambord Archipelago, after the five old stars with curly hair finished speaking, the Warring States Yellow Monkey and Jin Xiao, as well as a large number of lieutenant generals of the Navy headquarters and those cpO agents

They have also made up their minds!

But right now!

The sound of Bolu Bolu sounded again.

This time, the source of the voice came from Saga.

"Um, can you give me a call?"

Saga pulled out the phone bug, just about to connect, the heavy punch of the Warring States period, the light-speed kick of Kizaru, and the sharp claws of Jin Xiao, who exudes an endless breath of death, are already in sight!

Warring States, they have had enough of phone bugs...

Chapter [*] The whole world is completely boiling!

"Really, I gave you enough time to receive the news!"

Saga waved Cong Yunya to block the attack of the Great Buddha of the Warring States Period, dodging Jin Xiao's death claws in one go!

As for General Kizaru's attack, it was directly blocked by Weak Hassan's superhuman martial skills.

Although the weak Hassan can't be the opponent of Kizaru now, but it's not a problem at all to hold the Kizaru who is paddling in a short time!

The weak Hassan has inherited the name of the old man in the mountains, and his fighting skills are superb.

And Kiabou's melee combat ability...

He relies too much on the ability of Glitter Fruit.

This is also the main reason why he is always one line away from the top of the sea - the peak powerhouse!

The real peak of the sea, but there are basically no shortcomings!

Even if the Four Emperors did not have Devil Fruit, they would still be the top powerhouses above the sea.

And some guys in the sea who are not strong enough, even if they are lucky enough to take some powerful Devil Fruits, even if they are nature-nature, they are still just garbage on the sea.

"Prison Dragon Break!"

The Warring States and Jin Xiao's attack brought great pressure to Saga, even if Saga held the prison dragon break, and after obtaining the immortal body, his own combat power was enough to fight the four emperors in a short time, but Saga could How long do I think I can last in front of the S+ Warring States and the S-rank Jin Xiao!

The attacking power of the Warring States period was heavy, and the power of the Great Buddha was almost unmatched!

And the power of death on Jin Xiao's body made Saga shy away, not daring to take it hard.

The ability of devil fruit is comparable to the existence of rules.

Before there is no absolute crushing strength, there are always some magical Devil Fruits that deserve great care.

For example, the childlike fruit of granulated sugar is also called no solution.

Saga made a full hand, waved the prison dragon, and temporarily forced Jin Xiao back. Then, after forcibly taking a fierce attack from the Warring States period, he directly grabbed the weak Hassan's little hand, and the next instant!

Before the impact of the Buddha's palm in the Warring States period, Jin Xiao's death claws, and the light-speed kick of Kaizuka, Saga and Hassan disappeared directly into the void!

Teleport - move without delay...

"damn it,"

The Buddha's palm of the Warring States Period shot a huge palm print on the ground, and Jin Xiao's death claws almost hit the light-speed kick of Kizaru!

The Warring States scolded secretly, and then his face became extremely solemn!

Even Kizaru, who had always wanted to paddle, was under the siege of Saga and Hassan, and after disappearing in an instant, his face became awe-inspiring.

"Is he also a devil fruit person?"

"What devil fruit did he take?"

"Such a devil fruit ability is really terrifying!"

The ability of teleportation is combined with the terrifying strength of many monsters in Saga and Vardin. In addition, the golden lion received before is suspected of cooperating with Vardin, and a large number of bomb rocks and the suspected kingdom of Vardin have been taken away. The blueprint of Hades stolen by the man!

Sengoku and Kizaru all realized how terrible Saga is now!

The ability to teleport may not be very useful in frontal battles.

But strategically, it's too scary!

Sengoku and Kizaru, who are admirals and generals of the navy, are horrified and solemn, but Jin Xiao, who is the strongest spear of the Tianlong people, has only endless anger on his face.


As the strongest spear of Tianlong people!Few things-things call for him.

The strongest shield of him and the Tianlong people, most of the time and tasks, are just guarding the Holy Land Mary Joa to protect the safety of the Tianlong people!But now, God finally needs his strength to capture and kill that thug of God who dared to kill, but he failed!

Jin Xiao can't stand failure!

And as a member of the cpO, he must not fail.

"That guy? Where did the guy run off to?"

"Thugs who dare to kill God are absolutely unforgivable

Jin Xiao roared angrily!

But now there is also a yellow monkey in the Yi Warring States period, and I have no intention to pay attention to him at all.

This sea is about to change!

With the terrifying power now possessed by the Kingdom of Vardin and the terrifying ability possessed by Saga, Vardin is now enough to challenge the world government-government!

Jin Xiao, the strongest spear of the Tianlong people, is incompetent and furious!

And in the hidden place of flowers in the holy land of Mary Joa, after getting the Warring States period and Jin Xiao and returning without success, Saga took the weak Hassan with the curly-haired five old stars who disappeared instantly, and his forehead disappeared. Countless cold sweats broke out on it!

"So, except for the lights that haven't been lit yet!"

"Is there a country that dares to provoke God on the sea?"

"Such a country suddenly appeared on the sea?"

"Five old stars, you are remiss

Im-sama said in a low voice, expressionless!

And the curly-haired five old star who was kneeling on the ground, except for the cold sweat on his forehead, his whole body began to tremble violently!

The five old stars with curly hair are nominally one of the top leaders of the world government.

But he knew very well that the so-called Five Old Stars were nothing in front of Lord Yimu.

Lord Im is the real ruler of this world!

No, she is the god of the whole world!

"Valding's rise is too fast..."


"This is our fault, and we will now go all out to forcibly erase Vardin at all costs!"

"The order of God is absolute!"

The curly-haired five old star trembled - said with a trembling,

I didn't make any excuses for myself and the other five old stars.

In any case, the presence of a force as powerful as Vardin on the sea is the dereliction of duty by the Five Old Stars!


"Erase Vardin?"

Lord Yimu smiled indifferently,

"If you can do it, then do it!"

...for flowers????

The five old stars with curly hair are trembling.

"But this time, if you fail again,"

"I will be very disappointed!"

Lord Yimu replied quietly!

When the prophecy has not come, it is not worth it for Lord Yim to consume a lot of energy to wipe out a kingdom above the sea!

The age of prophecy, and the lights that are about to be lit, are the things that Lord Yim cares about the most!

As for a mighty kingdom that dares to kill the dragons to provoke the world government?

It's nothing more than another Rocks Pirates!

There are many more Heavenly Dragons killed by Rocks than those killed by Saga!

But, who cares?

In the eyes of Lord Yimu, even the Tianlong people are just tools that can be sacrificed at any time!

"It's just the ancient weapon Pluto and the bomb rock,"

"And similar abilities to Silver Dragon?"


After the curly-haired Five Old Stars left, Lord Yimu looked at the world map expressionlessly, and with a flying knife, pierced directly through Vardin on the world map!

Saga's ability to show made the Warring States Period and Kizaru worried, but the five old stars of the world government, after knowing Saga's ability, still did not hesitate at all!

Vardin, who blatantly killed the Tianlong people, took away the blueprint of the ancient weapon Pluto, and a large number of bomb rocks, now has the power to threaten the world government!

If you drag it on, wait until Vardin really builds a large number of Hades battleships!

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