Zhang Feng’s bowl of poisonous chicken soup.

Directly poisoned everyone present.

But Zhang Feng still doesn't stop.

If you don’t tell him all these people at this time, and say you feel comfortable, it’s no good!

In the future, these people will still have to stand up from time to time and pull him out. Back.

I couldn't help but Zhang Feng said again: "Actually, youngsters don't want to engage in all this. You don't know it, but Li Qian knows it. Originally, I stayed in my little Tavern's easy mess. "

"But it's Old Li, who keeps Dang off all day long! Being an official, but not being an official. After he arrives, listen to what he says and what kind of imperial examination you need to participate in. Only the imperial examination can enter the official career."

"I’m Zhang Feng, so handsome, so cute, so resourceful, even Zhuge Kongming has to call me the master of Master. I still need this?"

"All this It’s not a big deal, let’s take the test. I heard Old Li say that His Imperial Majesty said, just a cutscene, but this Old Li is here to fool me to open the Academy."


"I just opened it, just when the youngster wanted to spread all of his abilities, this...why is there so much interference?"

Zhang Feng hasn't been so happy for a long time The pretense is forced.

While knocking down the bitter water, he scolded a few people without any dirty words.

Where is Zhang Feng's opponent?

Compared with people of this era, people of this era will not lie. It can be said that they have not learned how to lie like Zhang Feng.

So, Zhang Feng succeeded at this time.

Successfully poured his 21st century poisonous chicken soup into several people.

Successfully instilled the Four Great Confucian.

At this time, Zhang Feng seems to be a little unhappy, and once again talked about the improvements and the innovative ideas of Datong in the world.

Unfortunately, several people instantly entered a state of confusing and unable to extricate themselves.

However, when Zhang Feng turned the subject to Shiva, Yu Shinan and the others were surprised.

"No, you youngster don't give us ecstasy."

"By the way, what do you mean by the same world?"

"You all Stop arguing first, the old man wants to know, what does this World Datong mean!" Ouyang Xun waved his hand and loudly shouted, so that everyone was quiet. Looking at Zhang Feng, the expression seemed to be That is why Zhang Feng didn't talk about it, and he vowed not to give up today.

Zhang Feng also didn't expect, this Old Guy hasn't been said to be dizzy yet, and he can still understand the key.

Can’t help but sigh: “The so-called world harmony means, for example, now you always want to eat something from Western Regions, such as fruits from Western Regions. This is basically The above is impossible, but if I tell you, you only need to inform, and there will be exquisite in an instant, dozens of Western Regions specialties are in front of you, and it doesn't cost much, would you believe it?"

"For example, if you are in Chang'an City at this time and want to eat everything from the north to the north, someone will send you to your door in an instant. Even if you want to travel around the world, basically, you can reach your place. The place you want to go, this is the Great Harmony of the World!"

"In layman's words, the Great Harmony of the World is Great Tang. It has become a respect for anyone who knows that when he sees the people of Tang, he will respect the way. , Let you walk."

"This is the Great Harmony of the World."

In fact, Zhang Feng didn’t say it right. Seriously, what is the Great Harmony of the World, he really doesn’t know.

I can only say a rough idea.

Anyway, the meaning is almost the same, these people don't understand it.

Sure enough.

Zhang Feng's words once again plunged Ouyang Xun into a long period of contemplation.

Yu Shinan took a deep breath with a weird face and said: "youngster, speaking of it, you mean nothing more than to say, you want to accept Shiva?"

"Um...it's almost the same, only if more people understand my Great Tang culture, language, and my Great Tang influence, it will be more profound."

"This is the best of both worlds. , Although at this time, what you see is that they have stolen our Great Tang things, but their roots are still in our hands. Think about it, when ten years later, all our vassals around Great Tang , If we honor our Great Tang’s language, culture, customs, and clothing, do you think he learned us secretly, or something?"


Death silence.

Everyone understands.

Said a lot.

On this sentence is the most critical.

It’s just that they can’t imagine that a bearded Kunlun slave speaks fluent Guanzhong and then wears Great Tang clothes. What is this?

What is this still?

Zhang Feng is right.

The purpose of these people throughout their lives is to maximize the spread of what they have learned.

Let their thoughts spread.

And, to what extent have these, over the past few hundred years, been achieved?

Although Zhang Feng's approach may seem a bit exaggerated, if it is true, wouldn't it be...

At this time.

The happiest and most exciting one is Li Chengqian.

Looking at Zhang Feng's eyes are all rays of light.

He kept repeating this sentence in a voice that only he could hear.

"Mine, mine, all mine......"


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